The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
John Wain Archives
John Wain •ï¿½133 Items / 27 Books, 42 Articles, 57 Reviews, 7 Poems
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  1. Books and the Arts
    An Adolescence in Slow Motion (Review)
    Therefore Be Bold, by Herbert Gold
    1. Therefore Be Bold by Herbert Gold
    The New Republic, October 24, 1960, pp. 19-20
  2. Books and the Arts
    After the Deluge, What? (Review)
    Flood: A Romance of Our Time, by Robert Penn Warren
    1. Flood: A Romance of Our Time by Robert Penn Warren
    The New Republic, May 16, 1964, pp. 23-24
  3. Alternative Poetry
    Encounter, June 1974, pp. 26-38
  4. Books and the Arts
    American Victorian (Review)
    The Will, by Harvey Swados
    1. The Will by Harvey Swados
    The New Republic, November 16, 1963, pp. 21-23
  5. Arts and Letters
    Another Room in Hell (Review)
    Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid, by Malcolm Lowry, Douglas Day, and Margeri...
    1. Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid by Malcolm Lowry, Douglas Day, and Margerie Lowry
    The Atlantic Monthly, August 1968, pp. 84-86
  6. Memoir
    Encounter, February 1983, pp. 80-85
  7. [+]
    Art and Nature (Review)
    Time of Need, by William Barrett
    1. Time of Need by William Barrett
    Commentary, December 1972, pp. 98-102
  8. [+]
    Art, If You Like (Review)
    All What Jazz, by Philip Larkin
    1. All What Jazz by Philip Larkin
    Encounter, May 1970, pp. 68-70
  9. Book Reviews
    Art, Play and Protest (3 Reviews)
    Local Anaesthetic, by Gunter Grass
    1. Local Anaesthetic by Gunter Grass
    2. The Trial of the Catonsville Nine by Daniel Berrigan
    3. Trial Poems by Daniel Berrigan and Tom Lewis
    The New Republic, June 20, 1970, pp. 23-24
  10. [+]
    The Artist as Rebel (Review)
    Writers and Revolution, by Renee Winegarten
    1. Writers and Revolution by Renee Winegarten
    Commentary, January 1976, pp. 83-85
  11. [+]
    Bits and Pieces of Trips (Review)
    Nog, by Rudolph Wurlitzer
    1. Nog by Rudolph Wurlitzer
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1969, pp. 125-126
  12. [+]
    Books: Home Truths (Review)
    Through the Fields of Clover, by Peter De Vries
    1. Through the Fields of Clover by Peter De Vries
    The New Yorker, February 25, 1961, pp. 130-132
  13. Born in Captivity (1953)
    3 Reviews
  14. Notes & Topics
    C. S. Lewis
    Encounter, May 1964, pp. 51-53
  15. C.S. Lewis
    The American Scholar, Winter 1981, pp. 73-80
  16. Cargo (story)
    Encounter, August 1980, pp. 3-17
  17. Books and the Arts
    The Case of Ben Hecht (2 Reviews)
    A Treasury of Ben Hecht, by Ben Hecht
    1. A Treasury of Ben Hecht by Ben Hecht
    2. The Sensualists by Ben Hecht
    The New Republic, September 28, 1959, pp. 16-17
  18. Books in Review
    The Celtic Strain (Review)
    The Life of Dylan Thomas, by Constantine FitzGibbon
    1. The Life of Dylan Thomas by Constantine FitzGibbon
    Commentary, April 1966, pp. 89-93
  19. Christmas at Rillingham's
    Argosy, January 1961, pp. 49-63
  20. The Climate of Fear
    Encounter, December 1987, pp. 14-15
  21. Communications
    Encounter, June 1955, pp. 68-72
  22. The Contenders (1958)
    8 Reviews, 2 Readable
  23. Books
    To Criticize the Critic (Review)
    Writing Dangerously, by Carol Brightman
    1. Writing Dangerously by Carol Brightman
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1993, pp. 606-610
  24. Books & Writers
    Criticizing the Critic (Review)
    The Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters, by John Gross
    1. The Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters by John Gross
    Encounter, November 1969, pp. 75-87
