Ez a szakasz a által végzett passzív és aktív ellenőrzések részleteit tartalmazza Zabbix ügynök.
A Zabbix JSON alapú kommunikációs protokollt használ a kommunikációhoz Zabbix ügynök.
Lásd még: Zabbix agent 2 protokoll részletei.
A passive check is a simple data request. Zabbix server or proxy asks for some data (for example, CPU load) and Zabbix agent sends back the result to the server.
Server request
For definition of header and data length please refer to protocol details.
Agent response
Above, the part in square brackets is optional and is only sent for not supported items.
For example, for supported items:
For not supported items:
Az aktív ellenőrzések összetettebb feldolgozást igényelnek. Először az ügynöknek kell lekérni a szerver(ek)ről a független feldolgozáshoz szükséges elemek listáját.
Az aktív ellenőrzéseket lekérő szerverek listája a Az ügynök 'ServerActive' paramétere konfiguráció fájl. A kérdezés gyakorisága ezekhez az ellenőrzésekhez a 'RefreshActiveChecks' paraméter állítja be a ugyanaz a konfigurációs fájl. Ha azonban az aktív ellenőrzések frissítése sikertelen, akkor az 60 másodperc után újra próbálkozik.
Az ügynök ezután rendszeresen elküldi az új értékeket a szerver(ek)nek.
Ha egy ügynök áll a tűzfal mögött, érdemes megfontolni csak az Aktív ellenőrzéseket használja, mert ebben az esetben erre nincs szükség módosítsa a tűzfalat, hogy lehetővé tegye a kezdeti bejövő kapcsolatokat.
In order to decrease network traffic and resources usage Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy will provide configuration only if Zabbix agent still hasn't received configuration or if something has changed in host configuration, global macros or global regular expressions.
The agent then periodically sends the new values to the server(s).
If an agent is behind the firewall you might consider using only Active checks because in this case you wouldn't need to modify the firewall to allow initial incoming connections.
Agent request
The active checks request is used to obtain the active checks to be processed by agent. This request is sent by the agent upon start and then with RefreshActiveChecks intervals.
"request": "active checks",
"host": "Zabbix server",
"host_metadata": "mysql,nginx",
"hostinterface": "zabbix.server.lan",
"ip": "",
"port": 12050
Field | Type | Mandatory | Value |
request | string | yes | active checks |
host | string | yes | Host name. |
host_metadata | string | no | The configuration parameter HostMetadata or HostMetadataItem metric value. |
hostinterface | string | no | The configuration parameter HostInterface or HostInterfaceItem metric value. |
ip | string | no | The configuration parameter ListenIP first IP if set. |
port | number | no | The configuration parameter ListenPort value if set and not default agent listening port. |
Server response
The active checks response is sent by the server back to agent after processing the active checks request.
"response": "success",
"data": [
"key": "log[/home/zabbix/logs/zabbix_agentd.log]",
"key_orig": "log[/home/zabbix/logs/zabbix_agentd.log]",
"itemid": 1234,
"delay": "30s",
"lastlogsize": 0,
"mtime": 0
"key": "agent.version",
"key_orig": "agent.version",
"itemid": 5678,
"delay": "10m",
"lastlogsize": 0,
"mtime": 0
Field | Type | Mandatory | Value | |
response | string | yes | success | failed |
info | string | no | Error information in the case of failure. | |
data | array of objects | no | Active check items. | |
key | string | no | Item key with expanded macros. | |
key_orig | string | no | Item key without expanded macros. | |
itemid | number | no | Item identifier. | |
delay | string | no | Item update interval. | |
lastlogsize | number | no | Item lastlogsize. | |
mtime | number | no | Item mtime. | |
refresh_unsupported | number | no | Unsupported item refresh interval. | |
regexp | array of objects | no | Global regular expressions. | |
name | string | no | Global regular expression name. | |
expression | string | no | Global regular expression. | |
expression_type | number | no | Global regular expression type. | |
exp_delimiter | string | no | Global regular expression delimiter. | |
case_sensitive | number | no | Global regular expression case sensitiviness setting. |
The server must respond with success.
For example:
Note that (sensitive) configuration data may become available to parties having access to the Zabbix server trapper port when using an active check. This is possible because anyone may pretend to be an active agent and request item configuration data; authentication does not take place unless you use encryption options.
Agent sends
The agent data request contains the gathered item values.
"request": "agent data",
"data": [
"host": "Zabbix server",
"key": "agent.version",
"value": "2.4.0",
"clock": 1400675595,
"ns": 76808644
"host": "Zabbix server",
"key": "log[/home/zabbix/logs/zabbix_agentd.log]",
"lastlogsize": 112,
"value": " 19845:20140621:141708.521 Starting Zabbix Agent [<hostname>]. Zabbix 2.4.0 (revision 50000).",
"clock": 1400675595,
"ns": 77053975
"session": "1234456akdsjhfoui"
Field | Type | Mandatory | Value | |
request | string | yes | agent data |
session | string | yes | Unique session identifier generated each time when agent is started. | |
data | array of objects | yes | Item values. | |
id | number | yes | The value identifier (incremental counter used for checking duplicated values in the case of network problems). | |
host | string | yes | Host name. | |
key | string | yes | The item key. | |
value | string | no | The item value. | |
lastlogsize | number | no | The item lastlogsize. | |
mtime | number | no | The item mtime. | |
state | number | no | The item state. | |
source | string | no | The value event log source. | |
eventid | number | no | The value event log eventid. | |
severity | number | no | The value event log severity. | |
timestamp | number | no | The value event log timestamp. | |
clock | number | yes | The value timestamp (seconds since Epoch). | |
ns | number | yes | The value timestamp nanoseconds. |
A virtual ID is assigned to each value. Value ID is a simple ascending counter, unique within one data session (identified by the session token). This ID is used to discard duplicate values that might be sent in poor connectivity environments.
Server response
The agent data response is sent by the server back to agent after processing the agent data request.
Field | Type | Mandatory | Value |
response | string | yes | success | failed |
info | string | yes | Item processing results. |
::: noteimportant If sending of some values fails on the server (for example, because host or item has been disabled or deleted), agent will not retry sending of those values. :::
For example:
Note how in the example above the not supported status for vfs.fs.size[/nono] is indicated by the "state" value of 1 and the error message in "value" property.
Error message will be trimmed to 2048 symbols on server side.
The heartbeat message is sent by an active agent to Zabbix server/proxy every HeartbeatFrequency seconds (configured in the Zabbix agent configuration file).
It is used to monitor the availability of active checks.
Field | Type | Mandatory | Value |
request | string | yes | active check heartbeat |
host | string | yes | The host name. |
heartbeat_freq | number | yes | The agent heartbeat frequency (HeartbeatFrequency configuration parameter). |
A Zabbix legfeljebb 16 MB XML Base64 kódolású adatot foglal el, de egyetlen dekódolt érték nem lehet hosszabb 64 KB-nál, különben megtörténik dekódolás közben 64 KB-ra kell csonkolni.