The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
D.N. Pritt Archives
D.N. Pritt •ï¿½156 Items / 12 Books, 94 Articles, 50 Reviews
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  1. The Alternative to Churchillism
    The Labour Monthly, January 1941, pp. 16-20
  2. Book Reviews
    Ambassador to China (Review)
    In Two Chinas, by K.M. Panikkar
    1. In Two Chinas by K.M. Panikkar
    The Labour Monthly, December 1955, p. 567
  3. [+]
    American Way of Life (Review)
    One Thousand Americans, by George Seldes
    1. One Thousand Americans by George Seldes
    The Labour Monthly, September 1948, pp. 286-287
  4. ...And Goebbels Profits
    The New Masses, April 20, 1943, p. 6
  5. Anti-Soviet Filth
    The Labour Monthly, January 1943, pp. 26-30
  6. Asia and Africa in Unity
    The Labour Monthly, February 1958, pp. 82-85
  7. The B.B.C. Throws off the Mask
    The Labour Monthly, February 1952, pp. 63-65
  8. [+]
    Best Book on Tibet (Review)
    Tibet, by Alan Winnington
    1. Tibet by Alan Winnington
    The Labour Monthly, June 1957, p. 287
  9. [+]
    Book Review (Review)
    Spanish Notebooks, by Ivan Maisky
    1. Spanish Notebooks by Ivan Maisky
    The Labour Monthly, May 1966, p. 239
  10. Brasshats and Bureaucrats, Part II (1966)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  11. A Case for Optimism
    The Labour Monthly, January 1958, pp. 16-21
  12. Caucasus Week
    (with map)
    The Labour Monthly, April 1947, pp. 122-127
  13. Caucasus Week (ii)
    The Labour Monthly, August 1947, pp. 245-254
  14. [+]
    Changes in Soviet Civil Law (Review)
    Soviet Civil Legislation and Procedure,
    1. Soviet Civil Legislation and Procedure
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Autumn 1964, p. 42
  15. Churchill Coalition---And the Alternative
    The Labour Monthly, June 1941, pp. 259-262
  16. Common Wealth or Common Danger
    The Labour Monthly, April 1943, pp. 112-114
  17. [+]
    Correspondence (Review)
    Cairo, by James Aldridge
    1. Cairo by James Aldridge
    The Labour Monthly, January 1971, p. 42
  18. Book Reviews
    Correspondence (Review)
    Titans and Others, by Malcolm MacDonald
    1. Titans and Others by Malcolm MacDonald
    The Labour Monthly, May 1972, pp. 236-237
  19. The Courts and the Trade Unions
    The Labour Monthly, March 1964, pp. 130-133
  20. The Crimea Conference
    The Labour Monthly, April 1945, p. 118
  21. Cuba Travel Notes
    The Labour Monthly, March 1962, pp. 131-136
  22. Cuba Travel Notes (4. Education)
    The Labour Monthly, June 1962, pp. 282-286
  23. Cuba Travel Notes (II)
    The Labour Monthly, April 1962, pp. 185-189
  24. Danger-Signal in West Germany
    The Labour Monthly, June 1968, pp. 279-280
  25. Dimitrov Acquitted
    A lawyer's tribute on the thirtieth anniversary of this blow against fascism
    The Labour Monthly, December 1963, p. 553
  26. Disciples of Hitler
    The Labour Monthly, August 1954, pp. 362-366
  27. Election Prospects
    The Labour Monthly, April 1955, pp. 163-167
  28. [+]
    Essays on Negotiation (Review)
    Negotiating with the Russians, by Raymond Dennett and Joseph E. Johnson
    1. Negotiating with the Russians by Raymond Dennett and Joseph E. Johnson
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Winter 1952, p. 46
  29. Eye-Witness in Kerala
    The Labour Monthly, May 1957, pp. 207-211
  30. The Fall of the French Republic (1941)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  31. Fascism Shall Not Pass
    The Labour Monthly, October 1962, pp. 459-469
  32. Federal Illusion (1941)
    1 Review
  33. Federation without Foundations
    The Labour Monthly, July 1940, pp. 404-409
  34. First Things First
    The Labour Monthly, June 1942, pp. 171-174
  35. [+]
    The Forrestal Diaries (Review)
    The Forrestal Diaries, by Walter Millis, E.S. Duffield, and James Forrestal, ...