  25. Dear George Orwell: A Personal Letter
    The American Scholar, Winter 1983, pp. 21-37
  26. Death of the Hind Leg, and Other Stories (1966)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  27. Dixieland Ramble
    Encounter, October 1965, pp. 3-13
  28. Books and the Arts
    Doing Away with Man (Review)
    The Flood, by J.M.G. LeClezio
    1. The Flood by J.M.G. LeClezio
    The New Republic, January 27, 1968, pp. 28-29
  29. Views & Reviews
    Down Our Way (short story)
    The Reporter, June 30, 1966, pp. 34-36
  30. Books & Writers
    Dr Johnson as Poet (Review)
    The Complete English Poems, by Samuel Johnson and J.D. Fleeman
    1. The Complete English Poems by Samuel Johnson and J.D. Fleeman
    Encounter, May 1972, pp. 53-68
  31. Books
    Dutch Courage (Review)
    Confessions of a European in England, by J.H. Huizinga
    1. Confessions of a European in England by J.H. Huizinga
    Encounter, August 1958, pp. 78-80
  32. Books and the Arts
    E Pluribus Unum (Review)
    Variety of Men, by C.P. Snow
    1. Variety of Men by C.P. Snow
    The New Republic, May 27, 1967, pp. 25-28
  33. [+]
    Eating Fables (3 Reviews)
    The Carnal Myth, by Edward Dahlberg
    1. The Carnal Myth by Edward Dahlberg
    2. The Leafless American by Edward Dahlberg
    3. Edward Dahlberg: American Ishmael of Letters by Harold Billings
    The New York Review of Books, January 2, 1969, pp. 13-14
  34. An Edmund Wilson Celebration (1978)
    1 Review
  35. Books and the Arts
    Edmund Wilson: the Critic as Novelist (Review)
    Memoirs of Hecate County, by Edmund Wilson
    1. Memoirs of Hecate County by Edmund Wilson
    The New Republic, January 18, 1960, pp. 15-17
  36. [+]
    The Education of Lytton Strachey (Review)
    Spectatorial Essays, by Lytton Strachey
    1. Spectatorial Essays by Lytton Strachey
    The New Republic, April 17, 1965, pp. 20-21
  37. Notes & Topics
    Electing a Poet
    Encounter, April 1966, pp. 51-52
  38. Essays on Literature and Ideas (1962)
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  39. The Life & Death of Arthur Koestler (II)
    From Diagnosis to Nightmare
    Encounter, September/October 1983, pp. 45-47
  40. Further Education
    Argosy, July 1964, pp. 23-43
  41. Books and the Arts
    Go Home, Buddy Glass (Review)
    Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour, by J.D. Salinger
    1. Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour by J.D. Salinger
    The New Republic, February 16, 1963, p. 21
  42. Goodnight, Old Daisy
    Argosy, December 1966, pp. 81-92
  43. Books and the Arts
    A Greats Man (Review)
    Memories, 1898-1939, by C.M. Bowra
    1. Memories, 1898-1939 by C.M. Bowra
    The New Republic, November 18, 1967, p. 25
  44. Books and the Arts
    The Green Burroughs Affair (Review)
    The Naked Lunch, by William S. Burroughs
    1. The Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs
    The New Republic, December 1, 1962, pp. 21-22
  45. Guides to Shakespeare
    Encounter, March 1964, pp. 53-62
  46. [+]
    Half Way to Greatness (Review)
    Words for the Wind, by Theodore Roethke
    1. Words for the Wind by Theodore Roethke
    Encounter, April 1958, pp. 82-83
  47. Books
    Here Lies Lower Binfield (Review)
    George Orwell: Fugitive from the Camp of Victory, by Richard Rees
    1. George Orwell: Fugitive from the Camp of Victory by Richard Rees
    Encounter, October 1961, pp. 70-82
  48. Hurry On Down (1954)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  49. The Importance of Philip Larkin
    The American Scholar, Summer 1986, pp. 349-363
  50. [+]
    In Johnson's Bear Bug (8 Reviews)
    Boswell in Extremes, 1776-1778, by Charles McC. Weis, Frederick A. Pottle, and James Bo...
