• Modern UX

    Edit and navigate faster in the terminal with Warp's IDE-like input editor.

  • AI Tools

    Prompt in natural language, generate code, delegate tasks to AI and much more.

  • Warp Drive

    Save and share interactive notebooks, workflows, and environment variables.

  • All Features

We’re recreating the command line to be more useable, humane, and powerful for everyone.

Our Ethos

The command line is both incredibly powerful and annoyingly hard to use.

Master it and gain super-powers: from controlling your cloud systems, to manipulating local files and programs, writing quick workflows and more...it's a developer's swiss-army knife.

Despite its power, it's a very hard tool to master. It has a notoriously steep learning curve - it doesn't work like other tools, nothing in it helps you learn how to use it well, it's very easy to make destructive mistakes, and so on.

Many developers avoid it for these reasons. But for those who do learn how to use it well, they become much better at development and devops. Mastering the CLI lets you work faster with your existing tools, and increases their power because a keyboard driven, repl-style interface has many advantages over GUIs.

At Warp, our goal is to re-create the command line as a modern app, making a more usable, humane and, ultimately, more powerful CLI for everyone.

Check out this post from our founder Zach Lloyd on why he started Warp.

Meet our team

Our small but growing team has helped create, design, and build some of the most popular productivity tools in existence at companies like Google, Dropbox, and LinkedIn.

  • Zach Lloyd Headshot

    Zach Lloyd

    Founder, CEO

  • Zach Bai Headshot

    Zach Bai

    Software Engineer

  • Andy Carlson Headshot

    Andy Carlson

    Software Engineer

  • Eric Chen Headshot

    Eric Chen

    Growth Manager

  • Hong Yi Chen Headshot

    Hong Yi Chen

    Growth Product Manager

  • Kevin Chevalier Headshot

    Kevin Chevalier

    Software Engineer

  • Aloke Desai Headshot

    Aloke Desai

    Software Engineer

  • Erik Eliason Headshot

    Erik Eliason

    Head of Growth

  • Day Fisher Headshot

    Day Fisher

    Software Engineer

  • Tess Garvey Headshot

    Tess Garvey

    Culture & Community Manager

  • Suraj Gupta Headshot

    Suraj Gupta

    Software Engineer

  • Ian Hodge Headshot

    Ian Hodge

    Software Engineer

  • Roland Huang Headshot

    Roland Huang

    Software Engineer

  • Rob Jones Headshot

    Rob Jones

    Senior Product Designer

  • Seikun Kambashi Headshot

    Seikun Kambashi

    Software Engineer

  • Audrey Koh Headshot

    Audrey Koh

    People & Operations Lead

  • Tyler Lam Headshot

    Tyler Lam

    Software Engineer

  • Lucie le Blanc Headshot

    Lucie le Blanc

    Software Engineer

  • Michelle Lim Headshot

    Michelle Lim


  • Jeff Lloyd Headshot

    Jeff Lloyd

    Software Engineer

  • Advait Maybhate Headshot

    Advait Maybhate

    Software Engineer

  • Chris Muccioli Headshot

    Chris Muccioli

    Creative Lead

  • Ben Navetta Headshot

    Ben Navetta

    Software Engineer

  • Danny Neira Headshot

    Danny Neira

    Support Engineer

  • Jack Nichols Headshot

    Jack Nichols

    Software Engineer

  • Abhishek Pandya Headshot

    Abhishek Pandya

    Software Engineer

  • Daniel Peng Headshot

    Daniel Peng

    Software Engineer

  • David Plakon Headshot

    David Plakon

    Design Lead

  • Peter Rajani Headshot

    Peter Rajani

    Product Designer

  • John Rector Headshot

    John Rector

    Head of Engineering

  • Janum Shah Headshot

    Janum Shah

    Product Manager

  • Maggie Shan Headshot

    Maggie Shan

    Software Engineer

  • Emily Simonin Headshot

    Emily Simonin

    Growth Lead

  • David Stern Headshot

    David Stern

    Software Engineer

  • Andrew Sweet Headshot

    Andrew Sweet

    Software Engineer

  • Jess Wang Headshot

    Jess Wang

    Developer Advocate

  • Ian Wright Headshot

    Ian Wright

    Analytics Engineer

  • Kevin Yang Headshot

    Kevin Yang

    Software Engineer

  • Catherine Yeo Headshot

    Catherine Yeo

    Software Engineer

  • Noah Zweben Headshot

    Noah Zweben

    Product Lead

Join us

We are a company run by developers, building a core product for all developers. We're also product-first engineers, which means we are constantly focusing on the user-experience. Warp is fully remote, with optional offices in New York City and San Francisco.

View open positions
A group of people sitting on chairs in a conference room, working on laptops and engaging in discussion.

Backed by top venture funds and operators

along with our passionate investors

  • Dylan Field

    Co-Founder and CEO, Figma

  • Jeff Weiner

    Executive Chairman and Ex-CEO, LinkedIn

  • Marc Benioff

    Founder and CEO, Salesforce

  • Sam Altman

    Co-Founder and CEO, OpenAI

  • Elad Gil

    Early Investor in AirBnB, Pinterest, Stripe, and Square

Trusted by hundreds of thousands of professional developers

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