The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
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A.M. Sullivan Archives
A.M. Sullivan •ï¿½71 Items / 7 Books, 4 Articles, 48 Reviews, 12 Poems
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  1. [+]
    Ack-Ack and Fog (Review)
    Aleutian Interval, by Courtland W. Matthews
    1. Aleutian Interval by Courtland W. Matthews
    The Saturday Review, April 15, 1950, p. 42
  2. [+]
    Audacity from the Antipodes (2 Reviews)
    Australian Poetry 1947, by Frederick T. MacCartney
    1. Australian Poetry 1947 by Frederick T. MacCartney
    2. Notes from a Journey by Harry Roskolenko
    The Saturday Review, January 22, 1949, p. 25
  3. [+]
    Breaking Shackles (Review)
    Involuntary Witness, by Joseph Warren Beach
    1. Involuntary Witness by Joseph Warren Beach
    The Saturday Review, May 20, 1950, p. 20
  4. [+]
    Candor & Grace (Review)
    Dialogue with an Angel, by Sister Mary Jeremy
    1. Dialogue with an Angel by Sister Mary Jeremy
    The Saturday Review, August 20, 1949, p. 28
  5. [+]
    Comment, Song, Philosophy & Ideas (4 Reviews)
    Bird at Night, by Marion Ethel Hamilton
    1. Bird at Night by Marion Ethel Hamilton
    2. Come Up the Valley by Francis Pledger Hulme
    3. Intimation, and Other Poems, 1941-47 by H.M. Margoliouth
    4. The Playground by James Broughton
    The Saturday Review, May 21, 1949, p. 30
  6. The Competitive Spirit
    The Freeman, January 1961, pp. 15-16
  7. [+]
    Convoy S.C. 42 and the Wolf-Packs (Review)
    Behind the Log, by E.J. Pratt
    1. Behind the Log by E.J. Pratt
    The Saturday Review, May 15, 1948, p. 24
  8. A Day in Manhattan (1941)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  9. [+]
    Day-by-Day Fighting (Review)
    Words Into Steel, by Hargis Westerfield
    1. Words Into Steel by Hargis Westerfield
    The Saturday Review, February 11, 1950, p. 31
  10. [+]
    Death, Conversation, and Stars (3 Reviews)
    Long After You, by Margaret E. Yale
    1. Long After You by Margaret E. Yale
    2. Inward from the Sea by Jeannette Slocomb Edwards
    3. Man's Mysterious Mind, and Other Cosmic Poems by Henry R. Vanderbyll
    The Saturday Review, October 9, 1948, p. 32
  11. [+]
    Diverse Quartet (4 Reviews)
    The Plow in the Ruins, by Vincent Ferrini
    1. The Plow in the Ruins by Vincent Ferrini
    2. The Doctor of Magic by Frank Deane
    3. The Ship of Glass by Isabel Harriss Barr
    4. The Cranes on Dying River, and Other Poems by Lawrence Olson
    The Saturday Review, July 26, 1947, pp. 27-29
  12. [+]
    Doggerel to Drama (3 Reviews)
    Poems for Men, by Damon Runyon
    1. Poems for Men by Damon Runyon
    2. Solo, and Other Poems by Harold Applebaum
    3. Give Me the Stars by Clara Maxwell Taft
    The Saturday Review, April 10, 1948, p. 19
  13. [+]
    Duels of Ships and Sex (2 Reviews)
    On Board Old Ironsides, 1812-1815, by Charles Wharton Stork
    1. On Board Old Ironsides, 1812-1815 by Charles Wharton Stork
    2. Always the Need by Joseph Joel Keith
    The Saturday Review, June 19, 1948, p. 25
  14. Elbows of the Wind (1932)
    Being the Strident Voice of One Desiring to be Heard Above the Pandemonium of...
