User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/12

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A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

Dictionary of Art Historians: A Biographical Dictionary of Historic Scholars, Museum Professionals and Academic Historians of Art

Unknown external ID

External ID Item
dessoirm Max Dessoir (Q76577)
lutzlerh Heinrich Lützeler (Q102347)
loffler-fritz Fritz Löffler (Q107195)
gerkan Armin von Gerkan (Q565598)
wollheimr Richard Wollheim (Q614749)
hubernj Julius Hübner (Q668099)
kepesg György Kepes (Q721633)
ganterj Joseph Gantner (Q767883)
okakurat Okakura Kakuzō (Q942995)
heinekenc Karl Heinrich von Heinecken (Q1038732)
waezoldts Stephan Waetzoldt (Q1403171)
dinsmoorw2 William Bell Dinsmoor, Jr. (Q1497440)
richardsonj2 John Richardson (Q1701569)
dharnoncourta Anne d'Harnoncourt (Q2851334)
vasselotm Jean-Joseph Marquet de Vasselot (Q3166344)
romaninia Angiola Maria Romanini (Q3617340)
shine Earl Shinn (Q5326082)
58484 Matthew Digby Wyatt (Q6790415)
lipmannf Friedrich Lippmann (Q12902757)
houdinj Josef Paul Hodin (Q15430487)
foerstero Otto H. Förster (Q15837895)
regterna Johan Quirijn van Regteren Altena (Q18552794)
katzellenbogena Adolf Katzenellenbogen (Q18934839)
ulmannh Hermann Ulmann (Q18934997)
haywardjf John F. Hayward (Q18935038)
mcandrewa John McAndrew (Q19997549)
cohnw2 William Cohn (Q20972492)
metternichw Wolfgang Metternich (Q93244887)
battockg Gregory Battock (Q124975603)
durlaitm Marcel Durlait (Q124975857)
lightbrownr Ronald W. Lightbrown (Q124976219)

