Initial Author of this Specification was Ian Hickson, Google Inc., with the following copyright statement:
© Copyright 2004-2011 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software ASA. You are granted a license to use, reproduce and create derivative works of this document.
All subsequent changes since 26 July 2011 done by the W3C WebRTC Working Group are under the following Copyright:
© 2011-2017 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang). Document use rules apply.
For the entire publication on the W3C site the liability and trademark rules apply.
This document defines a set of ECMAScript APIs in WebIDL to allow and application using WebRTC to assert an identity, and to mark media streams as only viewable by another identity. This specification is being developed in conjunction with a protocol specification developed by the IETF RTCWEB group.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at
This specification had previously been published as part of the 21 June 2018 Candidate Recommendation of WebRTC 1.0.
While the specification is feature complete and is expected to be stable, there are also a number of known substantive issues on the specification that will be addressed during the Candidate Recommendation period based on implementation experience feedback.
It might also evolve based on feedback gathered as its associated test suite evolves. This test suite will be used to build an implementation report of the API.
To go into Proposed Recommendation status, the group expects to demonstrate implementation of each feature in at least two deployed browsers, and at least one implementation of each optional feature. Mandatory feature with only one implementation may be marked as optional in a revised Candidate Recommendation where applicable.
This document was published by the Web Real-Time Communications Working Group as a Candidate Recommendation. This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation. Comments regarding this document are welcome. Please send them to [email protected] (subscribe, archives). W3C publishes a Candidate Recommendation to indicate that the document is believed to be stable and to encourage implementation by the developer community. This Candidate Recommendation is expected to advance to Proposed Recommendation no earlier than 31 December 2018.
Please see the Working Group's implementation report.
Publication as a Candidate Recommendation does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
This document was produced by a group operating under the W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
This document is governed by the 1 February 2018 W3C Process Document.
This section is non-normative.
This document specifies APIs used for identity in WebRTC.
This specification is being developed in conjunction with a protocol specification developed by the IETF RTCWEB group and an API specification to get access to local media devices [GETUSERMEDIA] developed by the Media Capture Task Force. An overview of the system can be found in [RTCWEB-OVERVIEW] and [RTCWEB-SECURITY].
As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.
The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, and SHOULD are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
This specification defines conformance criteria that apply to a single product: the user agent that implements the interfaces that it contains.
Conformance requirements phrased as algorithms or specific steps may be implemented in any manner, so long as the end result is equivalent. (In particular, the algorithms defined in this specification are intended to be easy to follow, and not intended to be performant.)
Implementations that use ECMAScript to implement the APIs defined in this specification MUST implement them in a manner consistent with the ECMAScript Bindings defined in the Web IDL specification [WEBIDL-1], as this specification uses that specification and terminology.
The EventHandler
interface, representing a callback used for event handlers, and the
interface are defined in [HTML51].
The concepts queue a task, fire a simple event and networking task source are defined in [HTML51].
The terms event, event handlers and event handler event types are defined in [HTML51].
are defined in [HIGHRES-TIME].
The terms MediaStream, MediaStreamTrack
, and
are defined in [GETUSERMEDIA].
Note that
is extended in MediaStreamTrack
the MediaStreamTrack section
in this document.
The term Blob is defined in [FILEAPI].
The term media description is defined in [RFC4566].
The term media transport is defined in [RFC7656].
The term generation is defined in [TRICKLE-ICE] Section 2.
The terms RTCStatsType, stats object and monitored object are defined in [WEBRTC-STATS].
When referring to exceptions, the terms throw and create are defined in [WEBIDL-1].
The term "throw" is used as specified in [INFRA]: it terminates the current processing steps.
The terms fulfilled, rejected, resolved, pending and settled used in the context of Promises are defined in [ECMASCRIPT-6.0].
The terms bundle, bundle-only and bundle-policy are defined in [JSEP].
The OAuth Client and Authorization Server roles are defined in [RFC6749] Section 1.1.
