Û٠عش٠٠ÛÚº ا٠٠کارÙÚº Ú©Û Ø¨Û ÙØ§Ø¦Ø¯Û Ø¬ÙØªÛ Ø¨Ú¾ÙØªÛ ÛÛÚº
Nooh Narvi - ÙÙØ ÙارÙÛ
Hum Ishq Mein Un Makkaron Ke Be Faida Jaltay Bhunte Hain
د٠ستاÙÛ Ø¯Ù Ø±Ø¨Ø§Ø¦Û Ù¾Ø± Ú¯Ú¾Ù ÙÚ
Nooh Narvi - ÙÙØ ÙارÙÛ
Dil Satani Dil Rubai Par Ghamand
Ù Øبت کا اÚھا ÙتÛØ¬Û ÙÛ Ø¯Ûکھا
Nooh Narvi - ÙÙØ ÙارÙÛ
Muhabbat Ka Acha Nateeja Nah Dekha
آپ Ø¬Ù Ú©Û ÙرÛب ÛÙØªÛ ÛÛÚº
Nooh Narvi - ÙÙØ ÙارÙÛ
Aap Jin Ke Qareeb Hote Hain
آپ کا د٠کÛا Ù Ø±Û Ø¯Ù Ø³Û Ù Ùا
Nooh Narvi - ÙÙØ ÙارÙÛ
Aap Ka Dil Mere Dil Se Mila
بطÙر Ûادگار زÛد Ù Û Ø®Ø§ÙÛ Ù ÛÚº رکھ دÛÙا
Nooh Narvi - ÙÙØ ÙارÙÛ
Bator Yadgar Zehad May Khane Mein Rakh Dena
Nuh Narwi was born Mohammad Nuh on 18 September 1878. He was born in district Rae Bareilly in the state of Uttar Pradesh. He got his early education at home. Later, he learnt Arabic and Persian from Mir Najaf Ali and acquired a level of excellence in these languages. He is one of those poets who used his pen name in a creative manner in his poetry. This is also reflected in the titles of his collections Safeena-i-Nuh, Toofan-e-Nuh, and Aijaz-e-Nuh. His poetry also draws upon the themes of disaster and its impact.
His love poetry opens up fresh avenues and acquires its individual appeal among his readers.