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
aurenhammerh Hans Aurenhammer Hans Aurenhammer (Q105393146) Hans Aurenhammer (Q1578532) 150414
babelonj Jean Babelon Jean-Pierre Babelon (Q3168950) Jean Babelon (Q3170484) 150420
backesc Catherine Backes Catherine Clément (Q452742) Catherine Backes (Q18934883) 150424
baxters Sylvestre Baxter Sylvester Baxter (Q7660764) Sylvestre Baxter (Q19754123) 150462
borne Ernst Born Ernest Born (Q124975815) Ernst Born (Q5394934) 150577
burkej Joseph Burke Sir Joseph Terence Burke (Q47527970) Joseph Burke (Q6281799) 150662
cappse Edward Capps Edward Capps, Jr. (Q115168613) Edward Capps (Q1291854) 150687
clayj Jean Clay Jean Clay (Q124975824) Paul Jean Clays (Q2959082) 150741
colnaghid Dominic Colnaghi Dominic Ellis Colnaghi (Q94126390) Dominic Colnaghi (Q18527729) 150757
delena A. J. J. Delen Ary Delen (Q1893101) A. J. J. Delen (Q19997475) 150840
dontasg G Dontas Georgios Spyr. Dontas (Q112432381) Georgios Dontas (Q19997517) 1578844
dortum M Dortu Madeleine Grillaert Dortu (Q124845983) M. G. Dortu (Q18935101) 150893
durandg Georges Durand Georges Durand (Q34807475) Georges Durand (Q19997524) 150914
eastlakec Charles Locke Eastlake Charles Eastlake (Q5077219) Charles Lock Eastlake (Q1065352) 150927
finlayi Ian Finlay Ian Hamilton Finlay (Q567547) Ian Finlay (Q18759293) 151012
fletcherb Banister Fletcher Sir Banister Fletcher (Q3634186) Banister Fletcher (Q4855796) 151022
forsythi Ilene Forsyth Ilene H. Forsyth (Q124850068) Ilene Forsyth (Q19753931) 151036
gebauerj Jan Gebauer Jan Gebauer (Q95121757) Jan Gebauer (Q1388833) 151109
gelderj Jan van Gelder Jan Gerrit van Gelder (Q19895479) Geert Jan van Gelder (Q5529911) 151115
gerej John A. Gere John Gere (Q59630200) John A. Gere (Q18935036) 151119
gomperzh Heinrich Gomperz Heinrich Gomperz (Q98923739) Heinrich Gomperz (Q86073) 151162
gronauh Hans Gronau Hans-Dietrich Gronau (Q98012730) Hans von Gronau (Q78160) 151200
gronauh Hans Gronau Hans Gronau (Q124846166) Hans von Gronau (Q78160) 151200
haywardj John F. Hayward Jane Hayward (Q56677987) John F. Hayward (Q18935038) 151283
hessw Walter Hess Walter Hess (Q94868821) Walter Rudolf Hess (Q115470) 151325
hoppinj Joseph C. Hoppin Joseph Clark Hoppin (Q18589663) Joseph C. Hoppin (Q18935053) 151370
kochh Herbert Koch Herbert Koch (Q120240) Herbert Koch (Q111699) 151514
koltonskia Aleksander Koltonski Alessandro Koltonski (Q97066821) Aleksander Koltonski (Q19997478) 151524
marki Ira Mark Ira S. Mark (Q124855528) Ira Mark (Q19753932) 151744
marting Gregory Martin Gregory Martin (Q96379947) Gregory Martin (Q19753892) 151753
matzf Friedrich Matz Friedrich Matz (Q1461045) Friedrich Matz (Q1461048) 151768
matzf1843 Friedrich Matz Friedrich Matz (Q1461048) Friedrich Matz (Q1461045) 151769
meierh Hans Meier Peter Georg Hans Meier (Q94909450) Thomas Gold Appleton (Q7790099) 151791
nordstromf Folke Nordström Folke Nordström (Q49098534) Folke Nordström (Q112661317) 151910
nottenm Marinus van Notten Marinus van Notten (Q124976288) Michael van Notten (Q6835568) 151914
palgravef Francis Palgrave Francis Turner Palgrave (Q516497) Francis Palgrave (Q1340378) 151954
paolettip Pietro Paoletti Pietro Paoletti (Q21289690) Pietro Paoletti (Q16198880) 151962
pennethornej John Pennethorne John Pennethorne (Q18546616) James Pennethorne (Q3161333) 151985
piperf Ferdinand Piper Ferdinand Piper (Q21658534) Ferdinand Piper (Q19753849) 152011
reymondm Marcel Reymond Marcel Reymond (Q16939513) Marcel Raymond (Q115893) 152118
rishelj Joseph H. Jr. Rishel Joseph Rishel (Q24239062) Joseph H. Jr. Rishel (Q18935054) 152152
romma Alexander Romm Aleksandr Georgievič Romm (Q111443923) Alexander Romm (Q19753757) 152177
rowleyg George Rowley George Rowley (Q124976361) George Rowley (Q13522434) 152204
scribnerc Charles, III Scribner Charles Scribner (Q94508065) Charles Scribner III (Q5082417) 152309
smithe E. Baldwin Smith E. Baldwin Smith (Q63222837) E. Baldwin Smith (Q19997496) 152357
smithhrw H. R. W. Smith Karl August Harald Smith (Q5958234) H. R. W. Smith (Q18934979) 152358
soterioug Georgios M. Soteriou Maria Georgiou Soteriou (Q124845466) Georgios M. Soteriou (Q18934966) 152370
steefell Lawrence D., Jr. Steefel Lawrence D. Steefel (Q94856735) Lawrence D., Jr. Steefel (Q18935083) 152389
wittmanno Otto Wittmann Otto Wittmann (Q2041035) Otto Wittmann (Q19754059) 152671
xenocrates Andreas Xenokrates of Athens Xenocrates (Q214121) Xenokrates of Sicyon (Q1811393) 152697
zanettia Anton Maria Zanetti Anton Maria Zanetti (Q18507790) Antonio Maria Zanetti (Q944948) 152707

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
Helmut Gernsheim (Q72139) 151122 gernsheimh Helmut Gernsheim
1578854 gersheimh Helmut Gersheim
Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach (Q84305) 150960 erlachj Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach
151017 fischervonerlachj Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach
Johann Heinrich Meyer (Q118064) 151805 meyerh Heinrich Meyer
151807 meyerjh Johann Heinrich Meyer
Bartolomeo Facio (Q809500) 150973 faciob Bartolomeo Facio
1578850 faciusb Bartolomeo Facius, Bartholomaus, see Facio
Carl Blümel (Q1037103) 150536 bluemelc Carl Bluemel
150537 blumelc Carl Blumel
Wolfgang Schöne (Q1675017) 152284 schonew Wolfgang Schöne
1578888 schnonew Wolfgang Schöne
Pierre Monier (Q3386358) 151857 mosnierp Pierre Mosnier
1578874 monierp Pierre Monier, Pierre, see Mosnier
Mirella Levi D'Ancona (Q3858819) 150822 danconam Mirella D'Ancona
151643 levidanconam Mirella Levi D'Ancona
José Hernández Díaz (Q5641163) 151317 hernandezdiasj José Hernández Díaz
1578842 diazj José Hernández Diaz
Elías Tormo (Q11681434) 152481 tormoymonzoe Elias Tormo y Monzó
1578894 tormoe Elias Tormo
Raimond van Marle (Q19630761) 151746 marler Raimond van Marle
152517 vanmarler Raimond Van Marle
Engelbert Hendrik ter Kuile (Q19766235) 151555 kuilee Engelbert H., ter Kuile
1578892 terkuilee Engelbert Hendrik Ter Kuile
John McCoubrey (Q19997550) 151781 mccoubreyj John McCoubrey
1578870 mcourbreyj John McCoubrey