The terms RTCPeerConnection
target peer identity,
addTrack and
RTCError are defined in [WEBRTC].
WebRTC offers and answers (and hence the channels established by
objects) can be authenticated by
using a web-based Identity Provider (IdP). The idea is that the entity
sending an offer or answer acts as the Authenticating Party (AP) and
obtains an identity assertion from the IdP which it attaches to the
session description. The consumer of the session description (i.e., the
on which
is called) acts as the Relying Party
(RP) and verifies the assertion.
The interaction with the IdP is designed to decouple the browser from any particular identity provider; the browser need only know how to load the IdP's JavaScript, the location of which is determined by the IdP's identity, and the generic interface to generating and validating assertions. The IdP provides whatever logic is necessary to bridge the generic protocol to the IdP's specific requirements. Thus, a single browser can support any number of identity protocols, including being forward compatible with IdPs which did not exist at the time the browser was written.
An IdP is used to generate an identity assertion as follows:
method has been called,
the IdP provided shall be used.setIdentityProvider()
method has not been
called, then the user agent MAY use an IdP configured into the
browser.In order to verify assertions, the IdP domain name and protocol are
taken from the domain
and protocol
fields of
the identity assertion.
In order to communicate with the IdP, the user agent loads the IdP
JavaScript from the IdP. The URI for the IdP script is a well-known URI
formed from the domain
and protocol
fields, as specified
The IdP MAY generate an HTTP redirect to another "https" origin, the browser MUST treat a redirect to any other scheme as a fatal error.
The user agent instantiates an isolated interpreted context, a JavaScript realm that operates in the origin of the loaded JavaScript. Note that a redirect will change the origin of the loaded script.
The realm is populated with a global that implements both the
[WEBWORKERS] interfaces.
The user agent provides an instance of
rtcIdentityProvider in the global scope of the realm.
This object is used by the IdP to interact with the user agent.RTCIdentityProviderRegistrar
interface RTCIdentityProviderGlobalScope
: WorkerGlobalScope {
readonly attribute RTCIdentityProviderRegistrar
of type
instance with the
browser.An environment that mimics the identity provider realm can be provided by any script. However, only scripts running in the origin of the IdP are able to generate an identical environment. Other origins can load and run the IdP proxy code, but they will be unable to replicate data that is unique to the origin of the IdP.
This means that it is critical that an IdP use data that is restricted to its own origin when generating identity assertions. Otherwise, another origin could load the IdP script and use it to impersonate users.
The data that the IdP script uses could be stored on the client (for example, in [INDEXEDDB]) or loaded from servers. Data that is acquired from a server SHOULD require credentials and be protected from cross-origin access.
There is no risk to the integrity of identity assertions if an IdP validates an identity assertion without using origin-private data.
An IdP proxy implements the
methods, which are the means by which the user agent is able to request
that an identity assertion be generated or validated.RTCIdentityProvider
Once instantiated, the IdP script is executed. The IdP MUST call the
function on the
instance during script
execution. If an IdP is not registered during this script execution, the
user agent cannot use the IdP proxy and MUST fail any future attempt to
interact with the IdP.
interface RTCIdentityProviderRegistrar
void register
This method is invoked by the IdP when its script is first
executed. This registers
methods with the user agent.RTCIdentityProvider
The callback functions in RTCIdentityProvider
exposed by identity providers and is called by
to acquire or validate identity
dictionary RTCIdentityProvider
required GenerateAssertionCallback
required ValidateAssertionCallback
of type
requiredA user agent invokes this method on the IdP to request the generation of an identity assertion.
The IdP provides a promise that resolves to an
to successfully
generate an identity assertion. Any other value, or a rejected
promise, is treated as an error.RTCIdentityAssertionResult
of type
requiredA user agent invokes this method on the IdP to request the validation of an identity assertion.
