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Hilmar Stephen Raushenbush Archives
Hilmar Stephen Raushenbush •ï¿½18 Items / 7 Books, 7 Articles, 4 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Blundering Into War (Review)
    Neutrality for the United States, by Edwin M. Borchard and William Peter Lage
    1. Neutrality for the United States by Edwin M. Borchard and William Peter Lage
    The Nation, May 22, 1937, pp. 595-596
  2. Coal Without Strikes
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1947, pp. 492-499
  3. The Coming Wage-Price Spiral
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1948, pp. 1-9
  4. Common Sense Follows the CWA
    The Nation, April 18, 1934, p. 444
  5. Concentration of Control
    The New Republic, May 26, 1926, pp. 28-29
  6. [+]
    Entitled Fairy Story (Review)
    Aladdin, U.S.A., by Ernest Greenwood
    1. Aladdin, U.S.A. by Ernest Greenwood
    The New Republic, May 9, 1928, p. 357
  7. The Final Choice (1937)
    America Between Europe and Asia
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  8. [+]
    A Fine Public Servant (Review)
    The Life and Times of a Happy Liberal, by Kenneth E. Trombley
    1. The Life and Times of a Happy Liberal by Kenneth E. Trombley
    The Nation, January 8, 1955, p. 35
  9. Kill the Conscription Bill!
    The Nation, February 27, 1937, pp. 236-237
  10. The March of Fascism (1939)
    6 Reviews, 2 Readable
  11. Men Atwhiles Are Sober (1928)
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  12. More Coal Strikes Coming?
    The Nation, February 4, 1925, pp. 116-117
  13. [+]
    Our Peculiar Institution (Review)
    The Private Manufacture of Armaments, by Philip Noel-Baker
    1. The Private Manufacture of Armaments by Philip Noel-Baker
    The Nation, April 17, 1937, p. 439
  14. Power Control (1928)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  15. The Power Fight (1932)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  16. Red Neck (1936)
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  17. The Triumph of the Power Companies
    The Nation, September 18, 1929, pp. 294-295
  18. War Madness (1937)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  19. No Items Found