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Debt Statistics


The World Bank Debt Data Team produces a series of periodic (annual and quarterly publications) and non-periodic (educational materials, other documents, and blog posts) products related to the debt data. Explore the sections below to see the different products including the annual International Debt Report (IDR).

  • Annual Publications

    In 1973, the first publication of debt statistics from the World Bank’s Debtor Reporting System (DRS) was published as the World Debt Tables. Since then, the publication and data have undergone numerous iterations to address the challenges and demands posed by the global economic conditions. Below, you can find the links to these annual publications.

    International Debt Report

    In 2022, the annual publication was rebranded as International Debt Report (IDR) to reflect new and substantive analysis on debt issues, and the expansion in the granularity and coverage of the data. While the name of the publication changed, the publicly available statistics will remain named International Debt Statistics (IDS). Visit the IDR Product Page for more.







    International Debt Statistics

    In 2013, the publication of debt statistics from the World Bank’s Debtor Reporting System (DRS) changed its name from Global Development Finance to International Debt Statistics. Over the years, the country tables were also streamlined to highlight core debt indicators and ratios, while providing users access to hundreds of debt indicators through the online database. 













    Global Development Finance/World Debt Tables

    Before 2013, the International Debt Statistics was called Global Development Finance. The publication was initially available in two volumes: Volume I was the analysis and commentary and Volume II was the summary and country tables. Before 1997, the analysis and statistical tables were published as The World Debt Tables.

    20122006 v12002 v11998 v11993-94 v1
    20112006 v22002 v21998 v21993-94 v2
    20102005 v12001 v11997 v11992-93 v1
    2009 v12005 v22001 v21997 v21992-93 v2
    2009 v22004 v12000 v11996 v11991-92 v1
    2008 v12004 v22000 v21996 v21991-92 v2
    2008 v22003 v11999 v11994-95 v11990-91 v1
    2007 v12003 v21999 v21994-95 v21990-91 v2
    2007 v2


    The Little Data Book on External Debt

    The Little Data Book on External Debt is a pocket edition of Global Development Finance. It includes statistical tables of the external debt of developing countries. It also includes tables of selected debt and resource flow statistics for individual reporting countries as well as summary tables for regional and income groups. 



    Database Archives

    These archives contain Excel spreadsheets and range in size from 6-80Mb (compressed), and include databases from the period prior to 2012 when the report was named Global Development Finance. Archives from July, 2010 to October, 2012 also include data from the World Development Indicators (WDI). Archives prior to February, 2010 also include data in text and MS Access formats. Note that the Year column refers to the calendar year in which the database and its corresponding report were originally published.

    2021January, October

    For databases from 1989-2005, you can visit the WDI archive on DataBank.

  • Quarterly Publications

    The Debt Reports and Debt Bulletins are published online, at regular intervals, over the course of the year and complement the International Debt Statistics. The aim of these publications is to provide users with analyses of evolving trends and developments related to external debt and public debt in individual countries and regional groups, with primary emphasis on low- and middle-income countries, and to keep users abreast of debt-related issues and initiatives.

    Debt Reports

    Cover of Debt Report 2022 Edition 2

    Debt Report 2022 Edition II – June 2022

    This is the second in the series of Debt Reports for 2022. This edition presents preliminary estimates of external debt stocks at end-2021 for low- and middle-income countries and information on new bond issuance in international capital markets in 2021. The report also provides an update on new initiatives to enhance debt transparency and broaden the coverage of the debt data collected and disseminated by the World Bank.


    Debt Report 2022 Edition I – January 2021

    This is the first of three Debt Reports for 2022 to be published online over the course of the year to provide users with data and analysis on external and public debt of low- and middle-income countries. This report presents summary analyses of the composition of external debt stocks and flows from the regional perspective and updated data on the outcomes of the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI).


    Debt Report 2021 Edition II - April 2021

    This is the second of the series of Debt Reports for 2021 and is focused on the preliminary estimates of external debt stocks at end-2020 for 120 low- and middle-income countries, and information on low- and middle-income countries’ bond issuance in international capital markets in 2020.


    Debt Report 2021 Edition I – January 2021

    This is the first of the series of Debt Reports for 2021 and presents a summary analysis of the composition of external debt stocks and flows from a regional perspective and draws out the main messages of the regional and country specific data available to users at:


    Debt Report 2020 Edition III – July 2020

    This is the third in the series of Debt Reports for 2020 and highlights the new data series launched in support of the COVID-19 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) and gives a brief overview of external debt volumes and composition in eligible countries.