The IdP returns a Promise that resolves to an
to successfully
validate an identity assertion and to provide the actual
identity. Any other value, or a rejected promise, is treated as
an error.RTCIdentityValidationResult
callback GenerateAssertionCallback
= Promise<RTCIdentityAssertionResult
> (DOMString contents,
DOMString origin,
of type DOMStringcontents
as opaque string. A
successful validation of the provided assertion MUST produce the
same string.origin
of type DOMStringRTCPeerConnection
that triggered this
request. An IdP can use this information as input to policy
decisions about use. This value is generated by the user
agent based on the origin of the document that created the
and therefore can be trusted to
be correct.
of type RTCIdentityProviderOptions
. Though the
dictionary is an optional argument to
, default values are used
as necessary when passing the value to the identity provider; see
the definition of RTCIdentityProviderOptions
for details.callback ValidateAssertionCallback
= Promise<RTCIdentityValidationResult
> (DOMString assertion,
DOMString origin);
of type DOMStringa=identity
in the session
description; that is, the value that was part of the
provided by the
IdP that generated the assertion.origin
of type DOMStringRTCPeerConnection
that triggered this
request. An IdP can use this information as input to policy
decisions about use.dictionary RTCIdentityAssertionResult
required RTCIdentityProviderDetails
required DOMString assertion
of type RTCIdentityProviderDetails
requiredAn IdP provides these details to identify the IdP that
validates the identity assertion. This struct contains the same
information that is provided to
of type DOMString, requiredAn identity assertion. This is an opaque string that MUST contain all information necessary to assert identity. This value is consumed by the validating IdP.
dictionary RTCIdentityProviderDetails
required DOMString domain
DOMString protocol
= "default";
of type DOMString, requiredThe domain name of the IdP that validated the associated identity assertion.
of type DOMString, defaulting to
The protocol parameter used for the IdP. The string
MUST NOT include the character '/'
dictionary RTCIdentityValidationResult
required DOMString identity
required DOMString contents
of type DOMString, requiredThe validated identity of the peer.
of type DOMString, requiredThe payload of the identity assertion. An IdP that validates an identity assertion MUST return the same string that was provided to the original IdP that generated the assertion.
The user agent uses the contents string to determine if the identity assertion matches the session description.
The identity assertion request process is triggered by a call to
, createAnswer
, or
. When these calls are invoked and an
identity provider has been set, the following steps are executed:
The RTCPeerConnection
instantiates an IdP as
described in Identity
Provider Selection and Registering an
IdP Proxy. If the IdP cannot be loaded, instantiated, or the IdP
proxy is not registered, this process fails.
If the RTCPeerConnection
was not constructed with a set
of certificates, and one has not yet been generated, wait
for it to be generated.
The RTCPeerConnection
invokes the
method on the
methods registered by the
The RTCPeerConnection
generates the
contents parameter to this method as described in
[RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH]. The value of contents includes
the fingerprint of the certificate that was selected or generated
during the construction of the RTCPeerConnection
. The
origin parameter contains the origin of the script that
calls the RTCPeerConnection
method that triggers this
behavior. The usernameHint value is the same value that is
provided to setIdentityProvider
, if any such value
was provided.
The IdP proxy returns a Promise to the
. The IdP proxy is expected to generate
the identity assertion asynchronously.
If the user has been authenticated by the IdP, and the IdP is able
to generate an identity assertion, the IdP resolves the promise with
an identity assertion in the form of an
This step depends entirely on the IdP. The methods by which an IdP authenticates users or generates assertions is not specified, though they could involve interacting with the IdP server or other servers.
If the IdP proxy produces an error or returns a promise that does
not resolve to a valid
(see 8. IdP Error Handling), then assertion generation fails.RTCIdentityAssertionResult
The RTCPeerConnection
MAY store the identity
assertion for use with future offers or answers. If a fresh identity
assertion is needed for any reason, applications can create a new
If the identity request was triggered by a
or createAnswer()
, then the
assertion is converted to a JSON string, base64-encoded and inserted
into an a=identity
attribute in the session
If assertion generation fails, then the promise for the corresponding
function call is rejected with a newly created OperationError
An IdP MAY reject an attempt to generate an identity assertion if it is unable to verify that a user is authenticated. This might be due to the IdP not having the necessary authentication information available to it (such as cookies).
