The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Seymour Siegel Archives
Seymour Siegel •ï¿½21 Items / 1 Book, 15 Articles, 5 Reviews
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  1. American Jews and Israel
    Commentary, February 1988, p. 67
  2. An Anatomy of Liberalism
    A Conservative View
    Judaism, Winter 1972, pp. 24-31
  3. [+]
    A Christian "Mishna" (Review)
    The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount, by William D. Davies
    1. The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount by William D. Davies
    Commentary, August 1965, pp. 73-74
  4. Conservative Judaism and Jewish Law (1977)
    1 Review
  5. Halakhah, Authority and the Future of Judaism
    Let Jewish Law Move Again
    Judaism, Winter 1980, pp. 49-51
  6. His Thought
    Kaplan and Jewish Law
    Judaism, Winter 1981, pp. 59-66
  7. [+]
    If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem (3 Reviews)
    My People: The Story of the Jews, by Abba Eban
    1. My People: The Story of the Jews by Abba Eban
    2. The Jews: Story of a People by Howard Fast
    3. Jerusalem, Sacred City of Mankind by Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman
    The Saturday Review, February 1, 1969, pp. 34-35
  8. [+]
    Interfaith Concourse---Via Rome or Reconciliation? (Review)
    The Bridge, Vol. III, by John M. Oesterreicher
    1. The Bridge, Vol. III by John M. Oesterreicher
    The Saturday Review, March 28, 1959, p. 22
  9. Letters
    Commentary, February 1977, pp. 6-26
  10. Letters
    Commentary, November 1982, pp. 6-20
  11. Letters
    Commentary, April 1983, pp. 2-16
  12. Liberalism & the Jews
    Commentary, January 1980, p. 72
  13. Mordecai M. Kaplan in Retrospect
    Commentary, July 1982, pp. 58-61
  14. [+]
    Re-evaluations of the Eternal Book (Review)
    After Freud...
    1. Mystery on the Mountain by Theodor Reik
    The Saturday Review, September 26, 1959, p. 23
  15. The Sabbath Is Forever---A Symposium
    The Sabbath and Conservative Judaism
    Judaism, Winter 1982, pp. 45-54
  16. Sex and God in American Politics
    A Symposium
    Policy Review, Summer 1984, pp. 12-31
  17. The State of Jewish Belief
    Commentary, August 1966, pp. 142-143
  18. [+]
    Totem in the Tephillin and Tallis (Review)
    Pagan Rites in Judaism, by Theodor Reik
    1. Pagan Rites in Judaism by Theodor Reik
    The Saturday Review, June 6, 1964, p. 37
  19. The Unity of the Jewish People
    A Theological View
    Judaism, Fall 1988, pp. 489-495
  20. Will Herberg, 1955
    Modern Age, Summer 1982, pp. 276-279
  21. Will Herberg: A Tribute
    A Biographical Sketch
    National Review, August 5, 1977, p. 880
  22. No Items Found