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Custom modules extend Zabbix frontend functionality. Zabbix frontend modules are written in PHP.

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What a module can be used for

  • Adding new functionality via custom frontend sections;
  • Creating custom dashboard widget types (see widget modules);
  • Overriding or extending the existing functionality.

What a module cannot be used for

  • Registering a new API method or modifying an existing one.

How modules work

  • An enabled module is launched on each HTTP request, before executing the action code.
  • The module will register new actions or redefine the existing ones.
  • The module will add new frontend sections and remove or redefine the existing ones.
  • The module will hook to frontend events like onBeforeAction and onTerminate, if needed.
  • The requested action is finally executed by running the action code - either the default one, or module-defined.

Where to start