Rejecting the promise returned by
will cause the error
to propagate to the application. Login errors are indicated by rejecting
the promise with an generateAssertion
with errorDetail
set to "idp-need-login".
The URL to login at will be passed to the application in the
attribute of the
An application can load the login URL in an IFRAME or popup window; the resulting page then SHOULD provide the user with an opportunity to enter any information necessary to complete the authorization process.
Once the authorization process is complete, the page loaded in the IFRAME or popup sends a message using postMessage [webmessaging] to the page that loaded it (through the window.opener attribute for popups, or through window.parent for pages loaded in an IFRAME). The message MUST consist of the DOMString "WEBRTC-LOGINDONE". This message informs the application that another attempt at generating an identity assertion is likely to be successful.
Identity assertion validation happens when setRemoteDescription
is invoked on
. The process runs asynchronously,
meaning that validation of an identity assertion might not block the
completion of RTCPeerConnection
The identity assertion request process involves the following asynchronous steps:
The RTCPeerConnection
awaits any prior identity
validation. Only one identity validation can run at a time for an
. This can happen because the
resolution of setRemoteDescription
is not blocked by
identity validation unless there is a target peer
The RTCPeerConnection
loads the identity assertion
from the session description and decodes the base64 value, then
parses the resulting JSON. The idp parameter of the
resulting dictionary contains a domain and an optional
protocol value that identifies the IdP, as described in
If the identity assertion is malformed, or if protocol
includes the character '/'
or '\'
this process fails.
The RTCPeerConnection
instantiates the identified IdP
as described in 4.1 Identity Provider
Selection and
5. Registering an IdP Proxy. If the IdP cannot be loaded,
instantiated or the IdP proxy is not registered, this process
The RTCPeerConnection
invokes the
method registered
by the IdP.validateAssertion
The assertion parameter is taken from the decoded
identity assertion. The origin parameter contains the
origin of the script that calls the RTCPeerConnection
method that triggers this behavior.
The IdP proxy returns a promise and performs the validation process asynchronously.
The IdP proxy verifies the identity assertion using whatever means necessary. Depending on the authentication protocol this could involve interacting with the IdP server.
If the IdP proxy produces an error or returns a promise that does
not resolve to a valid
(see 8. IdP Error Handling), then identity validation fails.RTCIdentityValidationResult
Once the assertion is successfully verified, the IdP proxy
resolves the promise with an
containing the
validated identity and the original contents that are the payload of
the assertion.RTCIdentityValidationResult
The RTCPeerConnection
decodes the
and validates that
it contains a fingerprint value for every contents
attribute in the session description. This ensures that the
certificate used by the remote peer for communications is covered by
the identity assertion.
A user agent is required to fail to
communicate with peers that offer a certificate that doesn't match an
line in the negotiated session
The user agent decodes
the format described in [RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH]. However the IdP
MUST treat contents
as opaque and return the same string
to allow for future extensions.
The RTCPeerConnection
validates that the domain
portion of the identity matches the domain of the IdP as described in
[RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH]. If this check fails then the identity
validation fails.
The RTCPeerConnection
resolves the
attribute with a new
instance of peerIdentity
that includes the IdP
domain and peer identity.
The user agent MAY display identity information to a user in its UI. Any user identity information that is displayed in this fashion MUST use a mechanism that cannot be spoofed by content.
