The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Donald F. Rose Archives
Donald F. Rose •ï¿½50 Items / 31 Articles, 2 Books, 17 Reviews
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  1. Aviation Chases Its Tail
    The North American Review, September 1931, pp. 262-266
  2. Can We Make Our Children Behave?
    A Socratic Dialogue
    The Forum, December 1929, pp. 346-350
  3. The Earth Is Flat
    The North American Review, December 1930, pp. 749-754
  4. Forum Bookshelf
    The Forum, July 1, 1928
  5. [+]
    Meanwhile Here Is Wells (Review)
    Meanwhile: The Picture of a Lady, by H.G. Wells
    1. Meanwhile: The Picture of a Lady by H.G. Wells
    The Forum, November 1927, p. 797
  6. Pernicious Prosperity
    The North American Review, September 1930, pp. 348-353
  7. Seven Jobs and Five Husbands
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 1933, pp. 698-704
  8. Stuff and Nonsense (1927)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  9. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, April 1929, pp. 504-514
  10. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, August 1929, pp. 249-258
  11. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, December 1929, pp. 761-768
  12. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, February 1929, pp. 248-257
  13. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, January 1929, pp. 122-129
  14. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, July 1929, pp. 120-130
  15. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, June 1929, pp. 762-768
  16. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, March 1929, pp. 376-385
  17. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, May 1929, pp. 631-642
  18. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, November 1929, pp. 634-640
  19. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, October 1929, pp. 508-512
  20. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, September 1929, pp. 376-384
  21. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, April 1930, pp. 505-512
  22. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, August 1930, pp. 250-256
  23. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, February 1930, pp. 250-256
  24. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, January 1930, pp. 119-128
  25. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, July 1930, pp. 121-128
  26. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, June 1930, pp. 762-916
  27. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, March 1930, pp. 377-384
  28. Stuff and Nonsense
    The North American Review, May 1930, pp. 633-640
  29. Table Talk
    The Glandular Hypothesis
    The Forum, March 1929
  30. Table Talk
    The Pessimism of Protoplasm
    The Forum, November 1929
  31. Table Talk
    Geometry for Beginners
    The Forum, September 1929
  32. Take It for Leave It
    September Reading
  33. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (16 Reviews)
    April Reading
    1. The Silver Virgin by I.A.R. Wylie
    2. Expiation by Mary Annette Elizabeth
    3. Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man by Siegfried Sassoon
    4. The True Heart by Sylvia Townsend Warner
    5. This Strange Adventure by Mary Roberts Rinehart
    6. As They Saw Us by George Sylvester Viereck
    7. Falsehood in Wartime by Arthur Ponsonby
    8. Mountain Against Mountain by Arthur Davison Ficke
    9. "Farmer, Have You a Daughter Fair?" by Mike Wallach
    10. Last Changes, Last Chances by Henry W. Nevinson
    11. Generally Speaking by G.K. Chesterton
    12. The Untold Story by Mary Desti
    13. The Diary of Tolstoy's Wife, 1860-1891 by Sophia A. Tolstoy
    14. Charles Baudelaire: Flower of Evil by Francois Porche
    15. Black America by Scott Nearing
    16. This Side of Jordan by Roark Bradford
