Host prototypes can be created with the low-level discovery rule. When matching entities are discovered, these prototypes become real hosts. Discovered hosts belong to an existing host and are prefixed with the discovery rule name.
Prototypes, before becoming discovered, cannot have their own items and triggers, other than those from the linked templates.
To create a host prototype, press on the Host prototypes hyperlink for the required discovery rule, then press Create host prototype button in the upper right corner.
In the new window, specify host prototype parameters. Host prototypes have the same parameters as regular hosts, with the following exceptions:
LLD macros can be used for host name, visible name, host group prototype, interfaces, tag values, or values of host prototype user macros.
To add custom interfaces, switch the Interface selector from Inherit to Custom mode, then press and select the required interface type from the menu.
A host prototype may have any of the supported interface types: Zabbix agent, SNMP, JMX, IPMI.
Low-level discovery macros and user macros are supported.
If several custom interfaces are specified, use the Default column to specify the primary interface.
A host will not be created, if the host interface contains incorrect data.
In the host list, discovered hosts are prefixed with the name of the discovery rule that created them.
Only the following discovered host parameters are customizable: - Templates - it is possible to link additional templates to these hosts or unlink manually added templates. Templates inherited from a host prototype cannot be unlinked. - Description - Status - a host can be manually enabled/disabled - Host inventory fields
Other parameters are inherited from the host prototype as read-only.
Discovered hosts can be deleted manually. Hosts that are no longer discovered, will be deleted automatically, based on the Keep lost resources period (in days) value of the discovery rule.