The following objects are directly related to the map
The map object has the following properties.
Property | Type | Description |
sysmapid | string | (readonly) ID of the map. |
height (required) |
integer | Height of the map in pixels. |
name (required) |
string | Name of the map. |
width (required) |
integer | Width of the map in pixels. |
backgroundid | string | ID of the image used as the background for the map. |
expand_macros | integer | Whether to expand macros in labels when configuring the map. Possible values: 0 - (default) do not expand macros; 1 - expand macros. |
expandproblem | integer | Whether the the problem trigger will be displayed for elements with a single problem. Possible values: 0 - always display the number of problems; 1 - (default) display the problem trigger if there's only one problem. |
grid_align | integer | Whether to enable grid aligning. Possible values: 0 - disable grid aligning; 1 - (default) enable grid aligning. |
grid_show | integer | Whether to show the grid on the map. Possible values: 0 - do not show the grid; 1 - (default) show the grid. |
grid_size | integer | Size of the map grid in pixels. Supported values: 20, 40, 50, 75 and 100. Default: 50. |
highlight | integer | Whether icon highlighting is enabled. Possible values: 0 - highlighting disabled; 1 - (default) highlighting enabled. |
iconmapid | string | ID of the icon map used on the map. |
label_format | integer | Whether to enable advanced labels. Possible values: 0 - (default) disable advanced labels; 1 - enable advanced labels. |
label_location | integer | Location of the map element label. Possible values: 0 - (default) bottom; 1 - left; 2 - right; 3 - top. |
label_string_host | string | Custom label for host elements. Required for maps with custom host label type. |
label_string_hostgroup | string | Custom label for host group elements. Required for maps with custom host group label type. |
label_string_image | string | Custom label for image elements. Required for maps with custom image label type. |
label_string_map | string | Custom label for map elements. Required for maps with custom map label type. |
label_string_trigger | string | Custom label for trigger elements. Required for maps with custom trigger label type. |
label_type | integer | Map element label type. Possible values: 0 - label; 1 - IP address; 2 - (default) element name; 3 - status only; 4 - nothing. |
label_type_host | integer | Label type for host elements. Possible values: 0 - label; 1 - IP address; 2 - (default) element name; 3 - status only; 4 - nothing; 5 - custom. |
label_type_hostgroup | integer | Label type for host group elements. Possible values: 0 - label; 2 - (default) element name; 3 - status only; 4 - nothing; 5 - custom. |
label_type_image | integer | Label type for host group elements. Possible values: 0 - label; 2 - (default) element name; 4 - nothing; 5 - custom. |
label_type_map | integer | Label type for map elements. Possible values: 0 - label; 2 - (default) element name; 3 - status only; 4 - nothing; 5 - custom. |
label_type_trigger | integer | Label type for trigger elements. Possible values: 0 - label; 2 - (default) element name; 3 - status only; 4 - nothing; 5 - custom. |
markelements | integer | Whether to highlight map elements that have recently changed their status. Possible values: 0 - (default) do not highlight elements; 1 - highlight elements. |
severity_min | integer | Minimum severity of the triggers that will be displayed on the map. Refer to the trigger "severity" property for a list of supported trigger severities. |
show_unack | integer | How problems should be displayed. Possible values: 0 - (default) display the count of all problems; 1 - display only the count of unacknowledged problems; 2 - display the count of acknowledged and unacknowledged problems separately. |
userid | string | Map owner user ID. |
private | integer | Type of map sharing. Possible values: 0 - public map; 1 - (default) private map. |
The map element object defines an object displayed on a map. It has the following properties.