    1. The Forrestal Diaries by Walter Millis, E.S. Duffield, and James Forrestal, ...
    The Labour Monthly, January 1953, pp. 30-39
  36. Forty Years On
    The Labour Monthly, November 1957, pp. 499-500
  37. French Lessons: The Duclos Case
    The Labour Monthly, August 1952, pp. 351-356
  38. Friends in Telengana
    The Labour Monthly, February 1955, p. 86
  39. Future of the Left
    The way forward for progressive forces in Britain
    The Labour Monthly, May 1968, pp. 206-210
  40. Glimpses of India
    The Labour Monthly, February 1951, pp. 62-63
  41. Glimpses of Popular Democracies
    The Labour Monthly, November 1951, pp. 511-515
  42. The Great Opportunity
    The Labour Monthly, September 1953, pp. 399-405
  43. Greetings from Friends in Britain
    The Labour Monthly, July 1961, p. 351
  44. How American Should Help Britain
    The New Masses, February 18, 1941, p. 34
  45. 'I Too am from Kerala'
    The Labour Monthly, July 1958, p. 310
  46. I.G. Farben Ueber Alles?
    The Labour Monthly, February 1954, pp. 85-89
  47. Illegality of Nuclear Weapons
    The Labour Monthly, July 1955, pp. 301-308
  48. Incorrigle Warmongers
    The Labour Monthly, December 1965, pp. 566-568
  49. India
    The Labour Monthly, April 1942, pp. 105-107
  50. [+]
    India (Review)
    India Today and Tomorrow, by R. Palme Dutt
    1. India Today and Tomorrow by R. Palme Dutt
    The Labour Monthly, August 1956, p. 383
  51. India Our Ally? (1942)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  52. The Inexhaustible Grain
    The Labour Monthly, August 1958, pp. 363-364
  53. J.V. Stalin
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Spring 1953, pp. 2-3
  54. Book Reviews
    Journey to Korea (Review)
    That's Why I Went, by Monica Felton
    1. That's Why I Went by Monica Felton
    The Labour Monthly, May 1953, p. 235
  55. A Labour Independent Looks at the Election
    The Labour Monthly, April 1950, pp. 174-176
  56. Law, Class and Society, Book Four (1972)
    The Substance of the Law
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  57. Law, Class and Society, Book Three (1971)
    Law in the Colonies
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  58. Law, Class and Society, Book Two (1970)
    The Apparatus of the Law
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  59. Let Not My People Come
    The Labour Monthly, December 1961, pp. 557-560
  60. Light on Central Africa
    The Labour Monthly, January 1961, pp. 27-30
  61. Light on Krupp's
    The Labour Monthly, September 1957, pp. 414-419
  62. Light on Nyasaland
    The Labour Monthly, September 1959, pp. 384-390
  63. Light on the Labor Party
    The New Masses, August 27, 1940, p. 10
  64. Book Reviews
    Lord Avon's Warning (Review)
    Masters of Indecision, by George K. Young
    1. Masters of Indecision by George K. Young
    The Labour Monthly, February 1963, p. 93
  65. The Malady of British Social Democracy
    Marxism Today, January 1962, pp. 6-9
  66. Messages
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, October 1967, pp. 3-10
  67. Messages of Greeting
    The Labour Monthly, August 1951, p. 390
  68. Mobilise the People
    The Labour Monthly, September 1941, pp. 383-385
  69. More Light on Korea
    The Labour Monthly, March 1951, pp. 109-116
  70. Surveys and Reviews
    Mr. Maisky Remembers (Review)
    Journey Into the Past, by Ivan Maisky
    1. Journey Into the Past by Ivan Maisky
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Spring 1963, p. 34
  71. Must the War Spread? (1940)
    1 Review
  72. Neo-Nazis and the Future of Europe
    The Labour Monthly, July 1966, pp. 313-315
  73. Book Reviews
    New History of the Soviet Union (Review)
    A History of the USSR, by Andrew Rothstein
    1. A History of the USSR by Andrew Rothstein
    The Labour Monthly, September 1950, pp. 428-431
  74. [+]
    On Koje Island (Review)
    Koje Unscreened, by Wilfred G. Burchett and Alan Winnington
    1. Koje Unscreened by Wilfred G. Burchett and Alan Winnington
    The Labour Monthly, June 1953, pp. 284-285
  75. Open Letter
    Appeal to Labour Party Conference delegate to fight for socialist principles