    1 Review
  15. Electrolysis
    The Atlantic Monthly, September 1943, p. 117
  16. Flying Buttress
    The Atlantic Monthly, October 1946, p. 84
  17. [+]
    For the Left, Cognoscenti & Mystic (2 Reviews)
    Poetry of the Present, by Geoffrey Grigson
    1. Poetry of the Present by Geoffrey Grigson
    2. Unseen Wings by Stanton A. Coblentz
    The Saturday Review, June 4, 1949, p. 20
  18. [+]
    From Nature to the Imponderables (4 Reviews)
    The Bloom of Candles, by Laurie Lee
    1. The Bloom of Candles by Laurie Lee
    2. Long Island Triptych, and Other Poems by Lindley Williams Hubbell
    3. The Defeated by P.D. Cummins
    4. Imagine the South by George Woodcock
    The Saturday Review, July 10, 1948, pp. 26-27
  19. [+]
    Heady Poet: Eloquent Sophisticate (Review)
    Poems 1947-1954, by Weldon Kees
    1. Poems 1947-1954 by Weldon Kees
    The Saturday Review, January 28, 1956, p. 25
  20. [+]
    In a Salty Mood (Review)
    The Eternal Sea, by William M. Williamson
    1. The Eternal Sea by William M. Williamson
    The Saturday Review, February 8, 1947, p. 25
  21. [+]
    In Durance Vile---and Later (Review)
    Borstal Boy, by Brendan Behan
    1. Borstal Boy by Brendan Behan
    The Saturday Review, February 28, 1959, p. 35
  22. Incident in Silver (1950)
    A Book of Lyrics
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  23. [+]
    Keys Subjective, Harsh, and Witty (3 Reviews)
    Rococo Summer and Other Poems, by Lawrence P. Spingarn
    1. Rococo Summer and Other Poems by Lawrence P. Spingarn
    2. The Long Reprieve by Hubert Creekmore
    3. Essay on Marriage by Anne Finch
    The Saturday Review, March 22, 1947, pp. 36-37
  24. [+]
    Life & a Lady's Stamp (2 Reviews)
    Out of a Childhood, by William A. Angermann
    1. Out of a Childhood by William A. Angermann
    2. The Season's Difference, and Other Poems by John Fandel
    The Saturday Review, November 20, 1948, p. 33
  25. [+]
    Life & Its Phenomena (2 Reviews)
    Collected Poems, 1914-1948, by Glenn Ward Dresbach
    1. Collected Poems, 1914-1948 by Glenn Ward Dresbach
    2. Toward the Metal Sun by Celia Puhr Dimmette
    The Saturday Review, July 22, 1950, p. 19
  26. Men of the Hills
    Commonweal, April 8, 1931, p. 628
  27. [+]
    The Mischief in the Miracle (Review)
    At Swim-Two-Birds, by Flann O'Brien
    1. At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O'Brien
    The Saturday Review, September 10, 1966, pp. 64-65
  28. Monotone
    Commonweal, February 4, 1931, p. 381
  29. Monument
    The Saturday Review, January 1, 1949, p. 26
  30. [+]
    "Only a Rhymer" (Review)
    Songs of a Sun-Lover, by Robert W. Service
    1. Songs of a Sun-Lover by Robert W. Service
    The Saturday Review, November 26, 1949, p. 26
  31. [+]
    Optimist & Observer (2 Reviews)
    A Wind Is Rising, by John Black
    1. A Wind Is Rising by John Black
    2. The Questing Self by Ruth Russell Davis
    The Saturday Review, January 1, 1949, p. 19
  32. Poems
    A.M. Sullivan
    Commonweal, April 20, 1927, p. 663
  33. Poems
    Spider Web
    Commonweal, October 5, 1927, p. 529
  34. Poems
    At the Homestead
    Commonweal, June 20, 1928, p. 188
  35. [+]
    Poems in a Tradition (Review)
    Various Jangling Keys, by Edgar Bogardus
    1. Various Jangling Keys by Edgar Bogardus
    The Saturday Review, January 16, 1954, p. 21
  36. The Poet in Search of His Audience
    The Saturday Review, July 21, 1951, p. 18
  37. [+]
    Poetry (Review)
