Arthur Seyss-Inquart (Q650219)
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Austrian Nazi politician, and Nazi ruler of occupied Netherlands, convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death (1892-1946)
- Reich Kommissar Seijss-Inquart
- Arthur Zajtich
- Artur Seyss-Inquart
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
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English | Arthur Seyss-Inquart |
Austrian Nazi politician, and Nazi ruler of occupied Netherlands, convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death (1892-1946) |
1 reference
Arthur Seyß-Inquart (German)
0 references
22 July 1892Gregorian
10 references
3 May 2014
Arthur Seyss-Inquart
9 October 2017
Arthur Seyss-Inquart
9 October 2017
Arthur Seyß-Inquart
9 October 2017
Arthur Seyß-Inquart
9 October 2017
Arthur Seyß-Inquart
9 October 2017
16 October 1946
11 references
3 May 2014
Arthur Seyss-Inquart
9 October 2017
Arthur Seyss-Inquart
9 October 2017
Arthur Seyß-Inquart
9 October 2017
Arthur Seyß-Inquart
9 October 2017
Arthur Seyß-Inquart
9 October 2017
9 October 2017
Arthur Seyß-Inquart
2 references
0 references
1 reference
23 October 1945
2 references
As Reichs Governor of Austria, Seyss-Inquart instituted a programme of confiscating Jewish property. Under his regime Jews were forced to emigrate, were sent to concentration camps and were subject to pogroms. At the end of his regime he co-operated with the Security Police and SD in the deportation of Jews from Austria the East. While he was Governor of Austria, political opponents of the Nazis were sent to concentration camps by the Gestapo, mistreated and often killed. (English)
1 reference
April 1938
8 May 1945
11 March 1938
13 March 1938
1 reference
30 April 1945
2 May 1945
1 reference
18 May 1940
8 May 1945
3 references
As Reichs Commissioner for Occupied Netherlands, Seyss-Inquart was ruthless in applying terrorism to suppress all opposition to the German occupation, a programme which he described as " annihilating " his opponents. In collaboration with the local Hitler SS and Police Leaders he was involved in the shooting of hostages for offences against the occupation authorities and sending to concentration camps all suspected opponents of occupation policies including priests and educators. Many of the Dutch police were forced to participate in these programmes by threats of reprisal against their families. Dutch courts were also forced to participate in his programme, but when they indicated their reluctance to give sentences of imprisonment because so many prisoners were in fact killed, a greater emphasis was placed on the use of summary police courts.Seyss-Inquart carried out the economic administration of the Netherlands without regard for rules of the Hague Convention which he described as obsolete. Instead, a policy was adopted for the maximum utilisation of economic potential of the Netherlands, and executed with small regard for its effect on the inhabitants. There was widespread pillage of public and private property which was given colour of legality by Seyss-Inquart's regulations and assisted by manipulations of the financial institutions of the Netherlands under his control. (English)
As Reichs Commissioner for the Netherlands, Seyss-Inquart immediately began sending forged labourers to Germany. Up until 1942, labour service in Germany was theoretically voluntary, but was actually coerced by strong economic and governmental pressure. In 1942, Seyss-Inquart formally decreed compulsory labour service, and utilised the services of the Security Police and SD to prevent evasion of his order. During the occupation over 500,000 people were sent from the Netherlands to the Reich as labourers and only a very small proportion were actually volunteers.One of Seyss-Inquart's first steps as Reich Commissioner of the Netherlands was to put into effect a series of laws posing economic discriminations against the Jews. This was followed by decrees requiring their registration, decrees compelling them to reside in Ghettoes and to wear the Star of David, sporadic arrests and detention in concentration camps, and finally, at the suggestion of Heydrich, the mass deportation of almost 120,000 of Holland's 140,000 Jews to Auschwitz and the “final solution.” Seyss-Inquart admits knowing that they were going to Auschwitz but claims that he heard from people who had been to Auschwitz that the Jews were comparatively well off there, and that he thought that they were being held there for resettlement after the war. In light of the evidence and on account of his official position it is impossible to believe this claim. (English)
1 May 1939
1 reference
1 reference
24 January 2022
1 reference
24 May 2023
Dr. A. Seyss-Inquart
Seyß-Inquart, Arthur, 1892-1946
0 references
2 references
