The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
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Rexford G. Tugwell Archives
Rexford G. Tugwell •ï¿½108 Items / 32 Books, 40 Articles, 36 Reviews
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  1. General Articles
    After the New Deal: V
    The New Republic, July 26, 1939, pp. 323-325
  2. [+]
    The Agricultural Criris (Review)
    The Agricultural Crisis, 1920-23, by R.R. Enfield
    1. The Agricultural Crisis, 1920-23 by R.R. Enfield
    The Nation, October 15, 1924, p. 420
  3. The Agricultural Policy of France, I
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1930, pp. 214-230
  4. The Agricultural Policy of France, II
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1930, pp. 405-428
  5. The Agricultural Policy of France, III
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1930, pp. 527-547
  6. American Economic Life (1925)
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  7. America's Recovery Program (1934)
    By Members of the Brain Trust and Others
    2 Reviews
  8. America's War-Time Socialism
    The Nation, April 6, 1927, pp. 364-368
  9. The Art of Politics (1958)
    As Practiced by Three Great Americans: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Luis Munoz ...
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  10. [+]
    Ask the Woman (Review)
    This Ugly Civilization, by Ralph Borsodi
    1. This Ugly Civilization by Ralph Borsodi
    The Saturday Review, June 21, 1930, p. 1143
  11. Bankers' Banks
    The New Republic, December 12, 1928, p. 95
  12. The Battle for Democracy (1935)
    6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  13. [+]
    Book Reviews (2 Reviews)
    Crisis in Britain, by Robert A. Brady
    1. Crisis in Britain by Robert A. Brady
    2. Five Years of British Labour, 1945-1950 by Rene de Visme Williamson and Lee S. Greene
    American Political Science Review, March 1951, pp. 210-213
  14. The Brains Trust (1968)
    4 Reviews
  15. Chameleon Words
    The New Republic, August 25, 1926, p. 16
  16. Changing the Colonial Climate (1942)
    Puerto Rican Speeches and Reports of R.G. Tugwell
    1 Review
  17. A Chronicle of Jeopardy, 1945-55 (1955)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  18. [+]
    Communism: Reality and Theory (Review)
    Communism, by Harold J. Laski
    1. Communism by Harold J. Laski
    The New Republic, February 22, 1928, p. 22
  19. Compromising of the Constitution (1976)
    Early Departures
    2 Reviews
  20. [+]
    Contemporary Buncombe (Review)
    Your Money's Worth, by Stuart Chase and F.J. Schlink
    1. Your Money's Worth by Stuart Chase and F.J. Schlink
    The Saturday Review, July 9, 1927, p. 959
  21. [+]
    Contemporary Economics (Review)
    Contemporary Economic Thought, by Paul T. Homan
    1. Contemporary Economic Thought by Paul T. Homan
    The New Republic, May 16, 1928, p. 397
  22. The Democratic Roosevelt (1957)
    A Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt
    7 Reviews, 2 Readable
  23. Design for Government
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1933, pp. 321-332
  24. [+]
    The Dismal Science (3 Reviews)
    Elementary Economics, by Fred Rogers Fairchild and Edgar Stevenson Furniss, ...
    1. Elementary Economics by Fred Rogers Fairchild and Edgar Stevenson Furniss, ...
    2. Economics: Principles and Problems by Lionel D. Edie
    3. Principles of Economics by O. Fred Boucke
    The Saturday Review, November 13, 1926, p. 291
  25. Early American Policy (1960)
    Six Columbia Contributors
    2 Reviews
  26. The Economic Basis of Public Interest (1922)
  27. An Economist Reads Dark Laughter
    The New Republic, December 9, 1925, p. 87
  28. The Emerging Constitution (1974)
    2 Reviews
  29. The Enlargement of the Presidency (1960)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  30. [+]
    Enlightened Unselfishness Down South (Review)
    The United States and the Caribbean, by Dexter Perkins
    1. The United States and the Caribbean by Dexter Perkins
    The Saturday Review, December 27, 1947, p. 9
  31. Essays in Economic Theory (1924)
    1 Review
  32. Experimental Control in Russian Industry
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1928, pp. 161-187
  33. F.D.R.: Livign Memorials
    The Nation, April 7, 1956, pp. 272-274
  34. The Farmer and the Commissar
    The Nation, July 29, 1961, pp. 57-59
  35. FDR: Architect of an Era (1967)
    3 Reviews
  36. Frightened Liberals
    The New Republic, April 26, 1939, p. 328
  37. General Articles
    The Future of National Planning
    The New Republic, December 9, 1936, pp. 162-163
  38. [+]
    Gary and Steel (Review)
    The Life of Elbert H. Gary, by Ida M. Tarbell
    1. The Life of Elbert H. Gary by Ida M. Tarbell
    The Saturday Review, December 12, 1925, p. 406
  39. [+]
    The Golden Elephant (Review)