    The Forum, April 1929
  34. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (8 Reviews)
    August Reading
    1. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
    2. Sleeveless Errand by Norah C. James
    3. Salt Water Taffy by Corey Ford and June Triplett
    4. Little Caesar by W.R. Burnett
    5. Class Reunion by Franz Werfel
    6. Philosophy of the Dusk by Kain O'Dare
    7. The Lady of Laws by Susanne Trautwein
    8. Pagan Interval by Frances Winwar
    The Forum, August 1929
  35. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (16 Reviews)
    February Reading
    1. Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island by H.G. Wells
    2. Private Suhren by Georg von der Vring
    3. The Case of Sergeant Grischa by Arnold Zweig
    4. Boston by Upton Sinclair
    5. The Mad Professor by Hermann Sudermann
    6. Elizabeth and Essex: A Tragic History by Lytton Strachey
    7. Tiberius Caesar by G.P. Baker
    8. The Tragic Empress by Maurice Paleologue
    9. The Motives of Men by George A. Coe
    10. The Inferiority Feeling by William S. Walsh
    11. Behind Your Front by James Oppenheim
    12. The Wanderer by Henri Alain-Fournier
    13. Penelope's Man by John Erskine
    14. Joshua's Vision by William J. Locke
    15. Wits' End by Viola Paradise
    16. Lily Christine by Michael Arlen
    The Forum, February 1929
  36. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (19 Reviews)
    January Reading
    1. My Autobiography by Benito Mussolini
    2. Adepts In Self-Portraiture by Stefan Zweig
    3. Big Frogs by Henry F. Pringle
    4. Mary Anne Disraeli by James Sykes
    5. John Cameron's Odyssey by Andrew Farrell and John Cameron
    6. The Amazing Life of John Law by Georges Oudard
    7. The Life and Death of an Ideal by Albert Leon Guerard
    8. Paris Salons, Cafes and Studios by Sisley Huddleston
    9. A Little Less Than Gods by Ford Madox Ford
    10. Yet Do Not Grieve by Conal O'Riordan
    11. Pilgrims of Adversity by William McFee
    12. The Jealous Gods by Gertrude Atherton
    13. Reubeni, Prince of the Jews by Max Brod
    14. Judgment Day by Norman Davey
    15. How the Old Woman Got Home by M.P. Shiel
    16. Conquest: America's Painless Imperialism by John F. Carter
    17. Prohibition, Legal and Illegal by Howard Lee McBain
    18. Science and Good Behavior by H.M. Parshley
    19. The Doctor Looks at Marriage and Medicine by Joseph Collins
    The Forum, January 1929
  37. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (13 Reviews)
    July Reading
    1. Cold Steel by M.P. Shiel
    2. Molinoff; or, The Count in the Kitchen by Maurice Bedel
    3. Through the Lattice by Evelyne Close
    4. Mortal Men by Burnham Carter
    5. As Far As Jane's Grandmother by Edith Olivier
    6. Swords and Roses by Joseph Hergesheimer
    7. The Litany of Washington Street by Vachel Lindsay
    8. Hello Towns! by Sherwood Anderson
    9. Hardware by Edward L. McKenna
    10. Round-Up by Ring W. Lardner
    11. Awake and Rehearse by Louis Bromfield
    12. Black Magic by Paul Morand
    13. A Native Argosy by Morley Callaghan
    The Forum, July 1929
  38. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (15 Reviews)
    June Reading
    1. Hobby House by Russell Neale
    2. Dark Star by Lorna Moon
    3. Dark Hester by Anne Douglas Sedgwick
    4. Tomorrow Never Comes by R.L. Duffus
    5. Jehovah's Day by Mary Borden
    6. Anastasia by Harriet von Rathlef-Keilmann
    7. For Lancelot Andrewes by T.S. Eliot
    8. The Dictionary of American Biography by Allen Johnson and Dumas Malone
    9. The Life of H.R.H. the Duke of Flamborough, by Benjamin Bunny by Laurence Housman
    10. John Jacob Astor by Arthur D. Howden Smith
    11. Bitter Bierce by C. Hartley Grattan
    12. Portrait of Ambrose Bierce by Adolphe D. de Castro
