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Benjamin I. Schwartz Archives
Benjamin I. Schwartz •ï¿½40 Items / 8 Books, 21 Articles, 11 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Are We Ready for China? (6 Reviews)
    China in the Throes of the Cultural Revolution, by Louis Barcata
    1. China in the Throes of the Cultural Revolution by Louis Barcata
    2. This is Communist China by Robert Trumbull
    3. Revolutionary Immortality by Robert Jay Lifton
    4. Communism in China by O. Edmund Clubb
    5. China in Revolution: The First Phase, 1900-1913 by Mary Clabaugh Wright
    6. Communism in China: Ideology in Flux by Benjamin I. Schwartz
    The Saturday Review, March 15, 1969, pp. 23-25
  2. [+]
    Asia and the East (Review)
    Urban Networks in Ch'ing China and Tokugawa Japan, by Gilbert Rozman
    1. Urban Networks in Ch'ing China and Tokugawa Japan by Gilbert Rozman
    The American Historical Review, June 1975, p. 705
  3. A Brief Defense of Political and Intellectual History...
    with Particular Reference to Non-Western Cultures
    Daedalus, Winter 1971, pp. 98-112
  4. The China Syndrome
    The New Republic, February 9, 1987, pp. 15-16
  5. Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao (1951)
    8 Reviews, 1 Readable
  6. Books
    Chinese Religion and the Nature of Man (Review)
    The Religion of China, by Max Weber
    1. The Religion of China by Max Weber
    The New Republic, February 4, 1952, p. 18
  7. Chinese Visions & American Policies
    Commentary, April 1966, pp. 53-59
  8. Commentaries
    Stalinism or "Chineseness"
    Problems of Communism, September 1966, p. 17
  9. Communism and China (1969)
    Ideology in Flux
    1 Review
  10. Communism in China: Ideology in Flux (1969)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  11. [+]
    Curia at Peking (Review)
    Red Dust: Chinese Communists, by Nym Wales
    1. Red Dust: Chinese Communists by Nym Wales
    The Saturday Review, June 14, 1952, p. 26
  12. A Documentary History of Chinese Communism (1952)
    6 Reviews
  13. Flexible Chou
    The New Republic, January 24, 1976, pp. 4-5
  14. [+]
    Generalissimo of the Little War (Review)
    Soviet Russia in China, by Kai-shek Chiang
    1. Soviet Russia in China by Kai-shek Chiang
    The Nation, August 31, 1957, p. 97
  15. In Search of Wealth and Power (1964)
    Yen Fu and the West
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  16. Comparative Essays
    The Intelligentsia in Communist China
    Daedalus, Summer 1960, pp. 604-621
  17. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, March 22, 1973, pp. 32-36
  18. The Limits of "Tradition Versus Modernity" as Categories of Explanation
    The Case of the Chinese Intellectuals
    Daedalus, Spring 1972, pp. 71-88
  19. [+]
    A Little Knowledge of China (3 Reviews)
    Impatient Giant: Red China Today, by Gerald Clark
    1. Impatient Giant: Red China Today by Gerald Clark
    2. What's Happening in China by Lord Boyd Orr and Peter Townsend
    3. The Yellow Wind by William Stevenson
    The Nation, January 23, 1960, p. 83
  20. Modernization & Maoist Vision
    Dissent, Spring 1974, pp. 237-248
  21. Modernization and the Maoist Vision
    Dissent, Autumn 1965, pp. 447-463
  22. Moscow-Peking Axis (1957)
    Strengths and Strains
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  23. Current Developments: "Paths to Socialism"
    New Trends in Maoism?
    Problems of Communism, July 1957, pp. 1-7
  24. [+]
    On Explaining the Sino-Soviet Conflict (2 Reviews)
    Mao Against Khrushchev, by David Floyd
    1. Mao Against Khrushchev by David Floyd
    2. Tsars, Mandarins, and Commissars by Harry Schwartz
    The New Republic, April 11, 1964, p. 22
  25. On the New Turn in China
    Dissent, Fall 1989, pp. 448-454
  26. On the "Originality" of Mao Tse-tung
    Foreign Affairs, October 1955, pp. 67-76
  27. [+]
    Playroom and Anteroom: A Verse Miscellany (2 Reviews)
    In the People's Republic, by Orville Schell
    1. In the People's Republic by Orville Schell
    2. Chinese Shadows by Simon Leys
    The New Republic, August 6, 1977, pp. 40-41
  28. Notes and Views
    The Polemics Seen by a Non-Polemicist
    Problems of Communism, March 1964, pp. 102-107
  29. Reflections on the May Fourth Movement (1972)
    A Symposium
    1 Review
  30. The Reign of Virtue
    Thoughts on China's Cultural Revolution
    Dissent, May 1969, pp. 239-251
  31. The Religion of Politics
    Reflections on the Thought of Hannah Arendt
    Dissent, March 1970, pp. 144-161
  32. Repercussions in China
    The New Republic, June 11, 1956, pp. 30-31
  33. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Chinese Intellectuals and the Revolution of 1911, by Michael Gasster
    1. Chinese Intellectuals and the Revolution of 1911 by Michael Gasster
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1972, p. 478
  34. The Rousseau Strain in the Contemporary World
    Daedalus, Summer 1978, pp. 193-216
  35. [+]
    The Socio-Historic Approach (2 Reviews)
    Essays on Sociology and Social Psychology, by Karl Mannheim and Paul Kecskemeti
    1. Essays on Sociology and Social Psychology by Karl Mannheim and Paul Kecskemeti
    2. Character and Social Structure by Hans Gerth and C. Wright Mills
    World Politics, October 1955, pp. 134-145
  36. Books
    Studies in the Politics of the Far East (Review)
    Peking Perspectives
    1. New China: Three Views by Otto P.N.B. van der Sprenkel and Robert Guillain, ...
    The New Republic, May 28, 1951, p. 19
  37. Thoughts of Mao Tse-tung
    The New York Review of Books, February 8, 1973, pp. 26-31
  38. Upheaval in China
    Commentary, February 1967, pp. 55-64
  39. The World of Thought in Ancient China (1985)
    1 Review
  40. No Items Found