If identity validation fails, the
promise is rejected with a
newly created
if it is not settled. Then, if there is no target peer identity, set
to a new unresolved promise. This permits the use of renegotiation (or a
subsequent answer, if the session description was a provisional answer)
to resolve or reject the identity.peerIdentity
If identity validation fails and there is a target peer
identity for the RTCPeerConnection
, the promise returned
by setRemoteDescription
is rejected with the same
Errors in IdP processing will - in most cases - result in the failure
of the procedure that invoked the IdP proxy. This will result in the
rejection of the promise returned by
, getIdentityAssertion
, or createAnswer
. An IdP proxy error causes a
promise to be rejected if there is a target peer identity; IdP
errors in calls to setRemoteDescription
where there is no
target peer identity cause the
promise to be rejected
If an error occurs these promises are rejected with an
if an error occurs in interacting with the IdP
proxy. The following scenarios result in errors:
An RTCPeerConnection
might be configured with an
identity provider, but loading of the IdP URI fails. Any procedure that
attempts to invoke such an identity provider and cannot load the
URI fails with an RTCError
with errorDetail
set to "idp-load-failure" and the httpRequestStatusCode attribute of
the error set to the HTTP status code of the response.
If the IdP loads fails due to the TLS certificate used for the
HTTPS connection not being trusted, it fails with an
with errorDetail
set to
"idp-tls-failure". This typically happens when the IdP uses
certificate pinning and an intermediary such as an enterprise
firewall has intercepted the TLS connection.
If the script loaded from the identity provider is
not valid JavaScript or does not implement the correct interfaces,
it causes an IdP failure with an RTCError
set to "idp-bad-script-failure".
An apparently valid identity provider might fail in several
If the IdP token has expired, then the IdP MUST fail with an
with errorDetail
set to
If the IdP token is not valid, then the IdP MUST fail with an
with errorDetail
set to
If an identity provider throws an exception or returns a promise
that is ultimately rejected, then the procedure that depends on the IdP
MUST also fail. These types of errors will cause an IdP failure with an
with errorDetail
set to
The user agent SHOULD limit the time that it allows for
an IdP to 15 seconds. This includes both the loading of the IdP proxy and the identity
assertion generation or validation. Failure to do so potentially causes
the corresponding operation to take an indefinite amount of time. This
timer can be cancelled when the IdP proxy produces a
response. Expiration of this timer cases an IdP failure with an
with errorDetail
set to
If the identity provider requires the user to login, the
operation will fail RTCError
with errorDetail
set to "idp-need-login" and the idpLoginUrl
attribute of
the error set to the URL that can be used to login.
Even when the IdP proxy produces a positive result, the
procedure that uses this information might still fail. Additional
validation of an RTCIdentityValidationResult
value is still
necessary. The procedure for validation of identity
assertions describes additional steps that are required to
successfully validate the output of the IdP proxy.
Any error generated by the IdP MAY provide additional
information in the idpErrorInfo
attribute. The
information in this string is defined by the IdP in use.
The Identity API extends the
interface as described below.RTCPeerConnection
partial interface RTCPeerConnection
void setIdentityProvider
(DOMString provider,
optional RTCIdentityProviderOptions
Promise<DOMString> getIdentityAssertion
readonly attribute Promise<RTCIdentityAssertion
> peerIdentity
readonly attribute DOMString? idpLoginUrl
readonly attribute DOMString? idpErrorInfo
of type Promise<RTCIdentityAssertion
readonlyA promise that resolves with the identity of the peer if the identity is successfully validated.
This promise is rejected if an identity assertion is present in a remote session description and validation of that assertion fails for any reason. If the promise is rejected, a new unresolved value is created, unless a target peer identity has been established. If this promise successfully resolves, the value will not change.
of type DOMString, readonly, nullableThe URL that an application can navigate to so that the user can login to the IdP, as described in 6.1 User Login Procedure.
of type DOMString, readonly, nullableAn attribute that the IdP can use to pass additional information back to the applications about the error. The format of this string is defined by the IdP and may be JSON.
Sets the identity provider to be used for a given
When the setIdentityProvider
method is
invoked, the user agent MUST run the following steps:
If the
[[IsClosed]] slot is RTCPeerConnection
, throw an
If options.protocol includes the the character
or '\'
, throw a
Set the current identity provider values to the tuple
, options
If any identity provider value has changed, discard any stored identity assertion.
