MIB stands for a Management Information Base. MIB files allow you to use textual representation of the OID (Object Identifier).
For example,
is textual representation of OID
You can use either, when monitoring SNMP devices with Zabbix, but if you feel more comfortable when using textual representation you have to install MIB files.
On Debian-based systems:
On RedHat-based systems:
On RedHat-based systems the mib files should be enabled by default. On Debian-based systems you have to edit file /etc/snmp/snmp.conf
and comment out the line that says mibs :
# As the snmp packages come without MIB files due to license reasons, loading
# of MIBs is disabled by default. If you added the MIBs you can reenable
# loading them by commenting out the following line.
#mibs :
Testing snmp MIBs can be done using snmpwalk
utility. If you don't have it installed, use the following instructions.
On Debian-based systems:
On RedHat-based systems:
After that, the following command must not give error when you query a network device:
$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public <NETWORK DEVICE IP> ifInOctets
IF-MIB::ifInOctets.1 = Counter32: 176137634
IF-MIB::ifInOctets.2 = Counter32: 0
IF-MIB::ifInOctets.3 = Counter32: 240375057
IF-MIB::ifInOctets.4 = Counter32: 220893420
Used options:
-v 2c | use SNMP protocol version 2c |
The most important is to keep in mind that Zabbix processes do not get aware of the changes made to MIB files. So after every change you must restart Zabbix server or proxy, e. g.:
After that, the changes made to MIB files are in effect.
There are standard MIB files coming with every GNU/Linux distribution. But some device vendors provide their own.
Let's say, you would like to use CISCO-SMI MIB file. The following instructions will download and install it:
# wget ftp://ftp.cisco.com/pub/mibs/v2/CISCO-SMI.my -P /tmp
# mkdir -p /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs
# grep -q '^mibdirs +/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs' /etc/snmp/snmp.conf 2>/dev/null || echo "mibdirs +/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs" >> /etc/snmp/snmp.conf
# cp /tmp/CISCO-SMI.my /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs
Now you should be able to use it. Try to translate the name of the object ciscoProducts from the MIB file to OID:
If you receive errors instead of the OID, ensure all the previous commands did not return any errors.
The object name translation worked, you are ready to use custom MIB file. Note the MIB name prefix (CISCO-SMI::) used in the query. You will need this when using command-line tools as well as Zabbix.
Don't forget to restart Zabbix server/proxy before using this MIB file in Zabbix.
Keep in mind that MIB files can have dependencies. That is, one MIB may require another. In order to satisfy these dependencies you have to install all the affected MIB files.