Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2021

Vim Geeks Virtual Edition!

It has been far too long since we've had a meeting. Let's fix that!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 6:30PM CST, join me for a virtual meeting at (If it says there is a password, use Vim.)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wednesday 7/23 - Cherrypicking Favorite vi/Vim Features

  St. Louis Vim Geeks: “Cherrypicking Favorite vi/Vim Features” by Don Ellis

  CAIT - The Center for the Application of Information Technology
  Classroom 24
  5 N. Jackson Ave, St. Louis, Missouri 63105

  Wednesday, July 23rd, at 6:30pm

Cherrypicking Favorite vi/Vim Features

Don says he'd like to talk about
a fairly long list of operations that would help a new user get started, or a long-time user who hasn't plumbed some of the shallower depths.

Things we came up with include executing shell commands without exiting the editor; quickly setting up minimal config on a new system (with usable color scheme); determining whether syntax coloring is installed and how to make it so; using the system paste buffer while in visual mode, and a number of others that should be of special interest to a new user.

Drinks and Food and Stuff

RSVP by replying to this message on the mailing list (or privately to me and/or Bill if you're shy), and we’ll be sure to have enough food and drinks for everybody.

When and Where

We’ll be meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, July 23rd, in the usual place:
CAIT (The Center for the Application of Information Technology)
Classroom 24
5 N. Jackson Ave
St. Louis, Missouri 63105

Forsyth MetroLink Station:
CAIT provides detailed driving directions and parking information here:
(Don’t worry about the parking permit stuff. It doesn’t apply to us.)

Make sure you reply to this message to RSVP!

See you there,

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wednesday, 2/26 - Vim Q&A

WHAT:  St. Louis Vim Geeks
       - Vim Q&A

WHERE: CAIT - The Center for the Application of Information Technology
       Classroom 24
       5 N. Jackson Ave, St. Louis, Missouri 63105

WHEN:  Wednesday, February 26th, at 6:30pm


Vim Q&A

Do you find yourself trying to use Vim and tripping over a problem regularly?  Want some help?  Ask your questions at this month's meeting, and the group will do our best to answer them.

As an example, Lee asked for some help interacting with the system clipboard from Vim recently.  As a fellow Linux user, I can go into dealing with that in some detail.  :-)

When and Where

We'll be meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, February 26th, where we usually do:

CAIT (The Center for the Application of Information Technology)
Classroom 24
5 N. Jackson Ave
St. Louis, Missouri 63105

CAIT on Google Maps

Forsyth MetroLink Station
CAIT also provides detailed driving directions and parking information . (Don't worry about the parking permit stuff. It doesn't apply to us.)

See you this Wednesday!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wednesday, 1/22 - A Vim Environment Tour

WHAT:  St. Louis Vim Geeks
       - A Vim Environment Tour

WHERE: CAIT - The Center for the Application of Information Technology
       Classroom 24
       5 N. Jackson Ave, St. Louis, Missouri 63105

WHEN:  Wednesday, January 22nd, at 6:30pm


A Vim Environment Tour

We're going to continue our series of Vim environment tours, but this time we're going to look at some celebrity .vimrcs.  We'll start with Damian Conway's.  Time permitting, we'll see what else we can find on GitHub.

When and Where

We'll be meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, January 22nd, where we usually do:
CAIT (The Center for the Application of Information Technology)
Classroom 24
5 N. Jackson Ave
St. Louis, Missouri 63105

CAIT on Google Maps

Forsyth MetroLink Station
CAIT also provides detailed driving directions and parking information . (Don't worry about the parking permit stuff. It doesn't apply to us.)

Make sure you RSVP!

See you this Wednesday!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wednesday, 9/25 - Beer!

WHAT:  St. Louis Vim Geeks
       - Beer!

WHERE: Schlafly Bottleworks
       7260 Southwest Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63143

WHEN:  Wednesday, September 25th, at 6:30pm



Our regular meeting room at CAIT isn't available this month, so we're going to have an informal meeting at the Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood instead.  If you've never been there, they have good food and great beer.  And don't worry, we'll still talk about Vim.  :-)

Please RSVP so we can try to have a table ready at 6:30.

See you this Wednesday!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Next Vim Geeks meeting is 6:30PM TONIGHT - Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's time again for another Vim Geeks meeting, tonight - Wednesday, February 22!

Sorry for the late notice.  I don't know where the last month went.

As always, the meeting starts at 6:30PM at the usual place:
Computer Room
3720 Green Mount Crossing Drive
Shiloh, IL 62269

See you there!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Next Vim Geeks meeting is 6:30PM TONIGHT - Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's time again for another Vim Geeks meeting, tonight - Wednesday, January 25!

It's been a while since we've gotten together to discuss all things Vim, so tonight I thought it might be good to concentrate on all of those questions that have undoubtedly been building up these last three months.  (For example, there has been talk on the mailing list about various terminal issues, discussion of color schemes, and that sort of thing.)