    The Labour Monthly, October 1968, pp. 458-461
  76. Oppresssion in India
    The Labour Monthly, July 1950, pp. 318-324
  77. [+]
    An Out-of-Date Story (Review)
    Soviet Law in Action, by Boris A. Konstantinovsky
    1. Soviet Law in Action by Boris A. Konstantinovsky
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Summer 1953, p. 46
  78. The Pakistan Trial
    The Labour Monthly, August 1951, pp. 379-381
  79. Book Reviews
    Peaceful Co-Existence (Review)
    Peaceful Co-Existence, by Andrew Rothstein
    1. Peaceful Co-Existence by Andrew Rothstein
    The Labour Monthly, August 1955, p. 379
  80. The People's Convention
    The Labour Monthly, October 1940, pp. 526-529
  81. A Play for Peace in Kenya
    The Labour Monthly, March 1955, pp. 116-119
  82. Political Cases
    The Labour Monthly, July 1961, pp. 315-319
  83. The Press and Germ Warfare
    The Labour Monthly, May 1952, pp. 212-218
  84. "Prisons" in the USSR
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Winter 1954, pp. 2-7
  85. Problems of the New Labour Government
    The Labour Monthly, November 1964, pp. 495-498
  86. [+]
    A Programme for Ireland (Review)
    International Law and the Use of Force by States, by Ian Brownlie
    1. International Law and the Use of Force by States by Ian Brownlie
    The Labour Monthly, November 1963, pp. 524-525
  87. The Real Face of Bonn
    Unchanged aggressive policies of West German ruling class
    The Labour Monthly, January 1969, pp. 27-32
  88. Book Reviews
    A Refreshing Book (Review)
    The Soviet Union Today, by S.M. Manton
    1. The Soviet Union Today by S.M. Manton
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Autumn 1952, p. 49
  89. The Reichstag Fire Trial (1934)
    The Second Brown Book of the Hitler Terror
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  90. Book Reviews
    Notes and News (Review)
    The Great Conspiracy, by Michael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn
    1. The Great Conspiracy by Michael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Winter 1948, p. 42
  91. Book Reviews
    The Artist's World Outlook (Review)
    C'Etait Ainsi..., by Fernand Grenier
    1. C'Etait Ainsi... by Fernand Grenier
    The Labour Monthly, August 1959, p. 367
  92. Book Review
    Do Not Say They Died (Review)
    The Nuremberg Trial, by Joe Julius Heydecker and Johannes Leeb
    1. The Nuremberg Trial by Joe Julius Heydecker and Johannes Leeb
    The Labour Monthly, August 1962, pp. 383-386
  93. [+]
    Trade Union Growth (Review)
    Goering, by Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel
    1. Goering by Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel
    The Labour Monthly, March 1963, pp. 143-146
  94. [+]
    Karl Marx & the British Labour Movement (Review)
    The First Hundred Days of Harold Wilson, by Anthony Shrimsley
    1. The First Hundred Days of Harold Wilson by Anthony Shrimsley
    The Labour Monthly, August 1965, p. 383
  95. [+]
    'Anger' to Despair---Ten Years of English Drama (Review)
    The True Society, by Frank Tannenbaum
    1. The True Society by Frank Tannenbaum
    The Labour Monthly, July 1965, pp. 334-335
  96. [+]
    South-West Africa (Review)
    Auschwitz in England, by Mavis M. Hill and L. Norman Williams
    1. Auschwitz in England by Mavis M. Hill and L. Norman Williams
    The Labour Monthly, May 1965, p. 239
  97. [+]
    Trends in Television Drama (Review)
    Neo-Colonialism, by Kwame Nkrumah
    1. Neo-Colonialism by Kwame Nkrumah
    The Labour Monthly, April 1966, p. 190
  98. [+]
    National Convention on Vietnam (Review)
    Argument on Socialism, by Maurice H. Dobb
    1. Argument on Socialism by Maurice H. Dobb
    The Labour Monthly, December 1966, p. 585
  99. [+]
    Les Damnes de la Terre (Review)
    Invitation to an Inquest, by Walter Schneir and Miriam Schneir
    1. Invitation to an Inquest by Walter Schneir and Miriam Schneir
    The Labour Monthly, January 1966, p. 45
  100. [+]
    Suez--Ten Years After (Review)
    What I Did Was Right..., by Bram Fischer
    1. What I Did Was Right... by Bram Fischer
    The Labour Monthly, November 1966, pp. 543-546
