The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Martin Turnell Archives
Martin Turnell •ï¿½79 Items / 49 Articles, 23 Reviews, 6 Books, 1 Poem
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  1. The Achievement of Cocteau
    Commonweal, December 21, 1956, pp. 309-311
  2. Adventurer Montherlant
    Commonweal, May 12, 1961, pp. 171-173
  3. [+]
    Analogy & violation (Review)
    The Novel and the Cinema, by Geoffrey A. Wagner
    1. The Novel and the Cinema by Geoffrey A. Wagner
    Commonweal, September 14, 1979, p. 504
  4. Andre Gide
    Commonweal, May 4, 1951, pp. 79-80
  5. The Anomaly of Andre Gide
    Commonweal, May 11, 1956, pp. 143-145
  6. The Art of French Fiction (1959)
    Prevost, Standahl, Zola, Maupassant, Gide, Mauriac, Proust
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  7. 'Athalie' and the Dictators
    Scrutiny, March 1940, pp. 363-389
  8. Baroque Art and Poetry
    Commonweal, May 16, 1952, pp. 146-148
  9. Baudelaire (1954)
    A Study of His Poetry
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  10. Belief and the Writer
    Commonweal, May 13, 1955, pp. 143-145
  11. Benjamin Constant and 'Adolphe'
    Scrutiny, December 1942, pp. 125-145
  12. The Brothers Concourt
    Commonweal, October 26, 1962, pp. 117-118
  13. Books
    The Chaudel-Gide Correspondence (Review)
    The Correspondence Between Paul Claudel and Andre Gide, 1899-1926, by Robert Mallet, Pa...
    1. The Correspondence Between Paul Claudel and Andre Gide, 1899-1926 by Robert Mallet, Paul Claudel, and Andre Gide
    Commonweal, December 19, 1952, pp. 284-286
  14. The Classical Moment (1948)
    Studies of Corneille, Moliere, and Racine
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  15. Men & Ideas
    The Criticism of Roland Barthes
    Encounter, February 1966, pp. 30-35
  16. Donne's Quest for Unity
    Commonweal, October 10, 1952, pp. 15-17
  17. Books
    The Dramatic Clash of Great French Churchmen (Review)
    The Archbishop and the Lady, by Michael de la Bedoyere
    1. The Archbishop and the Lady by Michael de la Bedoyere
    Commonweal, June 8, 1956, p. 255
  18. Books
    Edith, Ian and All That
    Ramparts Magazine, April 1965, pp. 55-59
  19. Eldorado Banal
    Horizon, August 1941, pp. 97-120
  20. The Epic of St.-John Perse
    Commonweal, July 17, 1959, pp. 376-377
  21. Flaubert (Concluded)
    Scrutiny, Spring 1946, pp. 272-291
  22. Flaubert (I)
    Scrutiny, Autumn 1945, pp. 200-217
  23. Books
    Flaubert as Letter-Writer (Review)
    The Selected Letters of Gustave Flaubert, by Francis Steegmuller and Gustave Flaubert
    1. The Selected Letters of Gustave Flaubert by Francis Steegmuller and Gustave Flaubert
    Commonweal, November 19, 1954, pp. 189-191
  24. For Jean Racine
    Horizon, August 1940, pp. 29-45
  25. Notes & Topics
    Francois Mauriac
    Encounter, February 1971, pp. 46-47
  26. [+]
    Gide as Critic (Review)
    Pretexts, by Andre Gide and Justin O'Brien
    1. Pretexts by Andre Gide and Justin O'Brien
    Encounter, August 1960, pp. 77-81
  27. Portrait
    Graham Greene: The Man Within
    Ramparts Magazine, June 1965, pp. 53-66
  28. 'The Great and Good Corneille'
    Scrutiny, December 1938, pp. 277-300
  29. [+]
    The Heirs of Baudelaire (Review)
