The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Henry E. Sigerist Archives
Henry E. Sigerist •ï¿½17 Items / 10 Books, 3 Articles, 4 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    American History (Review)
    The Doctors Mayo, by Helen B. Clapesattle
    1. The Doctors Mayo by Helen B. Clapesattle
    The American Historical Review, July 1942, pp. 901-902
  2. American Medicine (1934)
    1 Review
  3. Civilization and Disease (1944)
    1 Review
  4. [+]
    Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (Review)
    The Swiss Contribution to Western Civilization, by Raphael E.G. Armattoe
    1. The Swiss Contribution to Western Civilization by Raphael E.G. Armattoe
    The American Historical Review, October 1947, pp. 168-169
  5. The Great Doctors (1933)
    A Biographical History of Medicine
    5 Reviews, 3 Readable
  6. A History of Medicine, Vol. I (1951)
    Primitive and Archaic Medicine
    4 Reviews
  7. Living Under the Shadow
    The Atlantic Monthly, January 1952, pp. 25-30
  8. [+]
    The Man Against Death (Review)
    The Fight for Life, by Paul de Kruif
    1. The Fight for Life by Paul de Kruif
    The New Masses, June 7, 1938, pp. 22-23
  9. Man and Medicine (1932)
    An Introduction to Medical Knowledge
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  10. Medicine and Human Welfare (1941)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  11. [+]
    Medieval History (Review)
    A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin, by Lynn Thorndike an...
    1. A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin by Lynn Thorndike and Pearl Kibre
    The American Historical Review, April 1938, p. 679
  12. On the History of Medicine (1960)
    1 Review
  13. On the Sociology of Medicine (1960)
    1 Review
  14. The Realities of Socialized Medicine
    The Atlantic Monthly, June 1939, pp. 794-804
  15. Socialised Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937)
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  16. The University at the Crossroads (1946)
    Addresses and Essays
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  17. What Happened to the Health Program?
    The New Masses, June 18, 1940, pp. 14-16
  18. No Items Found