degree of unsaturation (Q905639)
term in organic chemistry
- index of hydrogen deficiency
- rings plus double bonds
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | degree of unsaturation |
term in organic chemistry |
1 reference
Wikipedia(13 entries)
- arwiki درجة عدم الإشباع
- dewiki Doppelbindungsäquivalent
- enwiki Degree of unsaturation
- eswiki Grado de insaturación
- euwiki Asegabetasun-maila
- fawiki درجه غیر اشباعی
- itwiki Grado di insaturazione
- jawiki 不飽和度
- plwiki Stopień nienasycenia
- rowiki Grad de nesaturare
- simplewiki Degree of unsaturation
- viwiki Độ bất bão hòa
- zhwiki 不饱和度