The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Richard L. Neuberger Archives
Richard L. Neuberger •ï¿½186 Items / 6 Books, 152 Articles, 28 Reviews
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  1. Adventures in Politics (1954)
    We Go to the Legislature
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  2. Ah, Wilderness---New Style
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1948, pp. 79-81
  3. Alaska Arms Again
    The Nation, July 26, 1947, pp. 91-92
  4. Alcan Epic
    Yank Magazine, February 10, 1943, pp. 20-22
  5. Articles
    The Aluminum Squeeze
    The Nation, October 27, 1951, pp. 342-343
  6. Another G.O.P. Grab
    After Oil, the Land
    The Nation, August 29, 1953, pp. 172-173
  7. Are You Fit for Political Office?
    Collier's Weekly, November 13, 1953, pp. 36-39
  8. An Army of the Aged (1936)
    A History and Analysis of the Townsend Old Age Pension Plan
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  9. [+]
    An Attempt to Right An Old Wrong (Review)
    Alaska: Promyshlennik and Sourdough, by Stuart Ramsay Tompkins
    1. Alaska: Promyshlennik and Sourdough by Stuart Ramsay Tompkins
    The Saturday Review, December 29, 1945, p. 8
  10. Bad-Man Bridges
    The Forum, April 1939, pp. 195-199
  11. Ballot Poison for Labor
    The Nation, October 29, 1938, pp. 444-445
  12. [+]
    Baron Munchausen's Dam (Review)
    Hail Columbia, by George Sundborg
    1. Hail Columbia by George Sundborg
    The Nation, July 3, 1954, p. 16
  13. The Battle of Chilkoot Pass
    Forty veterans light monopolies and Alaskan weather
    The Reporter, November 22, 1949, pp. 24-26
  14. Beating the Arctic Bush
    If you want to travel inside Alaska, you go by air taxi---or else
    Collier's Weekly, April 17, 1948, pp. 56-73
  15. Big Dam in a Big Pit
    The Nation, March 24, 1951, pp. 272-273
  16. Bonneville
    The New Republic, May 25, 1938, p. 72
  17. Bonneville: The First Ten Years
    The Nation, May 8, 1948, pp. 502-504
  18. [+]
    By Guess and by Gosh (Review)
