December 28
Youm e Ali 2025
Sunday, 13th Rajab 1447 Hijri
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Youm-e-Ali is a Muslim celebration that marks the birth of Hazrat Ali (RA). This festival is celebrated worldwide with religious enthusiasm by Muslim communities in remembrance of the bravery, leadership, and wisdom of Hazrat Ali (RA). Youm e Ali means the 'Day of Ali' and is most notably celebrated by Shia Muslims. The birth of Hazrat Ali (RA) is celebrated every year on 13 Rajab according to the Hijri Calendar. This year, Yawm-e-Ali is celebrated on 28 December 2025 in Syria.
The month of Rajab 1447 Hijri commences on 16 December 2025, and the 13 Rajab 1447 Hijri, Youm-e-Ali falls on 28 December 2025.
This page tells you the exact date of the Youm-e-Ali 2025 in Syria and the rest of the world. You can also find the dates for Islamic Events by clicking on the desired event below or visiting the Islamic Events Main Page at UrduPoint.
What is the meaning of Yawm e Ali?
Youm-e-Ali, the Day of Ali, is the birthday of Hazrat Ali (RA) which falls on 13 Rajab in the Hijri Calendar.
What is the date of birth of Hazrat Ali 2025?
The date of birth of Hazrat Ali in Year falls on 28 December 2025 in Syria.
How was Hazrat Ali born?
Hazrat Ali was born in Kaba that's why the day is also celebrated as Jashn e Mawlud e Kaba.