    1. Boswell in Extremes, 1776-1778 by Charles McC. Weis, Frederick A. Pottle, and James Boswell, ...
    2. The Correspondence and Other Papers of James Boswell Relating to the Making of the Life of Johnson by Marshall Waingrow and James Boswell
    3. Samuel Johnson and the Life of Writing by Paul Fussell
    4. The Conversations of Dr. Johnson by Raymond Postgate and James Boswell
    5. A Journey to the Western Island of Scotland by Samuel Johnson and Mary Lascelles
    6. Life of Savage by Samuel Johnson
    7. The History of Rasselas by Samuel Johnson, Geoffrey Tillotson, and Brian Jenkins, ...
    8. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Vol. 3: The Rambler by W.J. Bate, Albrecht B. Strauss, and Samuel Johnson, ...
    The New York Review of Books, August 12, 1971, pp. 14-15
  51. Books and the Arts
    In the Echo Chamber (Review)
    A Spaniard in the Works, by John Lennon
    1. A Spaniard in the Works by John Lennon
    The New Republic, August 7, 1965, p. 20
  52. [+]
    An Inspector Calls (Review)
    Potbank, by Mervyn Jones
    1. Potbank by Mervyn Jones
    Encounter, March 1962, pp. 75-78
  53. International Literary Annual No. 1 (1958)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  54. [+]
    Japanese Modern (Review)
    Death in Midsummer, and Other Stories, by Yukio Mishima
    1. Death in Midsummer, and Other Stories by Yukio Mishima
    The New Republic, July 30, 1966, pp. 25-31
  55. Johnson on Johnson (1975)
    A Selection of Personal and Autobiographical Writing of Samuel
    2 Reviews
  56. Julia
    The American Scholar, Winter 1985, pp. 78-88
  57. [+]
    Just Good Friends (Review)
    The Impossible Friendship, by Mary Hyde
    1. The Impossible Friendship by Mary Hyde
    The New York Review of Books, July 19, 1973, p. 21
  58. King Caliban
    The Saturday Evening Post, March 30, 1963, pp. 44-53
  59. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, September 24, 1987, pp. 58-64
  60. Letters to Five Artists (1969)
    1 Review
  61. The Life Guard (1972)
    2 Reviews
  62. Music
    Listening to Wally Fawkes
    Encounter, August 1982, pp. 80-84
  63. Book Reviews
    Literate, Witty, Civilized (2 Reviews)
    The World of Apples, by John Cheever
    1. The World of Apples by John Cheever
    2. Forever Panting by Peter De Vries
    The New Republic, May 26, 1973, pp. 24-26
  64. Living in the Present (1955)
    A Novel
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  65. The Living World of Shakespeare (1964)
    A Playgoer's Guide
    1 Review
  66. London Letter
    The Hudson Review, Summer 1962, pp. 253-259
  67. London Letter
    The Hudson Review, Winter 1962, pp. 586-588
  68. Books
    Lost Horizons? (Review)
    Enemies of Promise, by Cyril Connolly
    1. Enemies of Promise by Cyril Connolly
    Encounter, January 1961, pp. 66-70
  69. Louis Macneice as Critic
    Encounter, November 1966, pp. 49-55
  70. [+]
    Mailer's America (Review)
    Cannibals and Christians, by Norman Mailer
    1. Cannibals and Christians by Norman Mailer
    The New Republic, October 1, 1966, pp. 19-20
  71. The Man in the Blue Suit Belt
    The Saturday Review, December 1, 1956, pp. 15-17
  72. Manhood
    Argosy, September 1964, pp. 105-114
  73. [+]
    Mantle of Faulkner? (Review)
    A Generous Man, by Reynolds Price
    1. A Generous Man by Reynolds Price
    The New Republic, May 14, 1966, pp. 31-32
  74. Master Richard (story)
    The Hudson Review, Summer 1960, pp. 165-189
  75. [+]
    A Metropolitan Girlhood (Review)
    Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, by Simone de Beauvoir
    1. Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter by Simone de Beauvoir
    The Partisan Review, Summer 1959, pp. 484-488
  76. Meyerstein
    Encounter, August 1962, pp. 27-41
  77. [+]