  101. [+]
    Will Yiddish Culture Survive? (Review)
    The Conjurors, by Judith Todd
    1. The Conjurors by Judith Todd
    The Labour Monthly, September 1966, p. 447
  102. Book Reviews
    Scorpio Cartoon (2 Reviews)
    Reap the Whirlwind, by Geoffrey Bing
    1. Reap the Whirlwind by Geoffrey Bing
    2. Dark Days in Ghana by Kwame Nkrumah
    The Labour Monthly, August 1968, p. 379
  103. [+]
    A Declaration of Intent, by a painter (Review)
    The Legislative Process in Great Britain, by S.A. Walkland
    1. The Legislative Process in Great Britain by S.A. Walkland
    The Labour Monthly, December 1968, p. 570
  104. [+]
    More on Britain's 'Invisibles' (Review)
    Report from Iron Mountain, by Leonard C. Lewin
    1. Report from Iron Mountain by Leonard C. Lewin
    The Labour Monthly, March 1968, p. 141
  105. Book Reviews
    Correspondence (Review)
    Walter Monckton, by Frederick W.F.S. Birkenhead
    1. Walter Monckton by Frederick W.F.S. Birkenhead
    The Labour Monthly, September 1969, pp. 428-429
  106. [+]
    The Scientific and Technological Revolution (Review)
    A Social History of the Third Reich, by Richard Grunberger
    1. A Social History of the Third Reich by Richard Grunberger
    The Labour Monthly, July 1971, pp. 334-335
  107. Book Reviews
    Vietnam---Crucial Stage (Review)
    Economic, Social and Cultural Human Rights in the German Democratic Republic, by Bernha...
    1. Economic, Social and Cultural Human Rights in the German Democratic Republic by Bernhard Graefrath
    The Labour Monthly, April 1972, p. 186
  108. [+]
    Rich Seam (Review)
    Vicious Circle, by Wilfred Wood and John Downing
    1. Vicious Circle by Wilfred Wood and John Downing
    The Labour Monthly, March 1969, p. 143
  109. The Right to Strike
    The Labour Monthly, July 1951, pp. 301-310
  110. [+]
    Roosevelt's Home Secretary (Review)
    The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes, Vol. I, by Harold L. Ickes
    1. The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes, Vol. I by Harold L. Ickes
    The Labour Monthly, April 1956, p. 190
  111. [+]
    Rumania (Review)
    The New Life in Rumania, by Ewart V. Tempest
    1. The New Life in Rumania by Ewart V. Tempest
    The Labour Monthly, December 1951, p. 587
  112. Russia Is for Peace (1951)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  113. Salute to the Soviet Union
    The Labour Monthly, November 1947, pp. 321-322
  114. Shall Nazi Criminals Go Free?
    The Labour Monthly, February 1965, pp. 82-83
  115. Shall War Criminals Go Free?
    Legal sabotage in West Germany
    The Labour Monthly, July 1969, pp. 329-331
  116. Sheffield and Warsaw
    The Labour Monthly, December 1950, pp. 554-556
  117. Shorter Notices
    Shorter Notices (Review)
    Against the Law, by Peter Wildeblood
    1. Against the Law by Peter Wildeblood
    The Labour Monthly, May 1956, p. 240
  118. [+]
    Singapore Anniversary (Review)
    Wicked, Wicked Libels, by Michael Rubinstein
    1. Wicked, Wicked Libels by Michael Rubinstein
    The Labour Monthly, June 1972, p. 291
  119. Socialism and Civil Liberty
    The Labour Monthly, July 1956, pp. 302-309
  120. [+]
    Sordid 'Diplomacy' (Review)
    Studies in Secret Diplomacy During the First World War, by Wolfram W. Gottlieb
    1. Studies in Secret Diplomacy During the First World War by Wolfram W. Gottlieb
    The Labour Monthly, October 1957, pp. 478-479
  121. The Soviet Anniversary
    The Labour Monthly, November 1946, pp. 333-334
  122. Book Reviews
    Soviet Law (Review)
    Law and Social Change in the U.S.S.R., by John N. Hazard
    1. Law and Social Change in the U.S.S.R. by John N. Hazard
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Spring 1954, p. 66
  123. Soviet Notebook
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Winter 1950, pp. 27-32
  124. A Speaker's Conference
    The Labour Monthly, March 1965, pp. 125-127
  125. Star-Spangled Shadow (1947)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  126. The State Department and the Cold War (1948)
    A Commentary on Its Publication, "Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1939-1941."
