Sr. | Name | Meaning |
1 | Yaab | Receiver, Successful, Powerful, Lucky |
2 | Yaabinda | Receiver, Discoverer |
3 | Yaabindah | Receiver, Discoverer |
4 | Yaafar | Painter, Magician |
5 | Yaafat | Income, Profit, Benefit, Appearance, Discovery |
6 | Yaafay | Tall |
7 | Yaafer | Painter, Magician |
8 | Yaaman | Right Side |
9 | Yaameen | The Name Of Sahabi |
10 | Yaamin | The Name Of Sahabi |
11 | Yaaqoob | Name Of A Prophet, Father Of Hazrat Yusuf Alaihis Salam |
12 | Yaar | Friend, Companion |
13 | Yaaraq | Bracelet, An ornament worn on the wrist |
14 | Yaarbaash | Friend |
15 | Yaariq | Bracelet, An ornament worn on the wrist |
16 | Yaariz | Writer |
17 | Yaasaj | Arrow |
18 | Yaasam | Jasmine |
19 | Yaasar | variant of yasar ease, wealth |
20 | Yaasha | Long Live |
21 | Yaasham | Green colored gemstone |
22 | Yaashim | Green colored gemstone |
23 | Yaashir | Alive |
24 | Yaasim | Jasmine |
25 | Yaasin | Title of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) |
26 | yaasir | wealthy. towards left. easy |
27 | Yaawar | Helper, Successful, Friend |
28 | Yaawer | Helper, Successful, Friend |
29 | Yaazar | Writer |
30 | Yab | Receiver, Successful, Powerful, Lucky |
31 | Yabinda | Receiver, Discoverer |
32 | Yabindah | Receiver, Discoverer |
33 | Yadaan | Two Hands, Two hands of Allah Ta'ala |
34 | Yadain | Both Hand |
35 | Yadan | Two Hands, Two hands of Allah Ta'ala |
36 | Yadeen | Both Hand |
37 | Yadhuman | Fighting Soldier |
38 | yadullah | allah karim hand |
39 | Yafaa | High Hill |
40 | Yafar | Painter, Magician |
41 | Yafat | Income, Profit, Benefit, Appearance, Discovery |
42 | yafey | Tall |
43 | Yagaana | unmatchable, Unique |
44 | yagana | unmatchable, Unique |
45 | Yaganah | unmatchable, Unique |
46 | Yaghma | Booty, Plunder, Name of a city in Turkestan |
47 | Yaghmaan | Destroy |
48 | Yaghman | Destroy |
49 | Yaghmoor | High Size |
50 | yaghoub | in farsi meaning is jacob |
51 | Yaghus | Name Of An Idol |
52 | Yahuda | The Name Of An Enemy Of Hazrat Isa Alaihis Salam, The Fourth Son Of Hazrat Yaqub Alaihis Salam |
53 | Yahudaa | The Name Of An Enemy Of Hazrat Isa Alaihis Salam, The Fourth Son Of Hazrat Yaqub Alaihis Salam |
54 | Yahya | Alive |
Islamic Boys Names Starting with Y
Names are the source of recognition of an individual and boys names are often the title of the families. This page assists you in finding the Islamic Baby Boys Names starting with Y alphabets. There are particular alphabets that are often preferred by parents such as Y alphabet. Many Islamic names begin with the Y Alphabet. When choosing a name, parents want to gift the most beautiful name to their newborn baby.
Islamic Muslim Names Starting with Y
When a baby boy is born in a family, they are considered to be the "Blessing" by the Allah Almighty. Muslims are instructed to choose a beautiful and meaningful name. Among the best Muslim names for baby names, 99 names of Allah and Muhammad S.A.W.W are often recommended. Most Islamic names started with the Alphabet Y. The names recommended by Allah Almighty starts with Alphabet Y as well. According to Hadith, "The most beloved of names to Allah are 'Abdullah and 'Abdul-Rahman."
UrduPoint offers an Online Portal which gives access to thousands of lovely Islamic names starting Alphabet Y. Here you can search for Islamic names meaning in English and Urdu, Origin, Religion, Lucky Number, Lucky Color, and accurate spellings.
Islamic Names for Boys Starting with Y
UrduPoint lets you get access to hundreds of Islamic Names of baby boys on this page. So, gift your child a beautiful Islamic name with Alphabet "Y".