    Mr. Day Lewis' Pale Fire (Review)
    Selected Poems, by C. Day Lewis
    1. Selected Poems by C. Day Lewis
    The New Republic, June 24, 1967, pp. 21-24
  78. Books and the Arts
    Mr. MacLeish's New Play (Review)
    Herakles: A Play in Verse, by Archibald MacLeish
    1. Herakles: A Play in Verse by Archibald MacLeish
    The New Republic, July 22, 1967, pp. 25-29
  79. Books and the Arts
    Nabokov's Beheading (Review)
    Invitation to a Beheading, by Vladimir Nabokov
    1. Invitation to a Beheading by Vladimir Nabokov
    The New Republic, December 21, 1959, pp. 17-19
  80. Books and the Arts
    The New Robert Lowell (Review)
    For the Union Dead, by Robert Lowell
    1. For the Union Dead by Robert Lowell
    The New Republic, October 17, 1964, pp. 21-23
  81. The New Sun
    The Paris Review, Fall 1957, p. 27
  82. Books
    The Novel as Novel (Review)
    The Characters of Love, by John Bayley
    1. The Characters of Love by John Bayley
    Encounter, August 1961, pp. 70-74
  83. Nuncle, and Other Stories (1961)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  84. Controversy
    On George Orwell
    Commentary, June 1969, pp. 28-32
  85. On the Breaking of Forms
    Encounter, August 1975, pp. 49-56
  86. [+]
    One Book Too Many (Review)
    Dylan Thomas, by Ernest Warnock Tedlock
    1. Dylan Thomas by Ernest Warnock Tedlock
    Encounter, March 1961, p. 81
  87. Books & Writers
    Orwell & The Intelligentsia (6 Reviews)
    The Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters of George Orwell, by Sonia Orwell, Ian An...
    1. The Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters of George Orwell by Sonia Orwell, Ian Angus, and George Orwell
    2. The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell
    3. Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell
    4. Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell
    5. Animal Farm by George Orwell
    6. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
    Encounter, December 1968, pp. 72-80
  88. Our Situation
    Encounter, May 1963, pp. 3-15
  89. Books
    Oysters and a Novelist's Art (Review)
    The Oysters of Locmariaquer, by Eleanor Clark
    1. The Oysters of Locmariaquer by Eleanor Clark
    The New Republic, August 8, 1964, pp. 23-24
  90. The Pardoner's Tale (1978)
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  91. Fall Book Review
    The Pasternak Legacy (Review)
    The Poems of Doctor Zhivago, by Boris L. Pasternak and Donald Davie
    1. The Poems of Doctor Zhivago by Boris L. Pasternak and Donald Davie
    The New Republic, November 27, 1965, pp. 17-19
  92. Fall Book Review
    Picking Up the Pieces (Review)
    Previous Convictions, by Cyril Connolly
    1. Previous Convictions by Cyril Connolly
    The New Republic, November 28, 1964, pp. 13-14
  93. Poem
    Encounter, May 1958, pp. 36-37
  94. Poem
    Encounter, September 1990, p. 31
  95. Books
    Poems of a Prosaist (Review)
    The Collected Poetry of Aldous Huxley, by Donald Watt and Aldous Huxley
    1. The Collected Poetry of Aldous Huxley by Donald Watt and Aldous Huxley
    The New Republic, September 11, 1971, p. 27
  96. Poems, 1949-1979 (1980)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  97. Poetry & Social Criticism
    Encounter, June 1976, pp. 25-32
  98. Preliminary Essays (1956)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  99. Professing Poetry (1977)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  100. Books & Writers
    The Prophet Ezra v. "The Egotistical Sublime"
    Encounter, August 1969, pp. 63-69
  101. Radio Till Now
    Encounter, June 1971, pp. 61-65
  102. Fall Book Review
    Robert Penn Warren: The Drama of the Past (Review)
    Selected Poems: New and Old, 1923-1966, by Robert Penn Warren