    2 Reviews
  127. Strings or Chains?
    The Labour Monthly, June 1948, pp. 170-176
  128. [+]
    Suez Plot (Review)
    Secrets of Suez, by Merry Bromberger and Serge Bromberger
    1. Secrets of Suez by Merry Bromberger and Serge Bromberger
    The Labour Monthly, July 1957, pp. 336-338
  129. [+]
    Technological Revolution (Review)
    Parliament and Mumbo-Jumbo, by Emrys Hughes
    1. Parliament and Mumbo-Jumbo by Emrys Hughes
    The Labour Monthly, August 1966, p. 399
  130. Thirty Years that have Changed History
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Winter 1947, pp. 2-4
  131. Thirty-five Years
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Autumn 1959, pp. 14-15
  132. Thirty-Ninth Anniversary
    The Labour Monthly, November 1956, pp. 498-501
  133. Through Error to Truth
    The Labour Monthly, January 1952, pp. 40-42
  134. Tributes to Stalin
    The Labour Monthly, April 1953, pp. 159-160
  135. True History of Cold War
    The Labour Monthly, May 1958, pp. 223-228
  136. The Truth About the U.S.S.R.
    The Labour Monthly, November 1950, pp. 493-503
  137. Twenty Years' Collaboration
    The Labour Monthly, November 1942, pp. 334-336
  138. Twenty-Five Years Old
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Autumn 1949, pp. 3-4
  139. U.S.S.R. and Britain
    The Labour Monthly, November 1943, pp. 330-334
  140. Book Reviews
    United Nations in the Congo (Review)
    Room at the Bottom, by Katherine Hood
    1. Room at the Bottom by Katherine Hood
    The Labour Monthly, December 1960, p. 569
  141. V.M. Molotov
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, April 1940, pp. 113-115
  142. [+]
    A Valuable Work (Review)
    A History of Anglo-Soviet Relations, Vol. II: 1943-1950, by W.P. Coates and Zelda K. Co...
    1. A History of Anglo-Soviet Relations, Vol. II: 1943-1950 by W.P. Coates and Zelda K. Coates
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Summer 1958, p. 31
  143. Vietnam: Challenge to Us All
    The Labour Monthly, June 1966, pp. 258-261
  144. War Criminals
    The Labour Monthly, November 1944, pp. 332-338
  145. [+]
    Wartime Letters (Review)
    Stalin's Correspondence with Churchill, Attlee, Roosevelt and Truman, 1941-45, by Josep...
    1. Stalin's Correspondence with Churchill, Attlee, Roosevelt and Truman, 1941-45 by Joseph Stalin
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, Summer 1958, p. 32
  146. The Way Onward from Margate
    The Labour Monthly, November 1953, pp. 499-502
  147. West German Scandal Trial
    How Nazi influences try to ban the Union of Victims of Nazi Persecution
    The Labour Monthly, January 1963, pp. 27-32
  148. Book Reviews
    West German Trial (Review)
    The Karlsruhe Trial, by C.P. Dutt
    1. The Karlsruhe Trial by C.P. Dutt
    The Labour Monthly, June 1956, p. 284
  149. What of Our Independence?
    The Labour Monthly, December 1952, pp. 541-545
  150. What's This About Berlin?
    The Labour Monthly, July 1960, pp. 305-310
  151. What's This About Korea?
    The Labour Monthly, June 1960, p. 263
  152. Where Are We Now?
    The Labour Monthly, June 1940, pp. 335-342
  153. A Word from the Chairman of the S.C.R.
    The Anglo-Soviet Journal, January 1940, pp. 5-6
  154. The World of Mr. Attleee
    The Labour Monthly, June 1954, pp. 274-280
  155. 1917-1937: Anniversary Greetings
    The Labour Monthly, November 1937, p. 674
  156. No Items Found