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Mere SuKHan Ki Dad Bhi Usko Hi Dijiye
Sahba Akhtar
wo jis ki aarzu mujhe shaer bana gai
(604) ÙÙÙ¹ ÙصÙÙ ÛÙئÛ
You can read Mere SuKHan Ki Dad Bhi Usko Hi Dijiye written by Sahba Akhtar at UrduPoint. Mere SuKHan Ki Dad Bhi Usko Hi Dijiye is one of the masterpieces written by Sahba Akhtar. You can also find the complete poetry collection of Sahba Akhtar by clicking on the button 'Read Complete Poetry Collection of Sahba Akhtar' above.
Mere SuKHan Ki Dad Bhi Usko Hi Dijiye is a widely read Urdu Two Lines. If you like Mere SuKHan Ki Dad Bhi Usko Hi Dijiye, you will also like to read other famous Urdu Two Lines.
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