The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Robert F. Smith Archives
Robert F. Smith •ï¿½21 Items / 4 Books, 5 Articles, 12 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Americas (Review)
    A History of Cuba and Its Relations with the United States, Vol. I, 1492-1845, by Phili...
    1. A History of Cuba and Its Relations with the United States, Vol. I, 1492-1845 by Philip S. Foner
    The American Historical Review, October 1962, p. 262
  2. [+]
    Americas (Review)
    Historiografia de Cuba, by Jose Manuel Perez Cabrera
    1. Historiografia de Cuba by Jose Manuel Perez Cabrera
    The American Historical Review, April 1963, p. 776
  3. Background to Revolution (1967)
    The Development of Modern Cuba
    1 Review
  4. The Caribbean World and the United States (1994)
    Mixing Rum and Coca-Cola
    1 Review
  5. Discussion: The Middle Class in Latin America
    New Politics, Spring 1965, pp. 83-86
  6. [+]
    Latin America (Review)
    Labor and the Ambivalent Revolutionaries, by Ramon Eduardo Ruiz
    1. Labor and the Ambivalent Revolutionaries by Ramon Eduardo Ruiz
    The American Historical Review, February 1977, p. 226
  7. [+]
    Latin America (Review)
    Revolution and Reaction in Cuba, 1933-1960, by Samuel Farber
    1. Revolution and Reaction in Cuba, 1933-1960 by Samuel Farber
    The American Historical Review, June 1977, p. 782
  8. [+]
    Latin America (Review)
    The Unsuspected Revolution, by Mario Llerena
    1. The Unsuspected Revolution by Mario Llerena
    The American Historical Review, April 1979, p. 597
  9. [+]
    Latin America (Review)
    The CIA in Guatemala, by Richard H. Immerman
    1. The CIA in Guatemala by Richard H. Immerman
    The American Historical Review, June 1983, p. 781
  10. Latin America
    Politics, Ideology and Labor
    New Politics, Winter 1968, pp. 86-93
  11. Books & the Arts
    Latin America: Radical Interpretations (Review)
    Latin American Radicalism, by Irving Louis Horowitz, Josue de Castro, and John Gerassi,...
    1. Latin American Radicalism by Irving Louis Horowitz, Josue de Castro, and John Gerassi, ...
    The Nation, March 3, 1969, p. 277
  12. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, May 23, 1968, pp. 43-48
  13. Books & the Arts
    Till We Have Built Jerusalem (2 Reviews)
    Camilo Torres, by German Guzman
    1. Camilo Torres by German Guzman
    2. Guatemala: Occupied Country by Eduardo H. Galeano
    The Nation, June 30, 1969, p. 829
  14. [+]
    United States (Review)
    The Hovering Giant, by Cole Blasier
    1. The Hovering Giant by Cole Blasier
    The American Historical Review, February 1977, p. 213
  15. [+]
    United States (Review)
    The Perfect Failure, by Trumbull Higgins
    1. The Perfect Failure by Trumbull Higgins
    The American Historical Review, June 1989, p. 897
  16. [+]
    United States (Review)
    Semper Fidel: America and Cuba, 1776-1988, by Michael J. Mazarr
    1. Semper Fidel: America and Cuba, 1776-1988 by Michael J. Mazarr
    The American Historical Review, April 1990, p. 602
  17. [+]
    United States (Review)
    Drive to Hegemony, by David Healy
    1. Drive to Hegemony by David Healy
    The American Historical Review, October 1990, p. 1300
  18. United States and Cuba (1960)
    Business and Diplomacy, 1917-1960
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  19. The United States and Revolutionary Nationalism... (1972)
    3 Reviews
  20. What Happened to Baby "Alianza"?
    New Politics, Winter 1965, pp. 90-95
  21. No Items Found