    Debt Report 2020 Edition II – April 2020

    This is the second of a new series of Debt Reports for 2020 and is focused on a preliminary estimate of the evolution of external debt stocks in 2019 in low- and middle-income countries and comparable developments in high-income countries.


    Debt Report 2020 Edition I – January 2020

    This is the first of a new series of Debt Reports for 2020 and presents an overview of the evolution of external debt stocks and net financial flows (debt and equity) from the regional perspective and draws out the main messages from the regional and country specific data available to users at



    Debt Bulletins


    Debt Bulletin 7th Edition - January 2019

    The 7th Edition highlights the following: measuring public debt in low- and middle-income countries, debt reporting obligations of IBRD and IDA borrowers, and external debt trends in 2018.


    Debt Bulletin 6th Edition - April 2018

    The 6th Edition highlights the following: external debt and public debt data, external debt trends in 2017, and trends in high-income countries.


    Debt Bulletin 5th Edition - December 2017

    The 5th Edition highlights the following: financial flows to low- and middle-income countries rise in 2016, regional trends in debt inflows to low- and middle-income countries 2016, regional highlights, official creditors - spotlight on bilateral loans from non-traditional sources. /content/programs/debt-portal/en/quarterly-bulletin-december-2017.html


    Debt Bulletin 4th Edition - January 2017

    The 4th Edition highlights the following: the link between the categories in DRS and QEDS, external debt trends in low- and middle-income countries - first half 2016, and external debt trends in high income countries - first half 2016.


    Debt Bulletin 3rd Edition - September 2016

    The 3rd Edition highlights the following: private sector non-guaranteed debt, private sector external borrowing accounts for an increasing share of external debt, and World Bank lending outcomes in FY16 – a banner year for IBRD.


    Debt Bulletin 2nd Edition - June 2016

    The 2nd Edition highlights the following: external debt trends in high-income countries 2015, organizing public sector debt statistics to maximize their analytical use and international comparability, bond issuance by low- and middle-income countries in 2015, and Sub-Saharan Africa bucks the trend.


    Debt Bulletin 1st Edition - March 2016

    The 1st Edition highlights the following: where one can find debt statistics, what do DRS and QEDS measure, and the external debt trends of 2015.

  • Knowledge Materials

    The Debt Team has produced several resources to help users better understand debt statistics and the World Bank's work on debt transparency. Explore the links below to learn more.


    DRS: What it Measures

    Debt Service Payments Projections: What we Measure [archived]

    Data related

    Additional Data Sources

    Debt Statistics User Guide


    World Bank Agenda on Enhancing Debt Data Quality and Transparency | Evis Rucaj | April 2022

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  • New Initiatives

    Since the global pandemic, the Debt Team has been working hard to support the World Bank's goal on promoting debt transparency through data reconciliation and contributing to the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI). The Debt Team is also working on expanding the coverage of reporting on debt statistics through its work on the Domestic Debt Survey. 

    Data Reconcilation Exercises

    G7 and Paris Club Data Reconciliation Exercise | April 2023


    Domestic Debt Survey and Results

    Public Sector Domestic Debt Questionnaire (PDF)

    Results of the Public Sector Domestic Debt Questionnaire (PDF)

    Assessment on Public Sector Domestic Debt (PDF)


    Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI)

    DSSI Data Tables: Monthly Presentation | Annual Presentation

    Joint Statement from the WBG and IMF

    April 15, 2020: G20 Communiqué (PDF)

    WBG and IMF Support for Debt Relief Under the Common Framework and Beyond (PDF)

  • Blog Posts

    The Debt Team has written several blogs over the years on debt which are published on the World Bank's Data Blog. Click on the links below to discover more.

    Banner saying International Debt Report Blogs
     A new blog series examining the IDR’s findings in greater detail at regional and individual country levels

    World Bank Debt Data Team | December 3, 2024
    International Debt Report 2024: Low- and middle-income countries' debt stock increased by US$205.9 billion in 2023

    Kifaye Didem Bayar & Matthew Benjamin | May 16, 2024
    Multilateral lenders, led by the World Bank, are set to boost support for the world’s poorest countries

    Prateek Samal & Anthony Tin Yu To | March 13, 2024
    Up & coming: Unpacking South Asia’s growing role in global debt

    Anthony Tin Yu To & Ogma Dessirama Bale | June 28, 2023
    Multilateral lending: powering global economic resilience amid uncertainties

