We’ll cover the difference to upgrade your new or existing manufactured home with a new heat pump!
Wiregrass Electric Cooperative (WEC) has joined a movement within our industry to actively promote energy-efficiency measures that help our members use less energy. While there is value in practicing no-cost and low-cost measures, the more extensive energy efficiency improvements obviously make a bigger impact on your power bill.
Heating and cooling can account for as much as half of the energy used in your home. Upgrading to a high-efficiency air-source, dual-fuel, or mini-split heat pump is an excellent way to lower your heating and cooling costs.
It’s important to note that when it comes to the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) of your home’s heating and cooling system, the higher the number, the more efficient it runs. Replacing your heating and cooling unit with a more energy-efficient model (a higher SEER rating) can have a significant impact on your monthly power bill.
While an investment may be required in the short term to purchase a more energy-conscious heating and cooling system to reduce your energy consumption, lower energy bills will pay dividends over the long term.
WEC offers a Heat Pump Rebate Program. If you’re one of our electric cooperative members, we’ll cover the difference, at no cost to you, between an electric furnace and a heat pump when you purchase a new manufactured home. You’ll then enjoy a more efficient heating and cooling system that will save you an average of $550 a year on heating costs. For existing manufactured homes, we will pay a rebate to our member of $400 per ton to convert your existing unit to a heat pump. The cost difference for a new manufactured home will be paid to the manufactured home dealer, and for an existing manufactured home, the rebate will be paid to the HVAC dealer. The program is our way of rewarding your efforts to be more energy efficient. Why not upgrade today and start enjoying savings?
Approved Energy Efficiency Improvements
Funds will be rebated for the following energy-efficiency heating and cooling equipment.
Air Source Heat Pumps
- 14 SEER — $400 per Ton (Only applicable to manufactured home; replacing electric furnace)
- Information on Air Source Heat Pumps
Dual Fuel Heat Pump/Mini Split Heat Pump
- 15 SEER — $300 per Ton
- 16 SEER — $350 per Ton
- Information on Dual Fuel Heat Pumps
- Information on Mini-Split Heat Pumps
How to Qualify
A rebate is available to a WEC qualifying residential member who:
- Has a Manual J load calculation completed by an HVAC contractor
- Owns or rents the dwelling which receives electric service from the participating member
- Rebates are not available to members who have Electric Tankless Water Heaters