    The Water and the Power, by Albert N. Williams
    1. The Water and the Power by Albert N. Williams
    The Nation, April 14, 1951, p. 350
  19. The C.I.O. Convention
    The Nation, December 4, 1948, pp. 622-623
  20. C.I.O.: Far Western Front
    The Nation, June 26, 1937, p. 725
  21. At Home & Abroad
    Canada's Social-Security System for Children
    The Reporter, April 27, 1954, pp. 23-24
  22. The Class of '46
    Washington---Jackson vs. Cain
    The Nation, October 11, 1952, p. 324
  23. Climb, Fish, Climb!
    Taking salmon for a buggy ride
    Collier's Weekly, November 6, 1937, pp. 27-58
  24. Colossus in the West
    The New Republic, January 18, 1939, pp. 310-311
  25. Cowboy on Our Side
    The Nation, August 24, 1946, pp. 209-210
  26. Cross-Country
    The New Republic, July 22, 1946, pp. 76-77
  27. Curtain Raiser for '48
    The Nation, June 7, 1947, p. 682
  28. Daring Young Man from the West
    The Nation, January 29, 1949, pp. 129-130
  29. The Decay of State Governments
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1953, pp. 34-41
  30. Discovered: The Northwest Passage
    Coronet Magazine, February 1945, pp. 23-30
  31. Does Familiarity Breed Wisdom?
    The New Republic, February 7, 1955, p. 5
  32. [+]
    En Route to American Statehood (Review)
    Opportunity in Alaska, by George Sundborg
    1. Opportunity in Alaska by George Sundborg
    The Saturday Review, November 3, 1945, p. 43
  33. [+]
    Eskimos Are All Right (Review)
    Where the High Winds Blow, by Bruce D. Campbell
    1. Where the High Winds Blow by Bruce D. Campbell
    The Saturday Review, June 22, 1946, p. 16
  34. Farmers in the Saddle
    The New Republic, October 2, 1950, pp. 13-14
  35. Fight for Freedom in the Arctic
    The Nation, September 13, 1947, pp. 254-255
  36. The Future Senator from Alaska
    The Reporter, August 19, 1952, pp. 31-32
  37. Gander Man
    How a gentle Seattle tailor won the affection of the wild Canada geese
    Collier's Weekly, June 23, 1945, pp. 24-25
  38. Gentleman from Alaska
    Delegate Tony Dimond, the man of foresight
    Collier's Weekly, September 5, 1942, pp. 60-63
  39. Germany Under the Choke-Bit
    The New Republic, November 15, 1933, pp. 13-14
  40. Girls in the Attic
    Young women with a yen for adventure enjoy Alaskan life
    Collier's Weekly, April 15, 1944, pp. 22-23
  41. Glen Taylor Rides Again
    The Nation, May 20, 1950, pp. 469-470
  42. Glen Taylor: Crooner on the Left
    The American Mercury, September 1948, pp. 263-271
  43. [+]
    "A Globe in Practice" (Review)
    Compass of the World, by Hans W. Weigert and Vilhjalmur Stefansson
    1. Compass of the World by Hans W. Weigert and Vilhjalmur Stefansson
    The Saturday Review, September 23, 1944, pp. 22-24
  44. Go North, Young Man!
    War veterans will find in Alaska a land of opportunity, says Governor Ernest Gruening
    Collier's Weekly, December 23, 1944, pp. 11-12
  45. Go, Thou, And Do Differently
    The New Republic, March 28, 1955, p. 8
  46. [+]
    Gold Was Mike's Business (Review)
    Klondike Mike, by Merrill Denison
    1. Klondike Mike by Merrill Denison
    The Saturday Review, May 29, 1943, pp. 22-23
  47. Goon Squads---Halt!
    Oregon's governor calls out the epithets
    Collier's Weekly, April 2, 1938, pp. 24-26
  48. The Great Canol Fiasco
    The American Mercury, April 1948, pp. 415-421
  49. Great Salmon Experiment
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1945, pp. 229-236
  50. Gridiron G-Man
    Detective on the scent of the gravy train
    Collier's Weekly, November 19, 1938, pp. 74-81
  51. Hail Fellow Well Met
    The Nation, March 12, 1949, pp. 303-304
  52. Hell's Canyon, The Biggest of All
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1939, pp. 531-535
  53. High Spots in the Campaign
    The Northwest Goes Leftish
    The New Republic, November 7, 1934, p. 357
  54. The High Trail to Reform
    The New Republic, March 21, 1960, p. 8
  55. Highballing with Kilowatts
    The Nation, February 8, 1947, pp. 154-156
  56. Hooverism in the Funnies
    The New Republic, July 11, 1934, p. 234
  57. The House---A Second Senate?
    The New Republic, July 27, 1953, p. 13
  58. I Run for Office
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1947, pp. 153-159
  59. [+]
    Igloo Lessons (Review)
    Arctic Mood, by Eva Alvey Richards
    1. Arctic Mood by Eva Alvey Richards
    The Saturday Review, June 18, 1949, p. 27
  60. II. Season for Plunder
    The New Republic, March 30, 1953, pp. 10-11
  61. [+]
    The Incomparable Expedition (Review)
    Tale of Valor, by Vardis Fisher
    1. Tale of Valor by Vardis Fisher
    The Saturday Review, June 28, 1958, p. 17
  62. Integrity: The Life of George W. Norris (1937)
    6 Reviews, 3 Readable
  63. Isn't There a Better Way to Elect a President?
    The Saturday Review, October 27, 1956, pp. 11-13
  64. [+]
    It Was Easy (Review)
    Joe Meek, the Merry Mountain Man, by Stanley Vestal
    1. Joe Meek, the Merry Mountain Man by Stanley Vestal
    The Saturday Review, July 12, 1952, p. 21
  65. Just Call Me Babe
    Coach Hollingbery, the one-man show
    Collier's Weekly, November 20, 1937, p. 19
  66. Kilowatt Battlefront
    The Nation, September 6, 1941, pp. 199-200
  67. Kitimat: Colossus of the Northwest
    The Harpers Monthly, January 1953, pp. 56-64
  68. Labor and Industry
    "Just Paddle 'Em Down the Road"
    The Nation, August 7, 1935, p. 162
  69. The Lady Who Licked Crime in Portland
    Coronet Magazine, June 1952, pp. 51-54
  70. Articles
    Let's Build a "Crash Program" To Beat Cancer!