    Kifaye Didem Bayar, Anthony Tin Yu To, & Ogma Dessirama Bale | March 27, 2023
    Slowing debt accumulation, growing risks: Unveiling the complexities of Sub-Saharan Africa's debt burdens


    Additional Blogs by the Debt Data Team

    Parul Agarwal | April 23, 2024
    The data behind the International Debt Report 2023

    Haishan Fu and Evis Rucaj | December 13, 2023
    Celebrating 50 Years of the International Debt Report

    Parul Agarwal, Albert Pijuan Sala, & Fiseha Haile Gebregziabher | August 15, 2023
    Supporting Debt Transparency through the Debtor Reporting System (DRS) and Sustainable Development Finance Policy (SDFP): A Mission to Mozambique

    Anthony Tin Yu To & Parul Agarwal | May 18, 2023
    Get to know the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System (DRS)

    Kifaye Didem Bayar | March 01, 2022
    An observation of external debt interest payments after global crises

    World Bank Debt Data Team | October 11, 2021
    International Debt Statistics 2022: Multilateral institutions paved the way for the highest level of net inflows raised in a decade

    Daniella Kathyuska Bolanos-Misas & Malvina Pollock | December 03, 2020
    South Asia: beneficiaries and supporter of the Debt Service Suspension Initiative

    Parul Agarwal | November 17, 2020
    Exploring Debt Data by Creditor Composition

    World Bank Debt Data Team | October 12, 2020
    International Debt Statistics 2021: Debt accumulation of low- and middle-income countries surpassed $8 trillion at end-2019

    Evis Rucaj, Nada Hamadeh & Haishan Fu | July 08, 2020
    Understanding global debt: Relieving the COVID-19 impact on the most vulnerable

    Parul Agarwal | April 21, 2020
    Exploring International Debt Statistics using the World Bank API in Python and R

    Evis Rucaj | January 22, 2020
    Debt Report 2020 Edition I

    Wendy Huang | November 14, 2019
    International Debt Statistics 2020: Promoting debt transparency through newly published debtor classifications

    Parul Agarwal | October 02, 2019
    Accessing International Debt Statistics using the World Bank API

    Evis Rucaj | October 02, 2019
    International Debt Statistics 2020: External Debt Stock of Low- and Middle-Income Countries Rose, but Pace of Increase Slowed

    Evis Rucaj | November 13, 2018
    International Debt Statistics 2019: External debt stocks at end-2017 stood at over $7 trillion

    Bidisha Das | November 16, 2017
    Are South Asian countries sinking into a debt trap?

    Parul Agarwal | March 15, 2016
    New online resource spotlights debt statistics news and trends

    Rubena Sukaj | September 26, 2016
    Maximize analytical use of Public Sector Debt Statistics: D1-D4 matrix approach

    Rasiel Vellos | December 16, 2015
    Sub-Saharan Africa’s sovereign bond issuance boom

    Peter Bourke | March 17, 2015
    Five trends in disbursements to Sub-Saharan Africa

    Evis Rucaj | February 21, 2013
    International debt flows before and after the financial crisis

    Rasiel Vellos | January 23, 2013
    What does data tell us about debt of high income and developing countries?



    David Malpass | May 10, 2023
    Shaping tomorrow's debt restructuring system

    David Malpass | April 9, 2023
    Action needed on debt crisis

    David Malpass | March 21, 2023
    Time for meaningful debt restructuring

    Carmen Reinhart, Takahiro Tsuda, Nada Hamadeh, Diego Rivetti | June 13, 2022
    Raising the bar on debt data transparency

    David Malpass | June 10, 2022
    The supply solution to stagflation

    Marcello Estevão | May 18, 2022
    Tracking government debt is hard. Banishing secrecy clauses would make it far easier.

    Abha Prasad, Zeljka Sedlo, & Anna Carlotta Allen Massingue | April 04, 2022
    Doubled in a decade: Debt trends in Eastern and Southern Africa demand decisive reform

    Marcello Estevão | March 28, 2022
    Are we ready for the coming spate of debt crises?

    Sebastian Horn, David Mihalyi, & Philipp Nickol | March 03, 2022
    Systematic underreporting of public debt statistics: 50 years of evidence and recent progress

    Zsolt Bango & Diego Rivetti | May 05, 2021
    Making domestic borrowing transparent

    Clemens Graf Von, Luckner, Josefin Meyer, Carmen Reinhart & Christoph Trebesch | April 06, 2021
    External sovereign debt restructurings: Delay and replay


    View all debt related blogs >

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