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You can read Zaat Jab Bhi Urran Tak Pohanchi written by Fahmida Musrrat Ahmad at UrduPoint. Zaat Jab Bhi Urran Tak Pohanchi is one of the masterpieces written by Fahmida Musrrat Ahmad. You can also find the complete poetry collection of Fahmida Musrrat Ahmad by clicking on the button 'Read Complete Poetry Collection of Fahmida Musrrat Ahmad' above.
Zaat Jab Bhi Urran Tak Pohanchi is a widely read Urdu Ghazal. If you like Zaat Jab Bhi Urran Tak Pohanchi, you will also like to read other famous Urdu Ghazal.
You can also read Love Poetry, If you want to read more poems. We hope you will like the vast collection of poetry at UrduPoint; remember to share it with others.