    America Weighs Her Gold, by James Harvey Rogers
    1. America Weighs Her Gold by James Harvey Rogers
    The New Republic, November 25, 1931, p. 51
  40. Governor or President?
    The New Republic, May 16, 1928, p. 381
  41. Governor Smith's Dilemma
    The New Republic, August 1, 1928, p. 276
  42. "The Great American Fraud"
    The American Scholar, Winter 1934, pp. 85-95
  43. Grover Cleveland (1968)
    1 Review
  44. [+]
    Henry Ford in This World (Review)
    Today and Tomorrow, by Henry Ford and Samuel Crowther
    1. Today and Tomorrow by Henry Ford and Samuel Crowther
    The Saturday Review, August 7, 1926, pp. 17-18
  45. The Hired Man
    The Nation, August 5, 1925, pp. 164-165
  46. Articles
    The Historians and the Presidency (2 Reviews)
    An Essay Review
    1. The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson by Eric F. Goldman
    2. A White House Diary by Lady Bird Johnson
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1971, pp. 183-204
  47. How They Became President (1964)
    Thirty-Five Ways to the White House
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  48. Hunger, Cold and Candidates
    The New Republic, May 2, 1928, pp. 323-324
  49. [+]
    Imperialism (Review)
    Dollar Diplomacy, by Scott Nearing and Joseph Freeman
    1. Dollar Diplomacy by Scott Nearing and Joseph Freeman
    The Saturday Review, May 1, 1926, p. 753
  50. Books in Review
    In Defense of Puerto Rico (Review)
    Dynamite on Our Doorstep, by Wenzell Brown
    1. Dynamite on Our Doorstep by Wenzell Brown
    The New Republic, April 15, 1946, pp. 509-511
  51. [+]
    In Re Subject Matter (Review)
    Oil!, by Upton Sinclair
    1. Oil! by Upton Sinclair
    The Saturday Review, July 2, 1927, p. 942
  52. In Search of Roosevelt (1972)
    2 Reviews
  53. The Industrial Discipline and the Governmental Arts (1933)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  54. The Industrial Discipline (1933)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  55. Industry's Coming of Age (1927)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  56. [+]
    An Interesting Life (Review)
    The Confessions of a Reformer, by Frederic C. Howe
    1. The Confessions of a Reformer by Frederic C. Howe
    The Saturday Review, December 26, 1925, p. 447
  57. [+]
    A Jesuit Scholar (Review)
    The Political Economy of Juan de Mariana, by John Laures
    1. The Political Economy of Juan de Mariana by John Laures
    The Saturday Review, June 16, 1928, p. 962
  58. To the Lesser Heights of Morningside (1982)
    A Memoir
    1 Review
  59. The Liberal Choice
    The New Republic, September 5, 1928, p. 74
  60. The Light of Other Days (1962)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  61. [+]
    The Man with the Hoe (Review)
    Our Rural Heritage, by James Mickel Williams
    1. Our Rural Heritage by James Mickel Williams
    The Nation, October 21, 1925, p. 467
  62. The Meaning of the Greenbelt Towns
    The New Republic, February 17, 1937, p. 42
  63. Notes on the Uses of Exactitude in Politics
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1939, pp. 15-28
  64. Off Course: From Truman to Nixon (1971)
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  65. On the Threshold of the White House
    The Atlantic Monthly, July 1974, p. 72
  66. Our Economic Society and Its Problems (1934)
    A Study of American Levels of Living and How to Improve Them
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  67. Our New National Domain
    Scribners, March 1936, pp. 164-167
  68. General Articles
    The Paradox of Peace
    The New Republic, April 18, 1928, pp. 262-266
  69. [+]
    Parts of a New Civilization (Review)
    Magic Motorways, by Norman Bel Geddes
    1. Magic Motorways by Norman Bel Geddes
    The Saturday Review, April 13, 1940, pp. 3-4
  70. Platforms and Candidates
    The New Republic, May 30, 1928, p. 44
  71. The Presidency Reappraised (1974)
    2 Reviews
  72. [+]
    The President and His Helpers (3 Reviews)
    A Review-Article
    1. Kennedy by Theodore C. Sorensen
    2. A Thousand Days by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
    3. With Kennedy by Pierre Salinger
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1967, pp. 253-267
  73. The Progressive Tradition
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1935, pp. 409-418
  74. Puerto Rico's Bootstraps
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1947, pp. 160-169
  75. [+]
    Rebirth of an Undeveloped Island (Review)
    Transformation: The Story of Modern Puerto Rico, by Earl Parker Hanson
    1. Transformation: The Story of Modern Puerto Rico by Earl Parker Hanson
    The Saturday Review, February 12, 1955, p. 16
  76. Redirecting Education, Vol. I (1935)
    The United States
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  77. Reflections on Farm Relief
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1928, pp. 481-497