    Immediate Sun, by Rosemary Thomas
    1. Immediate Sun by Rosemary Thomas
    The Saturday Review, December 29, 1951, pp. 24-25
  38. [+]
    Poetry (Review)
    A Land and a People, by Shirley Barker
    1. A Land and a People by Shirley Barker
    The Saturday Review, September 6, 1952, p. 29
  39. [+]
    Poetry Book Notes (3 Reviews)
    The Everlasting Light and Other Poems, by Archibald Rutledge
    1. The Everlasting Light and Other Poems by Archibald Rutledge
    2. Yankee Boundaries by Harry Elmore Hurd
    3. Garnered Sheaves by Stanton A. Coblentz
    The Saturday Review, October 22, 1949, p. 33
  40. [+]
    Poetry Notes (3 Reviews)
    A Wintry Mind, by Alma Ellis Hoernecke
    1. A Wintry Mind by Alma Ellis Hoernecke
    2. Journey with Music by Francis Thomas Maguire
    3. Neighbors by Florence Burrill Jacobs
    The Saturday Review, December 24, 1949, p. 15
  41. [+]
    Poetry Notes (3 Reviews)
    Feather in the Sun, by W.E. Bard
    1. Feather in the Sun by W.E. Bard
    2. The Vision of Red O'Shea by Russell Janney
    3. The Last Garland by Theodore Maynard
    The Saturday Review, January 14, 1950, p. 16
  42. [+]
    Poetry Notes (4 Reviews)
    Pendulum, by Florence Kerr Brownell
    1. Pendulum by Florence Kerr Brownell
    2. Pierre by Virginia Kent Cummins
    3. Traveler to April by Andrew Hewitt
    4. Horn in the Dust by Selywn Shloime Schwartz
    The Saturday Review, March 11, 1950, p. 29
  43. Psalms of the Prodigal and Other Poems (1954)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  44. Radio and the Poet
    Commonweal, November 30, 1934, pp. 138-139
  45. Radio and Vaudeville Culture
    Commonweal, December 13, 1935, pp. 176-178
  46. [+]
    Literary Crypt (4 Reviews)
    Town Down East, by Jessie Wheeler Freeman
    1. Town Down East by Jessie Wheeler Freeman
    2. Sea Sprung by Vincent Ferrini
    3. Tear Drops and Dew by Lillian Reznick Ott
    4. Jewel of Our Longing by Charlotte Louise Marletto
    The Saturday Review, September 17, 1949, p. 28
  47. [+]
    Poetry Notes (6 Reviews)
    Medicine Could Be Verse, by Charles G. Farnum
    1. Medicine Could Be Verse by Charles G. Farnum
    2. Durable Fire by Joseph Joel Keith
    3. Footfalls by Oliver Lagrone
    4. The Tenth Jew by Fania Kruger
    5. Second Poems by Meade Harwell
    6. Remembrance of Moab by Byron Herbert Reece
    The Saturday Review, February 11, 1950, pp. 32-33
  48. [+]
    Poetry Notes (2 Reviews)
    Bronze Frieze, by N.H. Brettell
    1. Bronze Frieze by N.H. Brettell
    2. The Fire's Center by Henry Goddard Leach
    The Saturday Review, February 10, 1951, p. 19
  49. [+]
    Poetry (Review)
    Ring Song, by Naomi Replansky
    1. Ring Song by Naomi Replansky
    The Saturday Review, September 6, 1952, p. 30
  50. [+]
    The Sanctification of the Ordinary (Review)
    Re Joyce, by Anthony Burgess
    1. Re Joyce by Anthony Burgess
    The Saturday Review, December 25, 1965, p. 34
  51. [+]
    Saving Sara's Virtue (Review)
    The Prodigal Father, by Una Troy
    1. The Prodigal Father by Una Troy
    The Saturday Review, April 10, 1965, p. 44
  52. Seismograph
    The Atlantic Monthly, November 1943, pp. 110-112
  53. [+]
    Seven of Merit (7 Reviews)
    Forty-Seventh Street, by Frank Marshall Davis
    1. Forty-Seventh Street by Frank Marshall Davis
    2. Poems by David Ignatow
    3. Craw of Memory by George Kauffman
    4. A Strange Mixture by George Kolas
    5. Aftermoods by Roy K. Coleman
