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Autodescription — Pythagoras (Q10261)
description: Greek philosopher and mathematician (c. 570 – c. 495 BC)
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- View it! – Images depicting the item on Commons
- Report on constraint conformation of “Pythagoras” claims and statements. Constraints report for items data
- Generic queries for authors
This section is generated with {{Generic queries for authors}}
- List of works written by Pythagoras (query)
- List of works authored by Pythagoras, ordered by sitelinks (query)
- List of works written by Pythagoras with instance of property (query)
- List of written works he/she has authored with genre property (query)
- Timeline of Pythagoras (query)
- Narrative location of works written by Pythagoras (query)
- Map of narrative location of works written by Pythagoras (query)
- List of co-authors, sorted by number of collaborations (query)
- Graph of co-authors (query)
- See also : Synia#author : Pythagoras
- See also
- This documentation is generated using
{{Item documentation}}
Il est étonnant que l'article ne fait aucune mention de l'éventuelle origine phénicienne de Pythagore. Jamblique, cité dans cet article, rapporte la tradition selon laquelle Pythagore est né à Sidon en Phénicie.Cléante de son côté fait référence à son origine tyrrienne (de Tyr en Phénicie).
- Bonjour IP, vous vous êtes trompé de site : vous êtes ici sur la page de discussion de l'élément Wikidata, et non sur celle de Wikipédia. --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 20:47, 10 January 2021 (UTC)
- [It is surprising that this article doesn't mention at all the supposed phenician origin of Pythagoras. Iamblichus, cited in this article, report the tradition according to which Pythagoras was born in Sidon in Phenicia. Cleanthes refer to his Tyran origine.]
- [Hello IP, you're on the wrong website: here you are on the talkpage of the Wikidata element, not the (French) Wikipedia talk page.] --Jahl de Vautban (talk) 20:47, 10 January 2021 (UTC)