  78. [+]
    The Inaugural Square Dance (Review)
    Organizing the Presidency, by Stephen Hess
    1. Organizing the Presidency by Stephen Hess
    The New Republic, February 26, 1977, pp. 26-27
  79. Books Considered
    Science Fiction (Review)
    Conflict and Crisis, by Robert J. Donovan
    1. Conflict and Crisis by Robert J. Donovan
    The New Republic, November 26, 1977, p. 39
  80. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Guild Socialism, by G.D.H. Cole
    1. Guild Socialism by G.D.H. Cole
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1921, pp. 702-705
  81. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Principles of the New Economics, by Lionel D. Edie
    1. Principles of the New Economics by Lionel D. Edie
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1923, pp. 166-167
  82. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    The History of Utopian Thought, by Joyce Oramel Hertzler
    1. The History of Utopian Thought by Joyce Oramel Hertzler
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1924, pp. 354-355
  83. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Agricultural Reform in the United States, by John D. Black
    1. Agricultural Reform in the United States by John D. Black
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1930, pp. 637-640
  84. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Tomorrow a New World, by Paul K. Conkin
    1. Tomorrow a New World by Paul K. Conkin
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1960, pp. 260-262
  85. [+]
    Roosevelt and Frankfurter: An Essay Review (Review)
    Roosevelt and Frankfurter: The Correspondence, 1928-45, by Max Freedman, Franklin D. Ro...
    1. Roosevelt and Frankfurter: The Correspondence, 1928-45 by Max Freedman, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Felix Frankfurter, ...
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1970, pp. 99-114
  86. Roosevelt and the Bonus Marchers of 1932
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1972, pp. 363-376
  87. Roosevelt and the Brains Trust: An Historiographic Overview
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1972, pp. 560-563
  88. Roosevelt's Revolution (1977)
    The First Year: A Personal Prspective
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  89. [+]
    Society and Scientific Method (Review)
    Conservatism, Radicalism and Scientific Method, by A.B. Wolfe
    1. Conservatism, Radicalism and Scientific Method by A.B. Wolfe
    The Nation, July 15, 1925, p. 96
  90. [+]
    Sound Economics (Review)
    The Case of Bituminous Coal, by Walton H. Hamilton and Helen R. Wright
    1. The Case of Bituminous Coal by Walton H. Hamilton and Helen R. Wright
    The Saturday Review, February 27, 1926, p. 589
  91. Soviet Russia in the Second Decade (1928)
    A Joint Survey by the Technical Staff of the First American Trade Union Deleg...
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  92. The Stricken Land (1946)
    The Story of Puerto Rico
    9 Reviews, 4 Readable
  93. [+]
    The Struggle for Oil (Review)
    The Oil War, by Anton Mohr
    1. The Oil War by Anton Mohr
    The Saturday Review, March 19, 1927, p. 662
  94. That Living Constitution
    The New Republic, June 20, 1928, pp. 120-121
  95. The Theory of Occupational Obsolescence
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1931, pp. 171-227
  96. [+]
    Toward Unemployment Insurance (Review)
    The Problem of Unemployment, by Paul H. Douglas and Aaron Director
    1. The Problem of Unemployment by Paul H. Douglas and Aaron Director
    The New Republic, August 26, 1931, p. 52
  97. The Trend of Economics (1924)
    2 Reviews
  98. Two Communications
    The New Republic, October 25, 1939, pp. 341-342
  99. [+]
    United States (Review)
    Franklin D. Roosevelt and Conservation, 1911-1945, by Edgar B. Nixon
    1. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Conservation, 1911-1945 by Edgar B. Nixon
    The American Historical Review, April 1958, p. 758
  100. Veblen and "Business Enterprise"
    The New Republic, March 29, 1939, pp. 215-218
  101. The View from Puerto Rico
    The Nation, June 10, 1961, p. 496
  102. Wage-Pressure and Efficiency
    The New Republic, July 11, 1928, pp. 196-197
  103. Wesly Mitchell: An Evaluation
    The New Republic, October 6, 1937, pp. 238-239
  104. What Is a Scientific Tariff?
    The New Republic, June 13, 1928, p. 92
  105. What Will Become of the Farmer?
    The Nation, June 15, 1927, pp. 664-665
  106. [+]
    The Woman in the Sunbonnet (Review)
    The Woman on the Farm, by Mary Meek Atkeson
    1. The Woman on the Farm by Mary Meek Atkeson
    The Nation, January 21, 1925, p. 73
  107. [+]
    The World's Need (Review)
    Political Myths and Economic Realities, by Francis Delaisi
    1. Political Myths and Economic Realities by Francis Delaisi
    The Saturday Review, February 11, 1928, p. 594
  108. No Items Found