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description: legislative body of Dublin City Council
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See also

@Jacksonj04: sorry, even statements don't help to distinguish this item with homonymous Dublin City Council (Q4810766)... Can you describe more? --Infovarius (talk) 16:00, 14 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Infovarius: "Dublin City Council" (represented at Dublin City Council (Q4810766)) has both a role in providing the functions of a local authority (for example, making sure bins are empty and roads repaired) which continues to do its job regardless of the legislative part (represented here by legislative body of Dublin City Council (Q54931477)) - there are things which apply strictly to the legislative body such as elections and positions which it doesn't make much sense to connect with the "Council" as a whole.
That said, I'm still not entirely convinced that this is the best way to model things as it involves creating new items which, whilst they have a purpose in a strict sense, aren't immediately obvious why they're different. Comments are welcome!
--jacksonj04 (talk) 09:10, 15 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]