Like any AMAZING blogger, I like to do whole projects and then not ever post them or tell anyone about them. Recipe for blogging success! If I don’t tell you ANYTHING about what I’ve done or what I’m doing, then you’ll just always be thinking “man, I bet there’s some amazing stuff going on over […]
How do you come back from a blog break of more than a year? I’ll tell you: tail between your legs, hand over your eyes in shame, tentatively and awkwardly. And a little clumsily, stretching those muscles you haven’t used in a while like you do after sitting on the floor doing puzzles with your […]
I miss your sweet little faces! We are all still alive, happy, healthy and procrastinating on decorating our Christmas tree. Just like old times! Please tell me there’s some kind of cool minimalism about putting up a live Christmas tree and then just… not decorating it… for a long time. It’s probably hipster, like a […]
Remember this scene in The Notebook? Allie: “I don’t paint anymore. I used to paint all the time and I really loved it.” Lon: “So, paint.” By some miracle I can’t explain or remember, somehow I got Andy to watch that movie with me back when it first came out, and ever since then, “I […]
So I know I’ve been posting approximately zero projects of late, but then some blog buds asked if I’d be up for having Andy answer some gossipy questions and I was all, “YES! Andy would LOOOVE to write a post!” HAHAHA. Kinda like how when you hear your friend needs help moving something heavy, you […]
OHMIGOSH. I’m here!! I’m still here, still breathing, and missing your beautiful faces. So sorry for the long, unexplained absence, and THANK YOU for all the sweet emails checking in on my little fam. We are all perfect, happy and nothing is wrong – except that I just can barely do two things at once, […]
You know what warm saltwater breezes, toasty sunshine and sandy feet do to me? They render me completely useless, a lifeless blob incapable of any motion beyond swaying in a hammock and digesting all the food with no signs of filling. That’s the closest I can get to a valid reason why it’s taken me […]
WHO WANTS TO SEE A REVEAL?! Reveals are my favorite thing as a blogger, and also my least favorite because NO ONE IS EVEN READING THESE WORDS RIGHT NOW. You’re all cheating by skipping ahead. You oughta be ashamed. Alright, alright! Here’s the before: And the after: I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO TELL YOU. […]
Guess what: the Safe House bedroom is stick-a-fork-in-it DONE. I’ll have the full reveal for you in the next post. GROANNNNNN. I KNOW. That’s so cruel! Okay fine. Just one tiny sneak peek. You know I can’t resist it when you make that face. We made this crazy chandelier too! I can’t wait for you […]
I know, I know: you haven’t been able to sleep lately because you haven’t seen any photos of my kids dressed up in costume. Okay, fine, twist my arm. That guy in the giant superman pajamas in the top left photo? That would be the only adult in costume at that particular trunk-or-treat event: my […]
I turned 31 yesterday. Is there any age that’s less remarkable to turn than 31? I guess 37 is unremarkable too. They don’t make birthday cards for turning 37. With only one year of my thirties under my belt, I’m clearly not an expert on the topic but I’ll say this: the thirties are totally […]
One time, I saw a fancy light fixture, and asked Andy if he could make one just like it. The result was this: But what it took to get to that point was about two weeks of Andy locked in a room with only a marker and a whiteboard, running his hands through his Einstein […]
Remember how we’re creating a cozy, comfortable bedroom in a safe house for victims of sex trafficking? Yes? I hoped you would, but I thought I should probably recap that, like every episode of Grey’s Anatomy. “Previously, on View Along the Way…” First a quick note about the last post. We talked about how we’ll […]
I’m SO excited about this project, guys! We’re going to be making over a bedroom in a safe house for victims of sex trafficking. This will be the first place they come when they are rescued off the streets of Atlanta. They’re coming out of a life of abuse and exploitation, for the first time […]
Hi, I'm Kelly. Glad you're here! This little blog is where I chronicle our efforts to fix up our beaten-down home on a tiny budget. We're not there yet, but here's a peek at the view along the way... (more)