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Aap Jab Muskurae Ghazal Ho Gai
Mansoor Khushtar
kuchh qarib aur aae ghazal ho gai
toD kar apne gulshan se taza gulab
meri KHatir wo lae ghazal ho gai
lab pe fariyaad to dil mein sau iztirab
ashk aankhon mein aae ghazal ho gai
wae mahrumiyan hae majburiyan
dard-e-dil mein dabae ghazal ho gai
main ne puchha mohabbat unhen mujh se hai
chup rahe muskurae ghazal ho gai
jab bhi angDai tauba-shikan koi le
ek fitna uThae ghazal ho gai
dil mein 'KHushtar' jo arman the soe hue
KHub-ru ek jagae ghazal ho gai
(793) ÙÙÙ¹ ÙصÙÙ ÛÙئÛ
You can read Aap Jab Muskurae Ghazal Ho Gai written by Mansoor Khushtar at UrduPoint. Aap Jab Muskurae Ghazal Ho Gai is one of the masterpieces written by Mansoor Khushtar. You can also find the complete poetry collection of Mansoor Khushtar by clicking on the button 'Read Complete Poetry Collection of Mansoor Khushtar' above.
Aap Jab Muskurae Ghazal Ho Gai is a widely read Urdu Ghazal. If you like Aap Jab Muskurae Ghazal Ho Gai, you will also like to read other famous Urdu Ghazal.
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