Identity provider information is not used until an identity
assertion is required, either in response to a call to
, or a session description is
requested with a call to either createOffer
Initiates the process of obtaining an identity assertion.
Applications need not make this call. It is merely intended to
allow them to start the process of obtaining identity assertions
before a call is initiated. If an identity is needed and an identity
provider has been set using the
method, then an identity will be automatically requested when
an offer or answer is created.setIdentityProvider
When getIdentityAssertion
is invoked, queue a
task to run the following steps:
If the
[[IsClosed]] slot is RTCPeerConnection
, throw an
Request an identity assertion from the IdP.
Resolve the promise with the base64 and JSON encoded assertion.
dictionary RTCIdentityProviderOptions
DOMString protocol
= "default";
DOMString usernameHint
DOMString peerIdentity
of type DOMStringThe name of the protocol that is used by the identity provider. This MUST NOT include '/' (U+002F) or '\' (U+005C) characters. This value defaults to "default" if not provided.
of type DOMStringA hint to the identity provider about the identity of the
principal for which it should generate an identity assertion. If
absent, the value undefined
is used.
of type DOMStringThe identity of the peer. For identity providers that bind
their assertions to a particular pair of communication peers,
this allows them to generate an assertion that includes both
local and remote identities. If this value is omitted, but a
value is provided for the peerIdentity
member of RTCConfiguration
, the value from
is used.
[Constructor(DOMString idp, DOMString name),
interface RTCIdentityAssertion
attribute DOMString idp
attribute DOMString name
of type DOMStringThe domain name of the identity provider that validated this identity.
of type DOMStringAn RFC5322-conformant [RFC5322] representation of the verified peer identity. This identity will have been verified via the procedures described in [RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH].
A MediaStream acquired using getUserMedia()
is, by
default, accessible to an application. This means that the application is
able to access the contents of tracks, modify their content, and send
that media to any peer it chooses.
WebRTC supports calling scenarios where media is sent to a
specifically identified peer, without the contents of media streams being
accessible to applications. This is enabled by use of the
parameter to getUserMedia()
An application willingly relinquishes access to media by including a
parameter in the
. This attribute is set to a
containing the identity of a specific peer.
The MediaStreamConstraints
dictionary is expanded to
include the peerIdentity
partial dictionary MediaStreamConstraints
DOMString peerIdentity
of type DOMStringIf set, peerIdentity
isolates media from the
application. Media can only be sent to the identified peer.
A user that is prompted to provide consent for access to a camera or
microphone can be shown the value of the peerIdentity
parameter, so that they can be informed that the consent is more narrowly
When the peerIdentity
option is supplied to
, all of the MediaStreamTrack
s in
the resulting MediaStream
are isolated so that content is
not accessible to any application. Isolated
s can be used for two purposes:
Displayed in an appropriate media tag (e.g., a video or audio element). The browser MUST ensure that content is inaccessible to the application by ensuring that the resulting content is given the same protections as content that is CORS cross-origin, as described in the relevant Security and privacy considerations section of [HTML51].
Used as the argument to addTrack on an
instance, subject to the
restrictions in isolated streams and
A MediaStreamTrack
that is added to another
remains isolated. When an isolated
is added to a MediaStream
a different peerIdentity, the MediaStream
gets a combination
of isolation restrictions. A MediaStream
instances with mixed isolation properties
can be displayed, but cannot be sent using
Any peerIdentity
property MUST be retained on cloned
copies of MediaStreamTrack
is expanded to include an
isolated attribute and a corresponding event. This allows an
application to quickly and easily determine whether a track is
partial interface MediaStreamTrack
readonly attribute boolean isolated
attribute EventHandler onisolationchange
of type boolean, readonlyA MediaStreamTrack
is isolated (and the
corresponding isolated attribute set to
true) when content is inaccessible to the owning
document. This occurs as a result of setting the
peerIdentity option. A track is also isolated if it
comes from a cross origin source.
of type
EventHandlerThis event handler, of type isolationchange, is fired when the value of the isolated attribute changes.
