The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Michael D. Yates Archives
Michael D. Yates •ï¿½23 Items / 2 Books, 11 Articles, 10 Reviews
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  1. Books
    About the Workers and for the Workers (2 Reviews)
    The Working Class Movement in America, by Eleanor Marx Aveling, Edward Aveling, and Pau...
    1. The Working Class Movement in America by Eleanor Marx Aveling, Edward Aveling, and Paul Le Blanc, ...
    2. A Short History of the U.S. Working Class by Paul Le Blanc
    The Monthly Review, February 2001, pp. 54-66
  2. Books
    Actions Speak Louder Than Words (Review)
    Confessions of a Union Buster, by Martin Jay Levitt
    1. Confessions of a Union Buster by Martin Jay Levitt
    The Monthly Review, June 1994, pp. 46-54
  3. [+]
    Blacks, Whites, and Reds (2 Reviews)
    "Negro and White, Unite and Fight!", by Roger Horowitz
    1. "Negro and White, Unite and Fight!" by Roger Horowitz
    2. Blacks and Reds by Earl Ofari Hutchinson
    The Monthly Review, October 1998, pp. 53-66
  4. Books
    Brainwashing Under Freedom (Review)
    The Political Economy of Human Rights, Vol. I, by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman
    1. The Political Economy of Human Rights, Vol. I by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman
    The Monthly Review, January 1981, pp. 43-52
  5. Braverman and the Class Struggle
    The Monthly Review, January 1999, pp. 2-11
  6. Books
    A Class Analysis of the Universities (Review)
    Who Rules the Universities?, by David N. Smith
    1. Who Rules the Universities? by David N. Smith
    The Monthly Review, December 1976, pp. 46-51
  7. Does the U.S. Movement Have a Future?
    The Monthly Review, February 1997, pp. 1-18
  8. From the Coal Wars to the Pittston Strike
    The Monthly Review, June 1990, pp. 25-39
  9. "The Labor Market Is Unlike Any Other"
    The Monthly Review, February 1996, pp. 5-18
  10. Longer Hours, Fewer Jobs (1994)
    Employment and Unemployment in the United States
    1 Review
  11. The "New" Economy and the Labor Movement
    The Monthly Review, April 2001, pp. 28-42
  12. [+]
    Nice Work, But You Can't Get It (2 Reviews)
    Just a Temp, by Kevin D. Henson
    1. Just a Temp by Kevin D. Henson
    2. Half a Job by Chris Tilly
    The Monthly Review, December 1996, pp. 51-56
  13. Organizing the Unorganized
    Will Promises Become Practices?
    The Monthly Review, July 1997, pp. 46-62
  14. The Road Not Taken
    The Monthly Review, November 1999, pp. 35-46
  15. Books
    Take This Job and... (Review)
    Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line, by Ben Hamper
    1. Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line by Ben Hamper
    The Monthly Review, December 1993, pp. 52-56
  16. Teaching at The Wall
    The American Landscape
    CounterPunch, November 1, 1999, p. 1
  17. Books
    Teaching Marxists to Teach (Review)
    Studies in Socialist Pedagogy, by Theodore Mills Norton and Bertell Ollman
    1. Studies in Socialist Pedagogy by Theodore Mills Norton and Bertell Ollman
    The Monthly Review, February 1979, pp. 59-66
  18. Articles
    The Trouble with Chavez
    A Union Is Not a "Movement"
    The Nation, November 19, 1977, pp. 518-519
  19. Us Versus Them
    Laboring in the Academic Factory
    The Monthly Review, January 2000, pp. 40-49
  20. [+]
    "We're all in this together" (Review)
    Working Smart, by Mike Parker and Jane Slaughter
    1. Working Smart by Mike Parker and Jane Slaughter
    The Monthly Review, January 1996, pp. 48-54
  21. [+]
    Where Are the Rebels in Paradise? (Review)
    Strangers in Paradise, by Jake Ryan and Charles Sackrey
    1. Strangers in Paradise by Jake Ryan and Charles Sackrey
    The Monthly Review, February 1986, pp. 58-66
  22. Why Unions Matter (1998)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  23. "Workers of All Countries, Unite"
    Will This Include the U.S. Labor Movement?
    The Monthly Review, July 2000, pp. 46-59
  24. No Items Found