14 March 2021
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur
5 references
Nederlanders! De strijd in het Oosten is voor U geen schouwspel, geen verstoring van Uw rust, doch Uw lot. (..) Ik voldoe hierbij aan dezen wensch en roep alle Nederlanders, die zich willen inzetten, op om in het Vrijwilligerslegioen Nederland te strijden (Dutch)
14 July 2021
Opdr: Vrijwilligers Legioen Nederland, Coaut: H.A. Seyffardt, Seyss Inquart
Pulchri Studio. Tentoonstelling Nederlandsche Kunst van heden. Den Haag 25 april - 10 mei 1942. Beschermheer: de Rijkscommissaris, Rijksminister, Dr. Seyss-Inquart. (Dutch)
14 July 2021
Opdr: Pulchri Studio Den Haag, Coaut: Seyss Inquart
Bekendmaking. De Rijkscommissaris voor het bezette Nederlandsche gebied maakt op verzoek der ondergeteekenden de tekst van een van Nederlandsche zijde tot hem gerichte schrijven hieronder bekend: Aan de Duitsche kinderen van 1918. De Nederlandsche kindere (Dutch)
14 July 2021
Opdr: N.V. Nederlandsche Spoorwegen, Coaut: Seyss Inquart
Verordening 195/41 van de Rijkscommissaris voor het bezette Nederlandsche gebied tot bestrijding van sabotagehandelingen. [===] Hij die opzettelijk een tengevolge geldende rechtsvoorschriften strafbaar feit pleegt [===] wordt gestraft met den dood [===] (Dutch)
14 July 2021
Opdr: Duitsch Hooggerechtshof Amsterdam, Coaut: Seyss Inquart
Bekendmaking. Voor de vernieling of beschadiging van spoorweginstallaties, waterwegen met hun inrichtingen, telefoonkabels en postkantoren stel ik alle inwoners van de gemeente verantwoordelijk binnen het grondgebied, [sic] waarvan de daad is begaan. 's-Gravenhage, 24 September 1944. De Rijkscommissaris voor het bezette Nederlandsche Gebied, Seyss-Inquart. (Dutch)
14 July 2021
Coaut: Seyss Inquart
1 reference
16 May 2023
Dr. A. Seyss-Inquart
1 reference
Tekstplakkaat van de bezetter met een rood omkaderde tekst onder de Duitse adelaar, links Duits, rec... (Dutch)
22 March 2024
Seyss-Inquart, A.
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 April 2016
1 reference
23 October 2017
Wikipedia(54 entries)
- afwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- arwiki أرتور زايس إنكفارت
- arzwiki ارتور زايس انكفارت
- azwiki Artur Zeys-İnkvart
- be_x_oldwiki Артур Зэйс-Інкварт
- bewiki Артур Зейс-Інкварт
- bgwiki Артур Зайс-Инкварт
- bswiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- cawiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- cswiki Arthur Seyß-Inquart
- dawiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- dewiki Arthur Seyß-Inquart
- elwiki Άρτουρ Ζάις-Ίνκβαρτ
- enwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- eowiki Arthur Seyß-Inquart
- eswiki Arthur Seyß-Inquart
- etwiki Arthur Seyß-Inquart
- euwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- fawiki آرتور زایس-اینکوارت
- fiwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- frwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- fywiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- hewiki ארתור זייס-אינקווארט
- hrwiki Arthur Seyss Inquart
- huwiki Arthur Seyß-Inquart
- hywiki Արթուր Զայս-Ինկվարտ
- idwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- iowiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- itwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- jawiki アルトゥル・ザイス=インクヴァルト
- kawiki არტურ ზაის-ინკვარტი
- kowiki 아르투어 자이스잉크바르트
- lawiki Arthurus Seyß-Inquart
- ltwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- lvwiki Artūrs Zeiss-Inkvarts
- mkwiki Артур Зајс-Инкварт
- mswiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- ndswiki Arthur Seyß-Inquart
- nlwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- nowiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- plwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- ptwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- rowiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- ruwiki Зейсс-Инкварт, Артур
- simplewiki Arthur Seyß-Inquart
- slwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- srwiki Артур Зајс-Инкварт
- svwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- thwiki อาร์ทัวร์ ไซส์-อินควาร์ท
- trwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- ukwiki Артур Зейсс-Інкварт
- vowiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- zh_min_nanwiki Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- zhwiki 阿圖爾·賽斯-英夸特
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- enwikiquote Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- itwikiquote Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- plwikiquote Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- ptwikiquote Arthur Seyss-Inquart
- ruwikiquote Артур Зейсс-Инкварт
- srwikiquote Артур Зајс-Инкварт
- ukwikiquote Артур Зейсс-Інкварт
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- commonswiki Category:Arthur Seyß-Inquart