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A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Llewelyn Powys Archives
Llewelyn Powys •ï¿½61 Items / 24 Articles, 16 Books, 20 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Action and Art (Review)
    The Dance Over Fire and Water, by Elie Faure
    1. The Dance Over Fire and Water by Elie Faure
    The Nation, June 30, 1926, p. 728
  2. Reviews of Books
    Aldous Huxley (Review)
    Proper Studies, by Aldous Huxley
    1. Proper Studies by Aldous Huxley
    The New Republic, March 14, 1928, p. 127
  3. An Ancient French House
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 1928, pp. 768-772
  4. Anthony a Wood
    The Saturday Review, April 7, 1928, pp. 733-734
  5. Apples Be Ripe (1930)
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  6. Black Laughter (1924)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  7. [+]
    Bruegel of the Peasants (Review)
    Pieter Bruegel the Elder, by Virgil Barker
    1. Pieter Bruegel the Elder by Virgil Barker
    The Nation, April 20, 1927, pp. 444-445
  8. Bunyan, The Bible and Bedfordshire
    The North American Review, February 1923, pp. 232-238
  9. The Confessions of Two Brothers (1916)
    1 Review
  10. [+]
    The Conqueror of Chile (Review)
    Pedro de Valdivia, Conqueror of Chile, by R.B. Cunninghame Graham
    1. Pedro de Valdivia, Conqueror of Chile by R.B. Cunninghame Graham
    The New Republic, May 16, 1928, p. 402
  11. The Contributors' Club
    A Pond
    The Atlantic Monthly, March 1932, pp. 391-398
  12. The Cradle of God (1929)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  13. [+]
    Dated (Review)
    The Twilight of the Gods, and Other Tales, by Richard Garnett
    1. The Twilight of the Gods, and Other Tales by Richard Garnett
    The Nation, June 9, 1926, p. 648
  14. A Day on Dartmoor
    The Atlantic Monthly, October 1933, pp. 434-438
  15. [+]
    A Devonshire Gentleman (Review)
    Early Reminiscences, 1834-1864, by S. Baring-Gould
    1. Early Reminiscences, 1834-1864 by S. Baring-Gould
    The North American Review, Summer 1925, pp. 733-737
  16. [+]
    The Dragons (2 Reviews)
    Dragons and Dragon Lore, by Ernest Ingersoll
    1. Dragons and Dragon Lore by Ernest Ingersoll
    2. Dragon Lizards of Komodo by W. Douglas Burden
    The New Republic, July 4, 1928, p. 179
  17. Earth Memories (1938)
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  18. Ebony and Ivory (1923)
    7 Reviews, 6 Readable
  19. [+]
    Fiction, Not Literature (Review)
    Your Cuckoo Sings by Kind, by Valentine Dobree
    1. Your Cuckoo Sings by Kind by Valentine Dobree
    The Nation, August 3, 1927, p. 115
  20. [+]
    The Finest Ram, Sir (Review)
    Latest Contemporary Portraits, by Frank Harris
    1. Latest Contemporary Portraits by Frank Harris
    The New Republic, February 1, 1928, p. 302
  21. Books
    A Firewide Puss (Review)
    Under Dispute, by Agnes Repplier
    1. Under Dispute by Agnes Repplier
    The Nation, July 16, 1924, p. 76
  22. [+]
    French Commonplace (Review)
    The Thibaults, by Roger Martin Du Gard
    1. The Thibaults by Roger Martin Du Gard
    The Nation, February 16, 1927, p. 183
  23. [+]
    A French Masterpiece (Review)
    Lucienne, by Jules Romains
    1. Lucienne by Jules Romains
    The Saturday Review, May 2, 1925, p. 723
  24. Henry Hudson (1928)
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  25. An Hour on Christianity (1930)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  26. Impassioned Clay (1931)
    1 Review
  27. [+]
    Imperial Plantations (Review)
    Kenya, by Norman Maclean Leys
    1. Kenya by Norman Maclean Leys
    The New Republic, January 21, 1925, p. 237
  28. Isaak Walton
    The Forum, December 1922, pp. 1052-1057
  29. John Locke
    The Saturday Review, June 19, 1937, pp. 3-4
  30. Laurence Sterne
    The Bookman, September 1923, pp. 10-15
  31. [+]
    Leonid Andreyev (Review)
    Leonid Andreyev: A Critical Study, by Alexander Kaun
    1. Leonid Andreyev: A Critical Study by Alexander Kaun
    The New Republic, September 24, 1924, p. 102
  32. A Leopard by Lake Elmenteita
    The North American Review, June 1922, pp. 813-816
  33. [+]
    The Library (Review)
    The Wordsworths
    1. The Early Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth by Ernest de Selincourt, William Wordsworth, and Dorothy Wordsworth, ...
