Ù ÛØ±Û ÙÙائÛÚº Ûاد کر٠گÛ
M D Taseer - اÛÙ ÚÛ ØªØ§Ø«Ûر
Meri Wafaon Yaad Karo Ge
M D Taseer - اÛÙ ÚÛ ØªØ§Ø«Ûر
O Mile To Be Takalluf Na Mile To Be Iradah
غÛر Ú©Û Ø®Ø· Ù ÛÚº Ù Ø¬Ú¾Û Ø§Ù Ú©Û Ù¾ÛØ§Ù Ø¢ØªÛ ÛÛÚº
M D Taseer - اÛÙ ÚÛ ØªØ§Ø«Ûر
Gair Ke Khat Mein Mujhe Is Ki Payam Aate Hain
داغ سÛÙÛ Ù¾Û Ø¬Ù ÛÙ Ø§Ø±Û ÛÛÚº
M D Taseer - اÛÙ ÚÛ ØªØ§Ø«Ûر
Dag Seene Pe Jo Hamare Hain
ØضÙر Ûار Ø¨Ú¾Û Ø¢Ùس٠ÙÚ©Ù ÛÛ Ø¢ØªÛ ÛÛÚº
M D Taseer - اÛÙ ÚÛ ØªØ§Ø«Ûر
Hazoor Yar Bhi Aansu Nikal Hi Aate Hain
Muhammad Din Taseer was his complete name. He was born on 28 February 1902. He was also known as Deen Muhammad Taseer but popularly known as M. D. Taseer. He was a Pakistani Urdu poet, writer, and literary critic. He is considered one of the pioneers of the progressive movement in Urdu literature.
At the end of 1935, he returned from Cambridge and joined the Muslim Anglo-Oriental (MAO) College in Amritsar as its principal. Along with Faiz Ahmad Faiz he was one of the founders of the Progressive Writers' Movement.
Taseer was appointed the principal of Sri Pratap College in Srinagar in 1941. In 1942 he became the founding principal of the new Amar Singh College, which was an offshoot of the Sri Pratap College. In 1943, he was given in the Government of India, helping in the war effort. He worked in Simla and Delhi.
After the Partition of India, he moved to Pakistan. In Pakistan he worked as the principal of the Islamia College in Lahore. He died on 1 December 1950.