Wikidata:Property proposal/issuing agency

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issuing agent of work


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

Descriptionorganization, entity, or agency responsible for issuing the serial work, such as the official publication organ of the entity; distinct from commercial publisher of the serial work
Representsperson or organization (Q106559804)
Data typeItem
DomainAny publication (Q732577)--electronic or print--that is continuing in nature for example: periodical (Q1002697), serial (Q2217301), website (Q35127) or monographic series (Q65185088).
Allowed valuesorganizations (Q43229). However, in rare instances if entities such as person or family are responsible for issuing the serial work, they can be included.
Example 1Knowledge Organization (Q6423317) should have International Society for Knowledge Organization as issuing agency (Ergon Verlag is one of the publishers).
Example 2The American Historical Review (Q389936) should have American Historical Association as issuing agency (OUP is one of the publishers).
Example 3Baltic Journal of Law & Politics (BJLP) (Q50815204) should have Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy and the Faculty of Law of Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) as issuing agency (De Gruyter is the publisher).
Planned useWhen contributing items for serials to Wikidata, I would use this property when creating/editing such items in Wikidata.
See also
Wikidata projectWikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/UCLA (Q100999455)



This property will allow for greater granularity in terms of defining the role that organizations/corporate entities play in the life of the serial publication. While a publisher can be responsible for the formatting or printing of the serial that makes it available to the public (for ex many commercial publishers play this role), there are corporate entities (non-profits, academic departments, government agencies) who are responsible for the intellectual content of the serial and not just the publishing aspect. In traditional cataloging, these entities are related to the serial work through the relationship designator of "issuing body" as opposed to "publisher." Issuing agencies are often times distinct from publishers in terms of their roles in serial publishing/creation and as such having this property will help differentiate their roles in description of serial items. Indeed, serial publications that are issued by a single agent, often change publishers over the course of its life span. To go with the examples given above of Wikidata items: The American Historical Review has been the official organ of the American Historical Association (issuing agency) since it was founded in the late 1890s but has changed publishers over its long history (self-published; University of Chicago Press (2007-12) and Oxford University Press (since 2012). Similarly Knowledge Organization, which is the official publication of the International Society of Knowledge Organization (issuing agency), has changed publishers over time: from 1974 to 1980 it was published by K. G. Saur Verlag of München; from 1981 to 1997 by Indeks Verlag of Frankfurt; and since 1998 by Ergon Verlag of Würzburg. Similarly, BJLP was initially published by Versita and later by DeGruyter. However, in the absence of a suitable property for issuing agency, in the examples provided above--either the issuing agencies are clubbed together with the publisher (as with The American Historical Review and Knowledge Organization) or missing from statements entirely (BJLP).

The relationship statement/relator term--issuing agent/issuing body of a resource--can be found in current cataloging vocabulary (see RDA Registry here); in the list of relator terms in LC's linked data service (see here); or other ontologies, which could eventually go in an equivalent class (P1709) or equivalent property (P1628) statement. The property, if approved, can include the different from (P1889) statement with the value publisher (P123). Note: The existing property issued by (P2378) is limited to agents/organizations that allocates identifiers which is not the same as an issuing agency responsible for issuance of the serial work. Parobis1 (talk) 20:22, 13 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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