IIOJK Waqf Board Bans 'Dastar Bandi' At Shrines, Religious Places
Muhammad Irfan
Published September 20, 2022 | 09:30 AM
ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Sep, 2022 ) :In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Jammu and Kashmir Waqf Board on Monday ordered a ban on Dastaar Bandi (Turban-tying) ceremonies of people, particularly political leaders, at all shrines and religious places governed by the board.
According to Kashmir Media Service (KMS), the Waqf Board chairperson stated that Dastaar Bandi of people for religious achievement would be allowed with prior permission.
It reads that religious places like Ziyarats, Khanqahs, Masjids, Darul Ulooms, can only be used to promote religious activities, and Dastaar Bandi at such places can only be carried out to felicitate people for their achievements in the religious field.
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"Now, therefore, Dastaar Bandi of people at all religious places, governed by the provisions of the Waqf Act, 1995, is hereby completely banned.
However, Dastaar Bandi of people for religious achievements shall be allowed with prior permission of the Central Office Waqf Board," it reads.