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Bashir Ahmad Bashir - بشÛر اØ٠د بشÛر
Har Gaam Pey Awargi O Darbadri Main
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Bashir Ahmad Bashir - بشÛر اØ٠د بشÛر
Ya Maah O Saal Ki Diwar Gira Di Jaye
گرÙت زÛست Ù ÛÚº ÛÙÚº ÙÛد Ø¨Û Øصار Ù ÛÚº ÛÙÚº
Bashir Ahmad Bashir - بشÛر اØ٠د بشÛر
Garift Zeest Main Hoon Qaid Behisar Main Hoon
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Bashir Ahmad Bashir - بشÛر اØ٠د بشÛر
In Chatakhte Pathroon Per Paon Dharna Dehaan Se
Bashir Ahmad Bashir - بشÛر اØ٠د بشÛر
Qarya Qarya Khaak Urai Kocha Gird Faqir Hue
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Bashir Ahmad Bashir - بشÛر اØ٠د بشÛر
Apni Or Kissi Se Kis Din Rah O Rsm O Rifaqat Thi
Bashir Ahmad Bashir Hope Poetry in Urdu
Bashir Ahmad Bashir Hope Shayari in Urdu has some astounding content that covers all the matters of life. Even if we speak for the lovers, they seek hope in their lives for being together, and if there were no hope, then there would be no more love in the world.
For this, hope is an essential element in our lives, and the Urdu language is rich in giving hope to everyone who ever seeks optimistic behaviors. The Bashir Ahmad Bashir Hope Poetry in Urdu gives us the ideal approaches to live our lives.
Below is the list of Bashir Ahmad Bashir Hope Poetry; you can read any of the Bashir Ahmad Bashir Hope Shayari, and you will surely feel hopeful in life.