The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Bernard H. Siegan Archives
Bernard H. Siegan •ï¿½31 Items / 24 Articles, 5 Books, 2 Reviews
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  1. Another Case History of a Government Failure
    The sorry record of governmental attempts to build new cities.
    The Freeman, June 1974, pp. 362-364
  2. Best Housing Hope
    An unrestricted private market affords the best chance for better housing for the less ...
    The Freeman, April 1974, pp. 221-223
  3. The Case Against Land use Planning
    Reason, January 1976, pp. 6-13
  4. Competition: Key to Consumer Dominance
    The entrepreneur renders society valuable services without cost.
    The Freeman, May 1974, pp. 298-300
  5. The Continuing Efforts to Destroy Property Rights
    The owner still knows best how to use his property.
    The Freeman, January 1975, pp. 46-47
  6. The Decline and Fall of Economic Freedom
    How the Supreme Court Reversed Itself on Economic Regulation
    Reason, January 1981, pp. 48-52
  7. Economic Liberties and the Constitution (1980)
    7 Reviews, 4 Readable
  8. Economic Liberties and the Constitution
    Protection at the State Level
    Cato Journal, Winter 1985, pp. 689-702
  9. A Free Society
    The awesome power of zoning authorities over human beings has no place in a free society.
    The Freeman, February 1976, pp. 98-100
  10. Why Aren't We?"
    If the Press is Free, Why Aren't We?
    Newspapers condemncensorship of ideas while promoting censorship of production.
    Reason, October 1977, pp. 36-37
  11. Impossible Riddles
    The regulatory process invariably curtails development.
    The Freeman, November 1974, pp. 668-669
  12. Interview
    The New Approach to Planning: Non Zoning
    Reason, April 1973, pp. 4-13
  13. Land Speculators
    The necessary and useful role they play.
    The Freeman, March 1975, pp. 183-184
  14. Land Use Regulation Harms the Poor
    Those who aim to help the poor by restricting growth create problems.
    The Freeman, September 1975, pp. 557-559
  15. Land Use Regulation-A Tool of Politics, Not of Planning
    Planners and politicians, in view of the record, had best leave decisions on land use t...
    The Freeman, March 1974, pp. 138-141
  16. Land Use Without Zoning (1972)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  17. Modern Soothsayers
    The present practice of freedom affords the best hope for the future.
    The Freeman, April 1975, pp. 202-203
  18. [+]
    Movies (Review)
    In Pursuit of Happiness, by William B. Scott
    1. In Pursuit of Happiness by William B. Scott
    Reason, November 1979, p. 45
  19. No More Repeat Performances
    The repeal, not the revision, of zoning laws is the way to sound land use.
    The Freeman, July 1974, pp. 438-440
  20. Two Steps Back"
    OSHA and Search Warrants
    One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
    Reason, November 1978, pp. 37-38
  21. Other people's property (1976)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  22. The Powers of Regulation
    An 1886 supreme court decision throws light on current abuse of zoning powers.
    The Freeman, January 1977, pp. 45-47
  23. Promote Free and Not Command Constitutions
    Advice for the former communist countries of eastern europe.
    The Freeman, April 1994, pp. 191-192
  24. Property and Freedom (1997)
    The Constitution, the Courts, and Land-Use Regulation
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  25. Regulation Helps the Rich and Harms the Poor
    A cogent reason why government should be limited.
    The Freeman, October 1974, pp. 612-613
  26. [+]
    Wreaking Hobbes on Mankind (Review)
    Against the Imperial Judiciary, by Matthew J. Franck
    1. Against the Imperial Judiciary by Matthew J. Franck
    The Independent Review, Summer 1997, pp. 120-124
  27. The Supreme Court's Constitution (1987)
    An Inquiry Into Judicial Review and Its Impact on Society
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  28. The Taking Issue
    ...Nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.
    The Freeman, August 1974, pp. 464-466
  29. Viewpoint
    A Blow to Property Rights
    Reason, September 1984, p. 47
  30. Zoning Misuses Land and Other Resources
    Public regulators are not bound to serve consumers efficiently.
    The Freeman, August 1975, pp. 461-462
  31. No Items Found