Hazrat Imam Zainul Abidain (Radi Allah Anhu) reports that “whoever recites this dua (Dua-e- Ashurah) on the tenth of Muharram, any time after sunrise and before sunset, or listens to its recitation from someone else, Allah Ta’ala will certainly make it insurance for a years’ life for him, by keeping death away from him. However, if one is to become the victim of death in that year, they will by some strange coincidence not remember to recite it.”
There is a Hadith in which it is narrated that “anyone who prays four units of nafal, in which he recites Ayatul Kursi once and Surah Ikhlas three times after Surah Fatiha, in each unit, and after this, he supplicates, then whatever he asks of Allah, it shall be granted to him.”
Dua e Ashura in English
- Bism-illaahir-rahmaanir-raheem In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
- Ya Qaabila tawbati Adama Yawma 'Ashuraa-a O You who accepted the repentance of Adam on this day of Ashura;
- Ya faarija karbi Dhin-nuwni yawma 'Ashuraa-a O You who delivered Jonah from his burden on this day of Ashura;
- Yaa jaami'a shamli Ya'qooba yawma 'ashooraa; O You who reunited Jacob (with his son) on this day of Ashura;
- Yaa saami'a daw'wati Moosaa wa Haaroona yawma 'ashooraa; O You who heard the plea of Moses and Aaron on this day of Ashura;
- Yaa mugheetha Ibraaheema min an-naari yawma 'ashooraa; O You who rescued Abraham from the fire on this day of Ashura;
- Yaa raafi'a Idreesa ilas-samaa-i yawma 'ashooraa; O You who raised Idris to heaven on this day of Ashura;
- Yaa mujeeba daw'ati Saalehin fin-naaqati yawma 'ashooraa; O You who answered the plea of Saleh with a she-camel on this day of Ashura;
- Yaa naasira sayyidinaa Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallama) yawma 'ashooraa; O You who helped our Master Muhammad (the grace and peace of Allah be upon him) on this day of Ashura;
- Yaa rahmaan ad-dunyaa wal-aakhirati wa raheemahumaa; O Merciful One in this lowly world and in the hereafter; O Compassionate One of the two abodes;
- Salli 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammadin wa salli 'alaa jamee'il-ambiyaa-i wal-mursaleen; Bestow your grace upon our Master Muhammad and upon the people of Muhammad, and upon all the prophets and all the messengers!
- Waqdi haajatinaa fid-dunyaa wal-aakhirati wa atil 'umranaa fee taa'atika wa mahabbatika wa ridaak! And grant us our need in this life and in the hereafter, and grant us many years in Your obedience and Your love and Your pleasure!
- Wa ahyinaa hayaatan tayyibatan wa tawaffanaa 'alal-eemaani wal-islaami bi rahmatika yaa arham ar-raahimeen. And return us to a life of purity and take us not (in death) except upon faith and submission by Your mercy, O You who is the most compassionate of all those who show compassion.
- Allaahumma bi 'izzil-hasani wa akhi wa ummihi wa abeehi wa jaddihi wa baneehi; O Allah! By the honour of Hasan and of his brother, and that of his mother and that of his father, and by the honour of his Grandfather(Peace be upon him) and that of his children
- Farrij 'annaa maa nahnu feehi! Relieve us of what has befallen us!