    6. A Turn of the Lighter by Bonnie Day
    7. The Island, and Other Poems by Ingeborg Kayko
    The Saturday Review, November 27, 1948, p. 25
  54. [+]
    The Side Streets of Dublin (Review)
    Hold Your Hour and Have Another, by Brendan Behan
    1. Hold Your Hour and Have Another by Brendan Behan
    The Saturday Review, February 8, 1964, p. 39
  55. [+]
    A Single Idea---A Moralistic Pattern (2 Reviews)
    I Sing of a Maiden, by Sister M. Therese
    1. I Sing of a Maiden by Sister M. Therese
    2. Therefore Choose Life by Edith Lovejoy Pierce
    The Saturday Review, February 28, 1948, p. 17
  56. [+]
    Songs and Shouts (5 Reviews)
    Flesh of the Furies, by Minna Gellert
    1. Flesh of the Furies by Minna Gellert
    2. Footnote to the Future by Lucy Kent
    3. A Whip for Time by Elizabeth Harrison
    4. No Season Waits by Leila Jones
    5. Look to the Sun by Weston Owen McDaniel
    The Saturday Review, July 12, 1947, pp. 29-31
  57. [+]
    Songs of Love (Review)
    The Single Flame, by Mae Winkler Goodman
    1. The Single Flame by Mae Winkler Goodman
    The Saturday Review, April 17, 1948, p. 51
  58. [+]
    Sonnet Surfeited (Review)
    Case Record from a Sonnetorium, by Merrill Moore
    1. Case Record from a Sonnetorium by Merrill Moore
    The Saturday Review, June 21, 1952, p. 20
  59. [+]
    Spiritual Progress (Review)
    Trajectory, and Other Poems, by Granville Paul Smith
    1. Trajectory, and Other Poems by Granville Paul Smith
    The Saturday Review, November 18, 1950, p. 41
  60. Stars and Atoms Have No Size (1946)
    Poems of Science and Industry
    1 Review
  61. Storm at Dingle
    The Saturday Review, November 12, 1955, p. 18
  62. [+]
    Tenderness & Song (2 Reviews)
    After the Bombing, and Other Short Poems, by Edmund Blunden
    1. After the Bombing, and Other Short Poems by Edmund Blunden
    2. Poems and Songs by E.N. Da C. Andrade
    The Saturday Review, September 30, 1950, p. 36
  63. [+]
    Terse and Tangled (3 Reviews)
    Toys in Blood, by George Anthony
    1. Toys in Blood by George Anthony
    2. Spontaneous Now by Sophie Himmell
    3. Word Business by Holger Lundbergh
    The Saturday Review, January 29, 1949, pp. 28-29
  64. There Was a Time
    The Century Magazine, February 1928, p. 504
  65. The Three-Dimensional Man (1956)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  66. Tim Murphy, Morgan Rifleman, and Other Ballads (1947)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  67. Time's Orchard
    The Saturday Review, September 4, 1954, pp. 37-39
  68. [+]
    Troubadour (Review)
    The Glory Road, and the Eagle Sonnets, by Clement Wood
    1. The Glory Road, and the Eagle Sonnets by Clement Wood
    The Saturday Review, July 1, 1950, p. 19
  69. [+]
    Two Lyric Reporters (2 Reviews)
    Selected Poems, 1921-1948, by Harold Vinal
    1. Selected Poems, 1921-1948 by Harold Vinal
    2. Poems by Marguerite Janvrin Adams
    The Saturday Review, August 14, 1948, p. 38
  70. [+]
    With Grandeur, Grace & Sympathy (3 Reviews)
    Selected Poems of John Oxenham, by Charles L. Wallis and John Oxenham
    1. Selected Poems of John Oxenham by Charles L. Wallis and John Oxenham
    2. In England Now by Ada Jackson
    3. The Blue Stairway by Joseph Joel Keith
    The Saturday Review, February 12, 1949, p. 30
  71. [+]
    Word & Myth (Review)
    The Magic Word, by Ludwig Lewisohn
    1. The Magic Word by Ludwig Lewisohn
    The Saturday Review, May 20, 1950, p. 40
  72. No Items Found