آج پھر شاخ Ø³Û Ú¯Ø±Û Ù¾ØªÛ
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آج پھر شاخ Ø³Û Ú¯Ø±Û Ù¾ØªÛ
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Aaj Phir ShaKH Se Gire Patte
Kaif Ahmed Siddiqui
aur miTTi mein mil gae patte
jaane kis dasht ki talash mein hain
regzaron mein chiKHte patte
kal jinhen aasman pe dekha tha
aaj patal mein mile patte
apni aawaz hi se KHauf-zada
shaKH-dar-shaKH kanpte patte
mujh ko ek barg-e-KHushk bhi na mila
ab kahan bagh mein hare patte
sare gulshan ko de gae sona
aur KHud KHak ban gae patte
'kaif' virani-e-gulistan bhi
baz auqat le uDe patte
(712) ÙÙÙ¹ ÙصÙÙ ÛÙئÛ
You can read Aaj Phir ShaKH Se Gire Patte written by Kaif Ahmed Siddiqui at UrduPoint. Aaj Phir ShaKH Se Gire Patte is one of the masterpieces written by Kaif Ahmed Siddiqui. You can also find the complete poetry collection of Kaif Ahmed Siddiqui by clicking on the button 'Read Complete Poetry Collection of Kaif Ahmed Siddiqui' above.
Aaj Phir ShaKH Se Gire Patte is a widely read Urdu Ghazal. If you like Aaj Phir ShaKH Se Gire Patte, you will also like to read other famous Urdu Ghazal.
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