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Swami Wiwekanand
Jameel Ahmad Jaisi
kis ke qadmon mein ye sar rakhne ko yun be-tab hain
kaun si hasti inhen diwana rakhti dam-ba-dam
hai taDap kis ki dilon mein kis liye simab hain
wo wiwekanand wo fikr-o-amal ka baadshah
azm ho us ka agar bahrain bhi payab hain
(659) ÙÙÙ¹ ÙصÙÙ ÛÙئÛ
You can read Swami Wiwekanand written by Jameel Ahmad Jaisi at UrduPoint. Swami Wiwekanand is one of the masterpieces written by Jameel Ahmad Jaisi. You can also find the complete poetry collection of Jameel Ahmad Jaisi by clicking on the button 'Read Complete Poetry Collection of Jameel Ahmad Jaisi' above.
Swami Wiwekanand is a widely read Urdu Ghazal. If you like Swami Wiwekanand, you will also like to read other famous Urdu Ghazal.
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