    13. A Daughter of Earth by Agnes Smedley
    14. The Last Home of Mystery by E. Alexander Powell
    15. Red Tiger by Phillips Russell
    The Forum, June 1929
  39. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (8 Reviews)
    March Reading
    1. Joseph and His Brethren by H.W. Freeman
    2. The Rebel Generation by Jo Van Ammers-Kuller
    3. The Nature of the Physical World by Sir Arthur S. Eddington
    4. Hows and Whys of Human Behavior by George A. Dorsey
    5. While the Bridegroom Tarried by Edna Bryner
    6. Transport by Isa Glenn
    7. Through English Eyes by John A. Spender
    8. The Way the World Is Going by H.G. Wells
    The Forum, March 1929
  40. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (13 Reviews)
    May Reading
    1. Rome Haul by Walter D. Edmonds
    2. Back to Stay by Jonathan Leonard
    3. The Bride's House by Dawn Powell
    4. Love in Chicago by Charles Walt
    5. The Cradle of the Deep by Joan Lowell
    6. The Pedro Gorino by Harry Dean and Sterling North
    7. On Mediterranean Shores by Emil Ludwig
    8. The Pathway by Henry Williamson
    9. Prima Donna by Pitts Sanborn
    10. Seven Brothers by Alexis Kivi
    11. The Exquisite Tragedy by Amabel Williams-Ellis
    12. A Procession of Lovers by Lloyd R. Morris
    13. Our Face from Fish to Man by William K. Gregory
    The Forum, May 1929
  41. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (16 Reviews)
    October Reading
    1. Beauty? I Wonder by Dorothy Coursen
    2. The Galaxy by Susan Ertz
    3. The Fiddler by Sarah Gertrude Millin
    4. The Virtue of This Jest by James Stuart Montgomery
    5. Overshadowed by Eugene Lohrke
    6. Whiteoaks of Jalna by Mazo de la Roche
    7. Homeplace by Maristan Chapman
    8. Early Candlelight by Maud Hart Lovelace
    9. Sacrifice by Owen Johnson
    10. The Stormy Life of Mirabeau by Henry de Jouvenel
    11. Louis XI by Pierre Champion
    12. The Adventures of an Outlaw by Ralph Rashleigh and Earl Birkenhead
    13. Private Secretary by Alan Brener Schultz
    14. Night Club by Katharine Brush
    15. Evangelical Cockroach by Jack Woodford
    16. The Story of Religious Controversy by Joseph McCabe and E. Haldeman-Julius
    The Forum, October 1929
  42. [+]
    Take It or Leave It (19 Reviews)
    September Reading
    1. Hunky by Thames Williamson
    2. Vivandiere! by Phoebe Fenwick Gaye
    3. War Bugs by Charles MacArthur
    4. Foch Speaks by Charles Bugnet
    5. Clark of the Ohio by Frederick Palmer
    6. A Man Scans His Past by Maurice Constantin-Weyer
    7. Splendor of God by Honore Willsie Morrow
    8. Pope or Mussolini? by John Hearley
    9. The Seven Vices by Guglielmo Ferrero
    10. Young Mrs. Greeley by Booth Tarkington
    11. Dark Duel by Marguerite Steen
    12. The Waters of Africa by Alfred Aloysius Horn and Ethelreda Lewis
    13. Pomp and Circumstance by E. de Clermont-Tonnerre
    14. Andrew Johnson: A Study in Courage by Lloyd Paul Stryker
    15. Kings, Churchills and Statemen by Knut Hagberg
    16. John D.---A Portrait in Oils by John K. Winkler
    17. The Process of Human Behavior by Mandel Sherman and Irene Case Sherman
    18. Chicago by Charles E. Merriam
    19. Mysteries of the Soul by Richard Muller Freienfels
    The Forum, September 1929
  43. Take It or Leave It
    August Reading
    The Forum, August 1, 1928
  44. Take It Or Leave It
    December Reading
    The Forum, December 1, 1928
  45. Take It Or Leave It
    November Reading
    The Forum, November 1, 1928
  46. Take It or Leave It
    October Reading
    The Forum, October 1, 1928
  47. Useless A B C's
    The Forum, June 1931, pp. 374-378
  48. The Windmill That Flies
    The North American Review, June 1929, pp. 675-684
  49. Wings of Tomorrow (1931)
    The Story of the Autogiro
    3 Reviews, 3 Readable
  50. No Items Found