    The Heritage of Symbolism, by C.M. Bowra
    1. The Heritage of Symbolism by C.M. Bowra
    Scrutiny, Summer 1943, pp. 291-297
  30. Hero of Our Time
    Commonweal, December 2, 1966, pp. 251-253
  31. Historian or Visionary?
    Commonweal, March 25, 1960, pp. 696-697
  32. [+]
    The Inside Picture of Stendhal's Formative Years (Review)
    The Private Diaries of Stendhal, by Robert Sage and Stendhal
    1. The Private Diaries of Stendhal by Robert Sage and Stendhal
    Commonweal, January 21, 1955, p. 434
  33. [+]
    Introspection (Review)
    French Introspectives: From Montaigne to Andre Gide, by P. Mansell Jones
    1. French Introspectives: From Montaigne to Andre Gide by P. Mansell Jones
    Scrutiny, March 1938, pp. 457-460
  34. Jacques Riviere (1953)
    1 Review
  35. Jules Laforge
    Scrutiny, September 1936, pp. 128-149
  36. 'Le Misanthrope' (I)
    Scrutiny, Summer 1943, pp. 242-258
  37. 'Le Misanthrope' (II)
    Scrutiny, Winter 1943, pp. 27-34
  38. Books
    The Legend of Alain-Fournier (Review)
    The Quest of Alain-Fournier, by Robert Gibson
    1. The Quest of Alain-Fournier by Robert Gibson
    Commonweal, March 12, 1954, pp. 580-582
  39. The Legend of Jean Cocteau
    Commonweal, December 14, 1956, pp. 285-287
  40. Literary Criticism in France (I)
    Scrutiny, September 1939, pp. 167-183
  41. Literary Criticism in France (II)
    Scrutiny, December 1939, pp. 281-297
  42. [+]
    Mallarme (Review)
    Some Poems of Mallarme, by Charles Mauron and Stephane Mallarme
    1. Some Poems of Mallarme by Charles Mauron and Stephane Mallarme
    Scrutiny, March 1937, pp. 425-437
  43. Malraux's Fate
    Commonweal, June 18, 1965, pp. 410-412
  44. Marcel Jouhandeau
    Commonweal, June 18, 1954, pp. 271-273
  45. Marivaux
    Scrutiny, December 1947, pp. 36-55
  46. Moliere
    Horizon, September 1943, pp. 162-186
  47. [+]
    Montherlant (2 Reviews)
    The Bachelors, by Henry de Montherlant
    1. The Bachelors by Henry de Montherlant
    2. Selected Essays by Peter Quennell and Henry de Montherlant
    Encounter, June 1961, pp. 84-85
  48. [+]
    Mr. Eliot's New Play (Review)
    The Family Reunion, by T.S. Eliot
    1. The Family Reunion by T.S. Eliot
    Scrutiny, June 1939, pp. 108-113
  49. A Note on Jacques Riviere
    Commonweal, August 24, 1951, pp. 479-480
  50. The Novel in France (1951)
    Mme, de la Fayette, Laclos, Constant, Stendhal, Balzac, Flaubert, Proust
    8 Reviews, 2 Readable
  51. Novelist - Philosophers - XI
    Stendhal - II
    Horizon, August 1947, pp. 121-139
  52. Novelist - Philosophers - XI
    Stendhal - I
    Horizon, July 1947, pp. 50-82
  53. Novelist-Philosophers - VII
    Choderlos de Laclos and 'Les Liaisons Dangereuses'
    Horizon, January 1946, pp. 12-31
  54. The Novels of Raymond Radiguet
    Commonweal, July 15, 1955, pp. 377-379
  55. Paul Claudel
    The Intolerance of Genius~Paul Claudel
    Commonweal, May 27, 1955, pp. 204-206
  56. Paul Valery and the Universal Self
    The American Scholar, Spring 1976, pp. 262-269
  57. 'Phedre'
    Scrutiny, Autumn 1944, pp. 271-281
  58. Philosophy and the Novel
    Ramparts Magazine, November 1962, pp. 10-16
  59. Poet of Contradiction
    Paul Valery
    Commonweal, August 30, 1957, pp. 544-547
  60. [+]
    The Poet of Revolution (2 Reviews)
    Arthur Rimbaud, by Enid Starkie
    1. Arthur Rimbaud by Enid Starkie
    2. Arthur Rimbaud in Abyssinia by Enid Starkie
    Scrutiny, September 1938, pp. 223-234
  61. Poetry and Crisis (1938)
    1 Review
  62. [+]
    Poetry in France (Review)
    Introduction a la Poesie Francaise, by Thierry Maulnier
    1. Introduction a la Poesie Francaise by Thierry Maulnier
    Scrutiny, December 1939, pp. 324-327
  63. Postscript on Verlaine
    Scrutiny, December 1940, pp. 249-258
  64. Prince of French Critics?
    Commonweal, September 20, 1957, p. 616
  65. [+]
    Proust (Review)
    Introduction to Proust, by Derrick Leon
    1. Introduction to Proust by Derrick Leon
    Scrutiny, March 1941, pp. 384-387
  66. [+]
    Proust and His Critics (3 Reviews)
    The Two Worlds of Marcel Proust, by Harold March
    1. The Two Worlds of Marcel Proust by Harold March
    2. Marcel Proust by Elisabeth de Gramont
    3. Le Style de Marcel Proust by Jean Mouton
    Scrutiny, September 1949, pp. 265-268
  67. Books
    Proust's Early Novel (Review)
    Jean Santeuil, by Marcel Proust
    1. Jean Santeuil by Marcel Proust
    Commonweal, December 30, 1955, pp. 333-334
  68. Books
    Proust's Invisible Vocation
    Commonweal, June 20, 1958, pp. 306-307
  69. [+]
    Racine (Review)
    Racine, by Jean Giraudoux
    1. Racine by Jean Giraudoux
    Scrutiny, March 1938, pp. 450-456
  70. The Religious Novel
    Commonweal, October 26, 1951, pp. 55-57
  71. [+]
    Wallace Stevens, Unbloomed (Review)
    The Major Works of Heinrich von Kleist, by Robert E. Helbling
    1. The Major Works of Heinrich von Kleist by Robert E. Helbling
    Commonweal, October 28, 1977, p. 700
  72. Books Reviews
    Art: Stations of the Cross (Review)
    The Gates of Horn, by Harry Levin
    1. The Gates of Horn by Harry Levin
    Ramparts Magazine, Autumn 1963, pp. 81-83
  73. [+]
    Rimbaud (Review)
    Rimbaud: A Critical Introduction, by C.A. Hackett
    1. Rimbaud: A Critical Introduction by C.A. Hackett
    Scrutiny, March 1939, pp. 463-465
  74. [+]
    Sainte-Beuve (2 Reviews)
    Sainte-Beuve, by A.G. Lehmann
    1. Sainte-Beuve by A.G. Lehmann
    2. The Memoirs of Chateaubriand by Robert Baldick and Francois-Rene Chateaubriand, ...
    Encounter, May 1962, pp. 82-85
  75. The Significance of the 'Princesse de Cleves'
    Scrutiny, January 1942, pp. 256-271
  76. Books
    Study of a Significant Shift in Society's Heroes (Review)
    The Unheroic Hero, by Raymond D. Giraud
    1. The Unheroic Hero by Raymond D. Giraud
    Commonweal, June 7, 1957, pp. 258-259
  77. Books
    The View From London
    Ramparts Magazine, October 1964, pp. 50-55
  78. Virginia Woolf
    Horizon, July 1942, pp. 44-56
  79. The Writer and Social Strategy
    The Partisan Review, March 1951, pp. 167-182
  80. No Items Found