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Walter E. Weyl Archives
Walter E. Weyl •ï¿½44 Items / 29 Articles, 5 Books, 10 Reviews
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  1. American World Policies (1917)
    7 Reviews, 3 Readable
  2. The Average Voter
    The Century Magazine, October 1915, pp. 901-919
  3. The Brand of the City
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1915, pp. 769-775
  4. The British Crisis
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1919, pp. 820-827
  5. Buffer Employment
    The New Republic, December 7, 1918, pp. 159-160
  6. [+]
    California and Japan (Review)
    The American Japanese Problem, by Sidney L. Gulick
    1. The American Japanese Problem by Sidney L. Gulick
    The New Republic, December 26, 1914, p. 28
  7. The Call of America
    The Outlook, April 23, 1910, pp. 883-890
  8. A Chapter in Wheat
    The New Republic, January 11, 1919, pp. 309-311
  9. [+]
    Concerning the War (14 Reviews)
    The Great War: The Second Phase, by Frank H. Simonds
    1. The Great War: The Second Phase by Frank H. Simonds
    2. The World War by Elbert Francis Baldwin
    3. The Anglo-German Problem by Charles Sarolea
    4. France in Danger by Paul Vergnet
    5. Britain's Case Against Germany by Ramsay Muir
    6. A History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century by Heinrich von Treitschke
    7. Germany, France, Russia, and Islam by Heinrich von Treitschke
    8. Confessions of Frederick the Great and The Life of Frederick the Great by Heinrich von Treitschke
    9. Problems of Readjustment After the War
    10. The Audacious War by Clarence W. Barron
    11. The War and the Balkans by Noel Buxton and Charles Roden Buxton
    12. Geographical Aspects of Balkan Problems in Their Relation to the Great European War by Marion I. Newbigin
    13. War and Woman by Henry Clay Hansbrough
    14. The World Crisis and Its Meaning by Felix Adler
    The New Republic, January 29, 1916, pp. 9-11
  10. David Kaplan: Russian Jew
    The Outlook, January 22, 1910, pp. 191-199
  11. Depopulation in France
    The North American Review, March 1912, pp. 343-391
  12. [+]
    The Dynastic State (Review)
    Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution, by Thorstein Veblen
    1. Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution by Thorstein Veblen
    The New Republic, July 24, 1915, p. 317
  13. The End of the War (1918)
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  14. Equality
    The New Republic, January 23, 1915, pp. 13-14
  15. An Experiment in Population
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1909, pp. 261-266
  16. Reviews of Books
    The German Socialists (Review)
    The Socialists and the War, by William English Walling
    1. The Socialists and the War by William English Walling
    The New Republic, July 24, 1915, p. 316
  17. Germany's Food Problem
    The New Republic, May 29, 1915, pp. 92-93
  18. Illusory Wealth
    The New Republic, September 11, 1915, pp. 150-151
  19. In the King's Robing Room
    The New Republic, July 23, 1919, pp. 389-392
  20. Industrial Apostasy
    The New Republic, May 20, 1916, p. 64
  21. [+]
    Instinctive Imperialism (Review)
    America Among the Nations, by Harry H. Powers
    1. America Among the Nations by Harry H. Powers
    The New Republic, March 30, 1918, pp. 270-272
  22. Jan, the Polish Miner
    The Outlook, March 26, 1910, pp. 709-717
  23. John Mitchell: The Man the Miners Trust
    The Outlook, March 24, 1906, pp. 657-662
  24. Korea---An Experiment in Denationalization
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1919, pp. 392-400
  25. Mine Discipline and Unionism
    The Outlook, July 19, 1902, pp. 734-736
  26. New Americans
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1914, pp. 615-622
  27. The New Democracy (1912)
    5 Reviews, 3 Readable
  28. The New Wealth
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1916, pp. 610-616
  29. Papers and Discussions
    The Democratization of Party Finances
    American Political Science Review, February 15, 1913, pp. 178-182
  30. [+]
    The Paradox (Review)
    Modern Industry in Relation to the Family, Health, Education, Morality, by Florence Kelley
    1. Modern Industry in Relation to the Family, Health, Education, Morality by Florence Kelley
    The New Republic, January 2, 1915, p. 28
  31. The Party of the Third Part
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1915, pp. 675-680
  32. The Passenger Traffic of Railways (1901)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  33. Pericles of Smyrna and New York
    The Outlook, February 26, 1910, pp. 463-472
  34. General Articles
    Planless Demobilization
    The New Republic, November 30, 1918, pp. 125-126
  35. General Articles
    Prophet and Politician
    The New Republic, June 7, 1919, pp. 173-177
  36. The Prosperous War
    The New Republic, March 27, 1915, pp. 205-206
  37. The Railroad Administration to Date
    The New Republic, November 9, 1918, p. 43
  38. [+]
    Self-Defense and Self-Delusion (Review)
    Des Deutschen Reiches Schicksalsstunde, by H. Frobenius
    1. Des Deutschen Reiches Schicksalsstunde by H. Frobenius
    The New Republic, November 14, 1914, p. 25
  39. Reviews of Books
    The Sovereign Crowd (Review)
    Politics and Crowd-Morality, by Arthur E. Christensen
    1. Politics and Crowd-Morality by Arthur E. Christensen
    The New Republic, October 9, 1915, p. 266
  40. A Substitute for the Protocol
    The New Republic, June 12, 1915, pp. 142-143
  41. Tired Radicals, and Other Papers (1921)
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  42. [+]
    War Everlasting (Review)
    The Things Men Fight for, by H.H. Powers
    1. The Things Men Fight for by H.H. Powers
    The New Republic, September 2, 1916, pp. 121-125
  43. [+]
    Who Began the War? (Review)
    The Diplomacy of the War of 1914, by Ellery C. Stowell
    1. The Diplomacy of the War of 1914 by Ellery C. Stowell
    The New Republic, October 23, 1915, pp. 317-318
  44. No Items Found