Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group
Meetings | Participants | Deliverables | Outreach
This is the public wiki for the Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group (HCLSIG). See the W3C Web site for the HCLSIG for more information. You can subscribe to the mailing list of the HCLSIG.
The HCLS hosts vibrant discussions on a variety of topics on the first Tuesday of every month. Subsequent meetings are organized by one of three broad areas: Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, and Health Care. Task forces meet at regular intervals to plan, discuss issues and report on progress. Meeting times are indicated on this page, but specific dates are available from the HCLS Google calendar.
HCLSIG General Forum
New developments and fostering interaction with experts worldwide.
1st Tuesday of the month at 11am EDT. No calls are currently planned. Past Calls
Active Task Forces
- Drug-Drug Interactions. Developing minimal metadata standards for drug-drug interaction data.
- Clinical Observations Interoperability. Standards in Health Care terminology and electronic health records.
- Linked Life Data. Best practices in creating, publishing, linking, querying and visualizing linked life data.
Past Task Forces
- Task Force: Clinical Pharmacogenomics Research and applications in pharmacogenomics.
- Task Force: Systems Biology for Drug Discovery Building and mining protein-drug networks for targets.
If you have any questions about the group, please email the co-chairs and W3C Staff Contact at [email protected]