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
aurenhammerh Hans Aurenhammer (Q1578532)
Hans Aurenhammer (Q105393146)
babelonj Jean-Pierre Babelon (Q3168950)
Jean Babelon (Q3170484)
backesc Catherine Clément (Q452742)
Catherine Backes (Q18934883)
baxters Sylvester Baxter (Q7660764)
Sylvestre Baxter (Q19754123)
burkej Joseph Burke (Q6281799)
Sir Joseph Terence Burke (Q47527970)
cappse Edward Capps (Q1291854)
Edward Capps, Jr. (Q115168613)
colnaghid Dominic Colnaghi (Q18527729)
Dominic Ellis Colnaghi (Q94126390)
delena Ary Delen (Q1893101)
A. J. J. Delen (Q19997475)
dontasg Georgios Dontas (Q19997517)
Georgios Spyr. Dontas (Q112432381)
dortum M. G. Dortu (Q18935101)
Madeleine Grillaert Dortu (Q124845983)
durandg Georges Durand (Q19997524)
Georges Durand (Q34807475)
eastlakec Charles Lock Eastlake (Q1065352)
Charles Eastlake (Q5077219)
finlayi Ian Hamilton Finlay (Q567547)
Ian Finlay (Q18759293)
fletcherb Sir Banister Fletcher (Q3634186)
Banister Fletcher (Q4855796)
forsythi Ilene Forsyth (Q19753931)
Ilene H. Forsyth (Q124850068)
gebauerj Jan Gebauer (Q1388833)
Jan Gebauer (Q95121757)
gelderj Geert Jan van Gelder (Q5529911)
Jan Gerrit van Gelder (Q19895479)
gerej John A. Gere (Q18935036)
John Gere (Q59630200)
gomperzh Heinrich Gomperz (Q86073)
Heinrich Gomperz (Q98923739)
gronauh Hans-Dietrich Gronau (Q98012730)
Hans Gronau (Q124846166)
hessw Walter Rudolf Hess (Q115470)
Walter Hess (Q94868821)
hoppinj Joseph Clark Hoppin (Q18589663)
Joseph C. Hoppin (Q18935053)
kochh Herbert Koch (Q111699)
Herbert Koch (Q120240)
koltonskia Aleksander Koltonski (Q19997478)
Alessandro Koltonski (Q97066821)
marki Ira Mark (Q19753932)
Ira S. Mark (Q124855528)
marting Gregory Martin (Q19753892)
Gregory Martin (Q96379947)
matzf Friedrich Matz (Q1461045)
Friedrich Matz (Q1461048)
matzf1843 Friedrich Matz (Q1461045)
Friedrich Matz (Q1461048)
meierh Thomas Gold Appleton (Q7790099)
Peter Georg Hans Meier (Q94909450)
nordstromf Folke Nordström (Q49098534)
Folke Nordström (Q112661317)
palgravef Francis Turner Palgrave (Q516497)
Francis Palgrave (Q1340378)
pennethornej James Pennethorne (Q3161333)
John Pennethorne (Q18546616)
piperf Ferdinand Piper (Q19753849)
Ferdinand Piper (Q21658534)
reymondm Marcel Raymond (Q115893)
Marcel Reymond (Q16939513)
rishelj Joseph H. Jr. Rishel (Q18935054)
Joseph Rishel (Q24239062)
romma Alexander Romm (Q19753757)
Aleksandr Georgievič Romm (Q111443923)
smithe E. Baldwin Smith (Q19997496)
E. Baldwin Smith (Q63222837)
smithhrw Karl August Harald Smith (Q5958234)
H. R. W. Smith (Q18934979)
soterioug Georgios M. Soteriou (Q18934966)
Maria Georgiou Soteriou (Q124845466)
steefell Lawrence D., Jr. Steefel (Q18935083)
Lawrence D. Steefel (Q94856735)
wittmanno Otto Wittmann (Q2041035)
Otto Wittmann (Q19754059)
xenocrates Xenocrates (Q214121)
Xenokrates of Sicyon (Q1811393)