Property | Type | Description |
selementid | string | (readonly) ID of the map element. |
elements (required) |
array | Element data object. Required for host, host group, trigger and map type elements. |
elementtype (required) |
integer | Type of map element. Possible values: 0 - host; 1 - map; 2 - trigger; 3 - host group; 4 - image. |
iconid_off (required) |
string | ID of the image used to display the element in default state. |
areatype | integer | How separate host group hosts should be displayed. Possible values: 0 - (default) the host group element will take up the whole map; 1 - the host group element will have a fixed size. |
application | string | Name of the application to display problems from. Used only for host and host group map elements. |
elementsubtype | integer | How a host group element should be displayed on a map. Possible values: 0 - (default) display the host group as a single element; 1 - display each host in the group separately. |
height | integer | Height of the fixed size host group element in pixels. Default: 200. |
iconid_disabled | string | ID of the image used to display disabled map elements. Unused for image elements. |
iconid_maintenance | string | ID of the image used to display map elements in maintenance. Unused for image elements. |
iconid_on | string | ID of the image used to display map elements with problems. Unused for image elements. |
label | string | Label of the element. |
label_location | integer | Location of the map element label. Possible values: -1 - (default) default location; 0 - bottom; 1 - left; 2 - right; 3 - top. |
permission | integer | Type of permission level. Possible values: -1 - none; 2 - read only; 3 - read-write. |
sysmapid | string | (readonly) ID of the map that the element belongs to. |
urls | array | Map element URLs. The map element URL object is described in detail below. |
use_iconmap | integer | Whether icon mapping must be used for host elements. Possible values: 0 - do not use icon mapping; 1 - (default) use icon mapping. |
viewtype | integer | Host group element placing algorithm. Possible values: 0 - (default) grid. |
width | integer | Width of the fixed size host group element in pixels. Default: 200. |
x | integer | X-coordinates of the element in pixels. Default: 0. |
y | integer | Y-coordinates of the element in pixels. Default: 0. |
The map element Host object defines one host element.
Property | Type | Description |
hostid | string | Host ID |
The map element Host group object defines one host group element.
Property | Type | Description |
groupid | string | Host group ID |
The map element Map object defines one map element.
Property | Type | Description |
sysmapid | string | Map ID |
The map element Trigger object defines one or more trigger elements.
Property | Type | Description |
triggerid | string | Trigger ID |
The map element URL object defines a clickable link that will be available for a specific map element. It has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
sysmapelementurlid | string | (readonly) ID of the map element URL. |
name (required) |
string | Link caption. |
url (required) |
string | Link URL. |
selementid | string | ID of the map element that the URL belongs to. |
The map link object defines a link between two map elements. It has the following properties.
Property | Type | Description |
linkid | string | (readonly) ID of the map link. |
selementid1 (required) |
string | ID of the first map element linked on one end. |
selementid2 (required) |
string | ID of the first map element linked on the other end. |
color | string | Line color as a hexadecimal color code. Default: 000000 . |
drawtype | integer | Link line draw style. Possible values: 0 - (default) line; 2 - bold line; 3 - dotted line; 4 - dashed line. |
label | string | Link label. |
linktriggers | array | Map link triggers to use as link status indicators. The map link trigger object is described in detail below. |
permission | integer | Type of permission level. Possible values: -1 - none; 2 - read only; 3 - read-write. |
sysmapid | string | ID of the map the link belongs to. |
The map link trigger object defines a map link status indicator based on the state of a trigger. It has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
linktriggerid | string | (readonly) ID of the map link trigger. |
triggerid (reqiuired) |
string | ID of the trigger used as a link indicator. |
color | string | Indicator color as a hexadecimal color code. Default: DD0000 . |
drawtype | integer | Indicator draw style. Possible values: 0 - (default) line; 2 - bold line; 3 - dotted line; 4 - dashed line. |
linkid | string | ID of the map link that the link trigger belongs to. |