    The American Mercury, April 1936, pp. 502-504
  34. [+]
    The Library (Review)
    The Morality of a Novelist
    1. George Eliot by Blanche Colton Williams
    The American Mercury, September 1936, pp. 118-119
  35. The Life and Times of Anthony a Wood (1932)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  36. Love and Death (1939)
    3 Reviews
  37. Love in Africa
    The Century Magazine, May 1924, pp. 124-126
  38. Lucretius the Epicurean
    The Bookman (U.K.), November 1932, pp. 114-116
  39. Morality
    The American Spectator (Dreiser), August 1933, p. 4
  40. Niccolo Machiavelli
    The Saturday Review, December 24, 1932, p. 337
  41. Now that the Gods Are Dead (1932)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  42. An Old English House
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1935, pp. 496-500
  43. On the Other Side of the Quantocks
    The Atlantic Monthly, January 1933, pp. 84-88
  44. Out of the Past
    The Atlantic Monthly, March 1928, pp. 354-357
  45. A Pagan's Pilgrimage (1931)
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  46. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    The Century Magazine, July 1922, pp. 459-462
  47. The Quincuncial Doctor
    The Saturday Review, June 4, 1932, p. 765
  48. Reformation
    The American Spectator (Dreiser), August 1934, p. 13
  49. Robert Herrick: Minister of Grave
    The Saturday Review, February 8, 1936, pp. 3-4
  50. [+]
    Scenes of the Past (2 Reviews)
    Shadows on the Palatine, by Wilfranc Hubbard
    1. Shadows on the Palatine by Wilfranc Hubbard
    2. Orvieto Dust by Wilfranc Hubbard
    The Saturday Review, March 20, 1926, p. 648
  51. [+]
    A Scholar and a Gentleman (Review)
    Memories and Notes of Persons and Places, 1852-1912, by Sidney Colvin
    1. Memories and Notes of Persons and Places, 1852-1912 by Sidney Colvin
    The Nation, March 29, 1922, pp. 373-374
  52. Skin for Skin (1925)
    5 Reviews, 4 Readable
  53. [+]
    The Style of Howells (Review)
    William Dean Howells: A Study, by Oscar W. Firkins
    1. William Dean Howells: A Study by Oscar W. Firkins
    The Nation, June 17, 1925, p. 694
  54. [+]
    "These Devilish Kings" (Review)
    Christian IV: King of Denmark and Norway, by John A. Gade
    1. Christian IV: King of Denmark and Norway by John A. Gade
    The New Republic, March 28, 1928, p. 198
  55. Thirteen Worthies (1922)
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  56. Thoreau: A Disparagement
    The Bookman, April 1929, pp. 163-165
  57. The Trapper
    A story
    The Century Magazine, August 1925, pp. 415-419
  58. The Verdict of Bridlegoose (1926)
    4 Reviews, 3 Readable
  59. Visions and Revisions
    The American Spectator (Dreiser), March 1933, p. 4
  60. What I Believe
    The Forum, August 1939, pp. 86-88
  61. No Items Found