ÚÙ Ù Ù ÛÚº جا Ú©Û ÛÙ ÙÛ ØºÙر Ø³Û Ø§Ùرا٠گ٠دÛÚ©Ú¾Û
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Chaman Mein Ja Ke Hum Ne Ghhor Se Ourak Gul Dekhe
جÛØ³Û Ù Ø±Û ÙÚ¯Ø§Û ÙÛ Ø¯Ûکھا ÙÛ Û٠کبھÛ
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Jaisay Meri Nigah Ne Dekha Nah Ho Kabhi
ج٠تÙÚ¯ ا٠کر Ú©Ø³Û Ø¯Ù Ø¯Ù Ù¾Û ÛÙ Ú©ÚÚ¾ ٹھا٠ÙÛØªÛ ÛÛÚº
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Jo Tang Aa Kar Kisi Din Dil Pay Hum Kuch Thaan Letay Hain
جب Ú©Ø³Û ÙÛ Øا٠پÙÚھا ر٠دÛا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Jab Kisi Ne Haal Poocha Ro Diya
تÛØ±Û Ø¨Û٠ار Ù Øبت Ú©Û ÛÛ ØاÙت Ù¾ÛÙÚÛ
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Tairay Bemar Mohabat Ki Yeh Halat Pohanchi
ÛÛ Ø¯ÙØ¬Ù Ø¹Û Ø¬Ø¦Û Ø¬Ø¨ تک Ø¬Ø¦Û Ø¬ÛÙا Ø§Ø³Û Ú©Ø§ ÛÛ
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Yeh Dil-jami Jiye Jab Tak Jiye Jeena Isi Ka Hai
اÛÚ© ست٠اÙر Ùاکھ ادائÛÚº Ø§Ù Ø±Û Ø¬ÙاÙÛ ÛØ§Ø¦Û Ø²Ù Ø§ÙÛ
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Aik Sitam Aur Laakh Adayey Uf Re Jawani Haae Zamane
بھÙÙ ÙÛ Ø§Ø³ ک٠دھ٠ÛÛ Ø¬Ø¯Ú¾Ø± Ú©Û ÚÙÙÚ© ٠ساÙر رات ÙÛÛÚº ÛÛ
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Bhool Nah Is Ko Dhun Hai Jidhar Ki Choank Musafir Raat Nahi Hai
جب Ú©Ø³Û ÙÛ Øا٠پÙÚھا ر٠دÛا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Jab Kisi Ne Haal Poocha Ro Diya
ت٠Ùاؤں Ù ÛÚº اÙجھاÛا Ú¯Ûا ÛÙÚº
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Tamanaon Mein Uljhaya Gaya Hon
ترا آستاں ج٠ÙÛ Ù Ù Ø³Ú©Ø§ ØªØ±Û Ø±Û Ú¯Ø²Ø± Ú©Û Ø²Ù ÛÚº سÛÛ
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Tra Aastaan Jo Nah Mil Saka Tri Reh Guzar Ki Zamee Sahi
پرÙاÙÙÚº کا ت٠Øشر ج٠ÛÙÙا تھا ÛÙ Úکا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Parwano Ka To Hashar Jo Hona Tha Ho Chuka
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Bharay Hon Aankh Mein Ansoo Khamida Gardan Ho
اÛÚ© ست٠اÙر Ùاکھ ادائÛÚº Ø§Ù Ø±Û Ø¬ÙاÙÛ ÛØ§Ø¦Û Ø²Ù Ø§ÙÛ
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Aik Sitam Our Laakh Adayey Uf Re Jawani Hae Zamane
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Yeh Raat Bhayanak Hijar Ki Hai Kaatein Ge Barray Alaam Se Hum
ت٠Ùاؤں Ù ÛÚº اÙجھاÛا Ú¯Ûا ÛÙÚº
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Tamanaon Mein Uljhaya Gaya Hon
ت٠ا٠ع٠ر ÙÙ Ú© Ø®Ùار ØªÚ¾Û Ø²Ù ÛÚº Ú©Û ÛÙ
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Tamam Umar Namak Khawar Thay Zamee Ke Hum
Ûزار ØÛÙ Úھٹا ساتھ ÛÙ ÙØ´ÛÙÙÚº کا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Hazaar Haif Chata Sath Hum Nashenon Ka
ÛÙ Ø§Ø±Û Ø¢ÙÚ©Ú¾ÙÚº Ù ÛÚº اشکÙÚº کا Ø§Ù Ú©Û Ø±Û Ø¬Ø§Ùا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Hamari Aankhon Mein Ashkon Ka Aa Ke Reh Jana
کس Ø¨Ø±Û Ø³Ø§Ø¹Øª Ø³Û Ø®Ø· ÙÛ Ú©Ø± Ú¯Ûا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Kis Buri Saa-at Se Khat Le Kar Gaya
کس Ù¾Û ÙØ§Ø¨Ù Ø¬Ù ØªØ¬Ú¾Û Ù¾Û ÙÛÛÚº Ùاب٠اپÙا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Kis Pay Qaboo Jo Tujhi Pay Nahi Qaboo Apna
ÙÛ Ø¯Ù Ø§Ù¾Ùا ÙÛ ØºÙ Ø§Ù¾Ùا ÙÛ Ú©ÙØ¦Û ØºÙ Ú¯Ø³Ø§Ø± اپÙا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Nah Dil Apna Nah Gham Apna Nah Koi Gham Gsar Apna
ÙÛ Ø¹Ø§ÙÙ Ú¯Ûر جÙÙÛ Ø§Ùر Øس٠٠شترک تÛرا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Woh Alamgir Jalva Aur Husn Mushtarik Tera
Ú©ÚÚ¾ Ú©ÛÛ Ø¬Ø§ØªØ§ تھا غر٠اپÙÛ ÛÛ Ø§ÙساÙÛ Ù ÛÚº تھا
Shad Azimabadi - شاد عظÛ٠آبادÛ
Kuch Kahe Jata Tha Ghark âapne Hi Afsaanay Mein Tha
Shad Azimabadi Sad Poetry
Sad poetry â when you talk about sad poetry, it affects your mind, soul, emotions, and feelings right at the same time. Shad Azimabadi Sad poetry in Urdu is considered the source of telling one's feelings for others. These sad Urdu poems are the only communication medium known to date as the swiftest and well-known source.
There are different aspects that Shad Azimabadi has countered in life, and the only medium he/she consider the best is telling tales or letting others known for the state of mind he/she is going through.
UrduPoint is pleased to bring you the best Urdu Sad Shayari from Shad Azimabadi. He/she is well-renowned for Hate, Sad, Betrayal, Alone, About life, Remembrance, Pain, Unfaithful poetry poems. All you need is to go down the list of Shad Azimabadi sad poetry, and his/her best Urdu poetry verses will be right in front of you to suit your taste and mood.
Sad poetry is a simple way of expressing one's feelings, emotions, grievances towards others. These poetry verses describe the true feelings of one's heart for another human being or towards the creator. In addition, Shad Azimabadi sad Shayari in Urdu is another perfect way of describing and expressing one's feelings and emotions in a complex limited form of wording.
On the other hand, humans tend to explicitly show their emotions and feelings to others in the form of poetry. Many of us tend to consult and like to read Sad poetry of Shad Azimabadi as it perfectly describes one's feelings for the time they tend to face. In our daily lives, we encounter so many phases where we are being deceived, betrayed, left alone, have to face bitter behaviors, and lack attention from the one we think of as our last resort person. In such situations, the Shad Azimabadi sad Shayari helps us a lot.