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Isabel Paterson Archives
Isabel Paterson •ï¿½28 Items / 9 Books, 10 Articles, 9 Reviews
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  1. The Absentee Novelists of Canada
    The Bookman, April 1922, pp. 133-138
  2. The Fourth Queen (1926)
    6 Reviews, 4 Readable
  3. Gertrude Atherton: A Personality
    The Bookman, February 1924, pp. 632-636
  4. The God of the Machine (1943)
    (Library of Conservative Thought)
    7 Reviews, 4 Readable
  5. The Golden Vanity (1934)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  6. Humanitarian With Guillotine
    The Freeman, September 1955, pp. 3-16
  7. If It Prove Fair Weather (1940)
    5 Reviews, 3 Readable
  8. [+]
    "If It Prove Fair Weather" (Review)
    As the Author Sees It
    1. If It Prove Fair Weather by Isabel Paterson
    The Saturday Review, September 7, 1940, p. 10
  9. Learning to Read: Child's Play
    National Review, November 30, 1957, pp. 489-491
  10. The Magpie's Nest (1917)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  11. Books in Review
    A Man of Destiny (Review)
    The Road to "Human Destiny", by Mary B.H. Lecomte du Nouy
    1. The Road to "Human Destiny" by Mary B.H. Lecomte du Nouy
    National Review, January 4, 1956, pp. 26-27
  12. [+]
    The Man with One Idea (Review)
    The Tragedy of Henry Ford, by Jonathan Norton Leonard
    1. The Tragedy of Henry Ford by Jonathan Norton Leonard
    The Nation, April 13, 1932, pp. 435-436
  13. Murphy
    The American Mercury, July 1928, pp. 347-354
  14. Never Ask the End (1932)
    5 Reviews, 3 Readable
  15. The New Season in Fiction
    The Bookman, April 1927, pp. 156-161
  16. The Oracles Are Dumb
    National Review, May 23, 1956, pp. 10-12
  17. Reading with Tears
    The Bookman, October 1926, pp. 192-196
  18. The Road of the Gods (1930)
    5 Reviews, 4 Readable
  19. The Shadow Riders (1916)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  20. [+]
    A Shelf of New Books (5 Reviews)
    Many Mysteries
    1. The Plumed Serpent by D.H. Lawrence
    2. The Oldest God by Stephen McKenna
    3. Fernande by W.B. Maxwell
    4. The Dark Tower by Francis Brett Young
    5. The Canning Wonder by Arthur Machen
    The Bookman, March 1926, pp. 99-100
  21. [+]
    A Shelf of Recent Books (7 Reviews)
    Drawing from Fiction
    1. A Passage to India by E.M. Forster
    2. The Little French Girl by Anne Douglas Sedgwick
    3. Nina by Susan Ertz
    4. Entranced by Grace Flandrau
    5. Julie Cane by Harvey O'Higgins
    6. A Handmaid of the Lord by Margaret Culkin Banning
    7. The Triumph of Gallio by W.L. George
    The Bookman, December 1924, pp. 494-497
  22. [+]
    A Shelf of Recent Books (7 Reviews)
    Deuces Wild in the Spring Fiction
    1. Orphan Island by Rose Macaulay
    2. Those Barren Leaves by Aldous Huxley
    3. The Matriarch by G.B. Stern
    4. Ducdame by John Cowper Powys
    5. The Peasants by Ladislas Stanisaw Reymont
    6. Father Abraham by Irving Bacheller
    7. The Reckless Lady by Philip Gibbs
    The Bookman, March 1925, pp. 84-86
  23. [+]
    A Shelf of Recent Books (6 Reviews)
    A Little of Everything
    1. The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham
    2. The Grand Inquisitor by Donald Douglas
    3. God of Might by Elias Tobenkin
    4. Trimblerigg by Laurence Housman
    5. The Keys of the City by Elmer H. Davis
    6. The Black Cargo by John P. Marquand
    The Bookman, May 1925, pp. 346-347
  24. [+]
    A Shelf of Recent Books (6 Reviews)
    Men, Women and Manikins
    1. The Crystal Cup by Gertrude Atherton
    2. Lewis and Irene by Paul Morand
    3. Firecrackers by Carl Van Vechten
    4. Old Youth by Coningsby Dawson
    5. The Kenworthys by Margaret Wilson
    6. Benoni by Knut Hamsun
    The Bookman, September 1925, pp. 82-85
  25. The Singing Season (1924)
    A Romance of Old Spain
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  26. Articles/Departments
    The Southern Breakthrough
    National Review, December 21, 1955, pp. 9-11
  27. [+]
    The Wages of Virtue (Review)
    A Good Woman, by Louis Bromfield
    1. A Good Woman by Louis Bromfield
    The Bookman, September 1927, p. 106
  28. Whose Agent Is He?
    The Nation, February 11, 1931, p. 153
  29. No Items Found