A MediaStreamTrack
with a peerIdentity
option set can be added to any
However, the content of an isolated track MUST NOT be transmitted
unless all of the following constraints are met:RTCPeerConnection
A MediaStreamTrack
from a stream acquired using the
peerIdentity option can be transmitted if the
has successfully validated the identity of the
peer AND that identity is the same identity that was used in the
peerIdentity option associated with the track. That is,
the RTCPeerConnection
attribute of the peerIdentity
attribute of the
MUST match the value of the RTCPeerConnection
option passed
to getUserMedia()
Rules for matching identity are described in [RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH].
The peer has indicated that it will respect the isolation properties of streams. That is, a DTLS connection with a promise to respect stream confidentiality, as defined in [RTCWEB-ALPN] has been established.
Failing to meet these conditions means that no media can be sent for
the affected MediaStreamTrack
. Video MUST be replaced by
black frames, audio MUST be replaced by silence, and equivalently
information-free content MUST be provided for other media types.
Remotely sourced MediaStreamTrack
s MUST be isolated if
they are received over a DTLS connection that has been negotiated with
track isolation. This protects isolated media from the application in
the receiving browser. These tracks MUST only be displayed to a user
using the appropriate media element (e.g., <video> or
Any MediaStreamTrack
that has the
peerIdentity option set causes all tracks sent using the
to be isolated at the
receiving peer. All DTLS connections created for an
with isolated local streams MUST
be negotiated so that media remains isolated at the remote peer. This
causes non-isolated media to become isolated at the receiving peer if
any isolated tracks are added to the same
Tracks that are not bound to a particular peerIdentity do not cause other streams to be isolated, these tracks simply do not have their content transmitted.
If a stream becomes isolated after initially being accessible, or an isolated stream is added to an active session, then media for that stream is replaced by information-free content (e.g., black frames or silence).
Media isolation ensures that the content of a
is not accessible to web applications.
However, to ensure that media with a peerIdentity option set
can be sent to peers, some meta-information about the media will be
exposed to applications.
Applications will be able to observe the parameters of the media
that affect session negotiation and conversion into RTP. This includes
the codecs that might be supported by the track, the bitrate, the
number of packets, and the current settings that are set on the
In particular, the statistics that
records are not reduced in
capability. New statistics that might compromise isolation MUST be
avoided, or explicitly suppressed for isolated streams.RTCPeerConnection
Most of these data are exposed to the network when the media is
transmitted. Only the settings for the MediaStreamTrack
present a new source of information. This can includes the frame rate
and resolution of video tracks, the bandwidth of audio tracks, and
other information about the source, which would not otherwise be
revealed to a network observer. Since settings don't change at a high
frequency or in response to changes in media content, settings only
reveal limited reveal information about the content of a track.
However, any setting that might change dynamically in response to the
content of an isolated MediaStreamTrack
MUST have changes
The identity system is designed so that applications need not take any special action in order for users to generate and verify identity assertions; if a user has configured an IdP into their browser, then the browser will automatically request/generate assertions and the other side will automatically verify them and display the results. However, applications may wish to exercise tighter control over the identity system as shown by the following examples.
This example shows how to configure the identity provider.
This example shows how to configure the identity provider with all the options.
pc.setIdentityProvider('', {
usernameHint: '[email protected]',
peerIdentity: '[email protected]'
This example shows how to consume identity assertions inside a Web application.
async function consumeIdentityAssertion() {
const identity = await pc.peerIdentity;
console.log('IdP = ', identity.idp, 'identity =',;
This section will be removed before publication.
The editors wish to thank the Working Group chairs and Team Contact, Harald Alvestrand, Stefan Håkansson, Erik Lagerway and Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, for their support. Substantial text in this specification was provided by many people including Martin Thomson, Harald Alvestrand, Justin Uberti, Eric Rescorla, Peter Thatcher, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey and Peter Saint-Andre. Dan Burnett would like to acknowledge the significant support received from Voxeo and Aspect during the development of this specification.