The map URL object defines a clickable link that will be available for all elements of a specific type on the map. It has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
sysmapurlid | string | (readonly) ID of the map URL. |
name (required) |
string | Link caption. |
url (required) |
string | Link URL. |
elementtype | integer | Type of map element for which the URL will be available. Refer to the map element "type" property for a list of supported types. Default: 0. |
sysmapid | string | ID of the map that the URL belongs to. |
List of map permissions based on users. It has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
sysmapuserid | string | (readonly) ID of the map user. |
userid (required) |
string | User ID. |
permission (required) |
integer | Type of permission level. Possible values: 2 - read only; 3 - read-write; |
List of map permissions based on user groups. It has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
sysmapusrgrpid | string | (readonly) ID of the map user group. |
usrgrpid (required) |
string | User group ID. |
permission (required) |
integer | Type of permission level. Possible values: 2 - read only; 3 - read-write; |
The map shape object defines an geometric shape (with or without text) displayed on a map. It has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
sysmap_shapeid | string | (readonly) ID of the map shape element. |
type (required) | integer | Type of map shape element. Possible values: 0 - rectangle; 1 - ellipse. Property is required when new shapes are created. |
x | integer | X-coordinates of the shape in pixels. Default: 0. |
y | integer | Y-coordinates of the shape in pixels. Default: 0. |
width | integer | Width of the shape in pixels. Default: 200. |
height | integer | Height of the shape in pixels. Default: 200. |
text | string | Text of the shape. |
font | integer | Font of the text within shape. Possible values: 0 - Georgia, serif 1 - “Palatino Linotype”, “Book Antiqua”, Palatino, serif 2 - “Times New Roman”, Times, serif 3 - Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif 4 - “Arial Black”, Gadget, sans-serif 5 - “Comic Sans MS”, cursive, sans-serif 6 - Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif 7 - “Lucida Sans Unicode”, “Lucida Grande”, sans-serif 8 - Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif 9 - “Trebuchet MS”, Helvetica, sans-serif 10 - Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif 11 - “Courier New”, Courier, monospace 12 - “Lucida Console”, Monaco, monospace Default: 9. |
font_size | integer | Font size in pixels. Default: 11. |
font_color | string | Font color. Default: '000000'. |
text_halign | integer | Horizontal alignment of text. Possible values: 0 - center; 1 - left; 2 - right. Default: 0. |
text_valign | integer | Vertical alignment of text. Possible values: 0 - middle; 1 - top; 2 - bottom. Default: 0. |
border_type | integer | Type of the border. Possible values: 0 - none; 1 - ————— ;2 - ····· ;3 - - - - .Default: 0. |
border_width | integer | Width of the border in pixels. Default: 0. |
border_color | string | Border color. Default: '000000'. |
background_color | string | Background color (fill color). Default: (empty) . |
zindex | integer | Value used to order shapes (z-index). Default: 0. |
The map line object defines an line displayed on a map. It has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
sysmap_shapeid | string | (readonly) ID of the map shape element. |
x1 | integer | X-coordinates of the line point 1 in pixels. Default: 0. |
y1 | integer | Y-coordinates of the line point 1 in pixels. Default: 0. |
x2 | integer | X-coordinates of the line point 2 in pixels. Default: 200. |
y2 | integer | Y-coordinates of the line point 2 in pixels. Default: 200. |
line_type | integer | Type of the border. Possible values: 0 - none; 1 - ————— ;2 - ····· ;3 - - - - .Default: 0. |
line_width | integer | Width of the border in pixels. Default: 0. |
line_color | string | Border color. Default: '000000'. |
zindex | integer | Value used to order shapes (z-index). Default: 0. |
The map line object defines an line displayed on a map. It has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
sysmap_shapeid | string | (readonly) ID of the map shape element. |
x1 | integer | X-coordinates of the line point 1 in pixels. Default: 0. |
y1 | integer | Y-coordinates of the line point 1 in pixels. Default: 0. |
x2 | integer | X-coordinates of the line point 2 in pixels. Default: 200. |
y2 | integer | Y-coordinates of the line point 2 in pixels. Default: 200. |
line_type | integer | Type of the line. Possible values: 0 - none; 1 - ————— ;2 - ····· ;3 - - - - .Default: 0. |
line_width | integer | Width of the line in pixels. Default: 0. |
line_color | string | Line color. Default: '000000'. |
zindex | integer | Value used to order all shapes and lines (z-index). Default: 0. |