So, if any of you have questions, want to show something off, etc., tonight is your night.
If we have any new people, we might want to do a refresher on some basics as well.

As always, the meeting starts at 6:30PM at the usual place:

Computer Room
3720 Green Mount Crossing Drive
Shiloh, IL 62269

See you there!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Next Vim Geeks meeting is 6:30PM on Wednesday, September 28

Vim users, rejoice!  It's time again for another Vim Geeks meeting, in just two days - Wednesday, September 28!

It has been a busy month...  Between the Ohio LinuxFest and Strange Loop, Bill and I (but, let's be honest, mostly Bill) have been introducing a lot of new users to the wonders of Vim.

In addition to filling everyone in on those adventures, I'd also like to show everyone a short presentation on Vim that I came up with as an introduction to the awesomeness that is Vim, if for no other reason than to get some feedback from the group.  Hopefully we have some new people this month though, and it will explain to them why they want to hang around.  :-)

Of course, if any of you have questions, want to show something off, etc., we'll find time for that too.
As always, the meeting starts at 6:30PM at the usual place:

Computer Room
3720 Green Mount Crossing Drive
Shiloh, IL 62269

See you there!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Next Vim Geeks meeting is 6:30pm on Wednesday, June 22nd!

Ready for another chance to hang out with local Vim aficionados? Well, you're in luck, because the next meeting's Wednesday, June 22nd!

This time, we'll have not just one but two presentations:
  • Steven Pritchard will dispel the mysteries of Vim syntax files.
  • Bill Odom (a.k.a., yours truly) will explain the nifty stuff you can do with registers.
And, of course, there'll be the always-interesting Q&A and spur-of-the-moment demos and stimulating digressions -- you know, the usual good time.

It's 6:30pm on Wednesday, June 22nd, and you can already guess the place:

Computer Room
3720 Green Mount Crossing Drive
Shiloh, IL 62269

Don't miss it!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tonight's Vim Geeks meeting cancelled - next meeting is February 23rd

Alas, it seems the January meeting just wasn't meant to be. After postponing it a week (and thereby turning it into an early-February meeting), we've had to cancel it entirely due to the insane weather.

But all is not lost! We still have a (real) February meeting planned in our regular (ha!) time slot: Wednesday, February 23rd, at 6:30pm.

Look for a full announcement a little closer to the date. For now, keep warm and stay safe.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We're having January's meeting late...

Or, to look at it in a more positive light, we get to have 2 meetings in February!

January's meeting has been bumped off a week, which means we'll be taking over the SILUG meeting on February 2.  A formal announcement will be forthcoming...

Monday, November 22, 2010

The next Vim Geeks meeting is 6:30pm tonight!

Due to the impending holiday, we're having this month's Vim Geeks meeting tonight, Monday, November 22, at 6:30PM at the Computer Room.

At last check, our volunteers for tonight's festivities include:

  • Bill Odom will give a short intro/refresher on text objects
  • Nathan Neff will show off Vimperator (or maybe Pentadactyl), a Firefox plugin that gives it Vim-like functionality
(Pardon me for copying & pasting from Bill's last meeting announcement at this point...)

Of course, anyone else that has something they want to discuss, demo, or just ask questions about is welcome to join in the fun. Given how these things normally go, we'll also discuss a couple dozen other topics, some of which might even be related to Vim. It's sure to be a good time, in any case.

Here's where you want to be:

  Computer Room
  3720 Green Mount Crossing Drive
  Shiloh, IL 62269

See you there at 6:30pm!

Friday, November 19, 2010

We're having November's meeting early.

After some discussion on the mailing list, we decided that our regularly-scheduled meeting (which happens to fall on the day before Thanksgiving this month) should be moved up to Monday, November 22.  Please mark your calendars accordingly.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Regularly scheduled meetings

The consensus on the mailing list appears to be that the fourth Wednesday of each month works fine for a regularly scheduled meeting, so that's what we're going to stick with for now.  That would make our next meeting Wednesday, October 27 at 6:30PM at the Computer Room.

Vim macros and Emacs Org-Mode vs. VimOutliner have come up on the mailing list as discussion topics for this month's meeting.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The first Vim Geeks meeting is at 6:30pm tonight!

Along with discussing how to use and abuse Vim, and how to do so more effectively, we'll also do some planning for the group itself. For example, we'll talk about...
  • What topics we should cover
  • Where to hold future meetings
  • The general experience level of the members
  • Whether we should all just switch to Emacs
...and anything else of interest to the group. (I'm a big fan of "How the heck do I do ___ with Vim?" questions, so feel free to come with those in mind.)

Steven Pritchard has graciously offered to host this first meeting at the Computer Room, his very geek-friendly store and training facility in Shiloh, Illinois:

Computer Room
3720 Green Mount Crossing Drive
Shiloh, IL 62269

(I know, I know -- to the Missouri folks, Shiloh sounds like it's halfway between St. Louis and the moon, but I promise it's not that bad. Just head east on I-64, hop off the Shiloh exit, and *poof* you're there.)

See you at 6:30!