Ø³Ú ÛÛ ÛÙگا دÙÛا Ù ÛÚº Ú©ÙØ¦Û Û٠سا ک٠تÙÛا
Maqbool Naqsh - Ù ÙبÙÙ ÙÙØ´
Sach Hai Hoga Duniya Mein Koi Hum Sa Kam Tanha
Ù Ùا٠ا٠٠ÙÙس Ú©Ûا Ú©Û Ø¢Ø´Ûاں Ø¨Ú¾Û ÙÛÛÚº
Maqbool Naqsh - Ù ÙبÙÙ ÙÙØ´
Maqam-e-amn Qafas Kya Ki Aashiyan Bhi Nahin
اتÙاÙا٠ج٠کÛÛÚº اب ÙÛ Ùظر Ø¢ØªÛ ÛÛÚº
Maqbool Naqsh - Ù ÙبÙÙ ÙÙØ´
Ittifaqan Jo Kahin Ab Wo Nazar Aate Hain
اتÙا ٠جبÙر Ø¢Ø¯Ù Û Ú©ÛÙÚº ÛÛ
Maqbool Naqsh - Ù ÙبÙÙ ÙÙØ´
Itna Majbur Aadmi Kyun Hai
Øد پرÙاز ج٠ا٠آپ Ú©Û Ø§ÙÚ¯ÚØ§Ø¦Û ÛÛ
Maqbool Naqsh - Ù ÙبÙÙ ÙÙØ´
Hadd-e-parwaz-e-jamal Aap Ki Angdai Hai
د٠کا اک اک داغ ش٠ع زÛر دا٠اں ÛÙ Ú¯Ûا
Maqbool Naqsh - Ù ÙبÙÙ ÙÙØ´
Dil Ka Ek Ik Dagh Sham-e-zer-e-daman Ho Gaya
Maqbool Naqsh Urdu Ghazal
Urdu Ghazal is very famous in Pakistan and other parts of the world, where people understand Urdu Zuban and Urdu Shayari. People love to listen to Urdu Udas Ghazal in the form of Songs too. Maqbool Naqsh Urdu Ghazal Poetry collection is a masterpiece and many are famous for their heart-touching words. If you love to read to Udas Ghazalain or Muhabat Bhari Maqbool Naqsh Urdu Ghazals Shayari stay tuned; here, you will find a vast collection of Maqbool Naqsh Urdu Ghazlen at UrduPoint.
Urdu Ghazals is a literature that is related to the South Asian peoples. The Sufia and the Mughal Empire played a significant role in spreading it. It is the type of poem in which the poets express their heart feeling to someone in a poem.
Here is the list of Maqbool Naqsh Ghazals in Urdu; you will surely love his beautiful words. Read then, and if you like this collection, don't forget to share it with your community.