    1. Selected Poems: New and Old, 1923-1966 by Robert Penn Warren
    The New Republic, November 26, 1966, pp. 16-18
  103. [+]
    Ruminating about Freedom (Review)
    The Sleep of Reason, by C.P. Snow
    1. The Sleep of Reason by C.P. Snow
    The New Republic, February 1, 1969, pp. 30-35
  104. Notes & Topics
    Salade Nicoise
    Encounter, August 1970, pp. 39-42
  105. A Salute to the Makers
    Encounter, November 1970, pp. 51-59
  106. Samuel Johnson: A Biography (1975)
    10 Reviews, 2 Readable
  107. At Sea on the River of Prawns
    Encounter, November 1982, pp. 7-18
  108. Shakespeare: Othello (1971)
    A Casebook
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  109. Books
    Snowed Under (Review)
    From the Terrace, by John O'Hara
    1. From the Terrace by John O'Hara
    The New Yorker, January 10, 1959, pp. 112-113
  110. Books and the Arts
    Song of Myself, 1963 (Review)
    The Benefactor, by Susan Sontag
    1. The Benefactor by Susan Sontag
    The New Republic, September 21, 1963, pp. 26-29
  111. Sprightly Running (1963)
    Part of an Autobiography
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  112. Strike the Father Dead (1962)
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  113. Swing High, Swing Low
    Encounter, July 1973, pp. 3-11
  114. Notes & Topics
    T. S. Eliot
    Encounter, March 1965, pp. 51-52
  115. [+]
    "That Poor Little Swinburne" (Review)
    The Swinburne Letters, by Cecil Y. Lang and Algernon Swinburne
    1. The Swinburne Letters by Cecil Y. Lang and Algernon Swinburne
    Encounter, December 1960, pp. 75-79
  116. A Travelling Woman (1959)
    A Novel
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  117. Twofold
    The Hudson Review, Summer 1984, pp. 189-198
  118. The Valentine Generation
    Argosy, December 1963, pp. 6-16
  119. [+]
    The Very Thing (5 Reviews)
    Command, and I Will Obey You, and Other Stories, by Alberto Moravia
    1. Command, and I Will Obey You, and Other Stories by Alberto Moravia
    2. Bad Debts by Geoffrey Wolff
    3. Lunar Landscapes by John Hawkes
    4. The Cost of Living Like This by James Kennaway
    5. Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands by Jorge Amado
    The New York Review of Books, February 26, 1970, pp. 35-37
  120. A Visit at Tea-Time
    Argosy, September 1963, pp. 71-80
  121. A Visit to India
    Encounter, May 1961, pp. 3-15
  122. Winter Book Review
    A Voice from the Grave (Review)
    Enemies of Promise, by Cyril Connolly
    1. Enemies of Promise by Cyril Connolly
    The New Republic, November 28, 1960, pp. 19-21
  123. Weep Before God (1961)
    2 Reviews
  124. Wildtrack (1966)
    1 Review
  125. A Winter in the Hills (1970)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  126. [+]
    Women's Work (3 Reviews)
    The Collected Stories of Jean Stafford, by Jean Stafford
    1. The Collected Stories of Jean Stafford by Jean Stafford
    2. Bruno's Dream by Iris Murdoch
    3. A Compass Error by Sybille Bedford
    The New York Review of Books, April 24, 1969, pp. 38-39
  127. A Word Carved on a Sill (1956)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  128. [+]
    A World's Beginning (Review)
    Robert Graves: The Assault Heroic, 1895-1926, by Richard Perceval Graves
    1. Robert Graves: The Assault Heroic, 1895-1926 by Richard Perceval Graves
    The New York Review of Books, June 25, 1987, pp. 8-11
  129. Books & Writers
    "To Write for My Own Race" (3 Reviews)
    At Swim-Two-Birds, by Flann O'Brien
    1. At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O'Brien
    2. The Dalkey Archive by Flann O'Brien
    3. The Hard Life by Flann O'Brien
    Encounter, July 1967, pp. 71-85
  130. The Young Visitors (1965)
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  131. No Items Found