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O Allah, You are pure, I praise You and testify that there is none worthy of worship besides You. I seek forgiveness and pardon from You". If there was good talk in the gathering, this dua will seal it and if there was futile and vain talk, then this dua will recompense for it.
More Prayers & Daily Duas
Na Pasandeeda Cheez Dekhte Waqt Ki Dua
ÙاپسÙدÛØ¯Û ÚÛز دÛÚ©Ú¾ØªÛ ÙÙت Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
jab bhi chand par nazar pari ki dua
جب Ø¨Ú¾Û ÚاÙد پر Ùظر Ù¾ÚÚ¾Û Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
kisi ko rukhsat karne ki dua
Ú©Ø³Û Ú©Ùرخصت کرÙÛ Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
wazu karne ke baad ki dua
Ùضؤ Ú©Û Ø¨Ø¹Ø¯ Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§Ø¡
naya chand dekhne ki dua
ÙÛا ÚاÙد دÛÚ©Ú¾ÙÛ Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
wudu karte waqt ki dua
دÙÙرا٠Ùضؤ Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§Ø¡
fajar ki namaz k baad ki dua
Ù٠از Ùجر Ú©Û Ø¨Ø¹Ø¯ Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
azan ke baad ki dua
Ø§Ø°Ø§Ù Ú©Û Ø¨Ø¹Ø¯ Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
sehat khairiat or afiat ki dua
صØت ØØ®ÛرÛت اÙر عاÙÛت Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
bure khayalat se bachne ki dua
Ø¨Ø±Û Ø®ÛاÙات Ø¢ØªÛ ÙÙت Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
pasandida cheez dekhte waqt ki dua
پسÙدÛØ¯Û ÚÛز دÛÚ©Ú¾ØªÛ ÙÙت Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
Salat ul hajaj
صÙÙÛاÙØاجت Ú©Û Ø¯Ø¹Ø§
Browse More Masnoon Duain
Benefits of Reading Dua Dua Before Rising From A Gathering (Majlis Se Uthne Ki Dua)
Islam has given us the gift of Masnoon Duain, and Majlis Se Uthne Ki Dua is one of them. Reciting any dua like Dua Before Rising From A Gathering keeps Allah's blessings with us for reciting it.
We often remember many Masnoon Duain like Majlis Se Uthne Ki Dua by heart, but we don't know what it means, as we are non-Arab Muslims. At UrduPoint, you can read the English translation of Dua Before Rising From A Gathering and the Urdu translation of Majlis Se Uthne Ki Dua. Here you can also learn the correct Arabic pronunciation of Majlis Se Uthne Ki Dua.
Reciting Masnoon Duain is not mandatory to perform any activity; still, when we recite Majlis Se Uthne Ki Dua, it shows us how devotedly we perform this activity in a good way. Also, by reciting these few words that we can easily learn by heart, we can earn a good reward from Allah SWT.