    Coronet Magazine, January 1960, pp. 33-39
  71. Let's Limit All Terms in Office!
    The New Republic, June 23, 1952, p. 10
  72. Letters and Life
    America: Where Stands She Now?
    The Survey, June 1, 1951, pp. 293-295
  73. The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1951)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  74. Lewis and the Third Term
    The Nation, November 25, 1939, pp. 571-572
  75. [+]
    Life in the Aleutians (Review)
    Prekaska's Wife, by Helen Wheaton
    1. Prekaska's Wife by Helen Wheaton
    The Saturday Review, July 14, 1945, p. 26
  76. [+]
    The Limits of the West (Review)
    The Journals of Lewis and Clark, by Bernard DeVoto, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark...
    1. The Journals of Lewis and Clark by Bernard DeVoto, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark, ...
    The Saturday Review, February 27, 1954, p. 16
  77. Looting the National Forests
    The Nation, April 26, 1947, pp. 471-472
  78. Making a Scapegoat of Lyndon Johnson
    The New Republic, July 4, 1955, pp. 9-10
  79. Marginal Notes at San Francisco
    The Saturday Review, May 26, 1945, pp. 5-6
  80. [+]
    Men of the Northwest (Review)
    And There Were Men, by Russell Blankenship
    1. And There Were Men by Russell Blankenship
    The Saturday Review, September 5, 1942, p. 9
  81. Miracle in Concrete
    The Nation, June 1, 1940, pp. 675-677
  82. Monopoly at Alaska's Throat
    The Nation, March 13, 1948, pp. 300-301
  83. Morse Versus Morse
    The Nation, January 14, 1950, pp. 29-30
  84. [+]
    The Mount They Love (Review)
    Pilchuck: The Life of a Mountain, by Harry W. Higman and Earl J. Larrison
    1. Pilchuck: The Life of a Mountain by Harry W. Higman and Earl J. Larrison
    The Saturday Review, June 18, 1949, p. 28
  85. Mountain Air for the Navy
    A navy training station in the Idaho wilderness
    Collier's Weekly, December 19, 1942, pp. 60-70
  86. Mr. Justice Douglas
    The Harpers Monthly, August 1942, pp. 312-321
  87. Mr. Mac Shocks 'Em
    Collier's Weekly, May 20, 1950, pp. 48-85
  88. My Current Reading
    The Saturday Review, October 9, 1948, p. 23
  89. My Wife Put Me in the Senate
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1955, pp. 40-45
  90. My Wife Succeeds at Politics, Too
    Coronet Magazine, November 1952, pp. 36-38
  91. The New Germany
    The Nation, October 4, 1933, pp. 376-378
  92. The New Oregon Trail
    Pioneers from the Dust Bowl
    Collier's Weekly, March 27, 1937, pp. 14-15
  93. New War Horses
    Dobbin comes back into his own---with military fanfare
    Collier's Weekly, May 16, 1942, pp. 18-19
  94. The Night the Senate Didn't "Surrender"
    The Saturday Review, September 6, 1958, p. 16
  95. Nobody Hates the Umpire---Yet
    Even though Lew Schwellenbach is arbiter of the toughest management-labor brawl in the ...
    Collier's Weekly, November 3, 1945, p. 11
  96. The Northwest---Tailored to All Tastes
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1954, pp. 85-89
  97. Now! Now! Now!
    Crews at Poughkeepsie
    Collier's Weekly, June 26, 1937, p. 21
  98. "Old Men for Council, Young Men for War"
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1952, p. 93
  99. The Old People's Crusade
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1936, pp. 426-438
  100. One of Our Cities Is Missing
    The Nation, June 12, 1948, p. 652
  101. Oregon Goes to the Dogs
    The Nation, September 8, 1951, pp. 189-190
  102. Oregon Strikes Back
    Unions in shackles
    Collier's Weekly, January 28, 1939, pp. 12-13
  103. Our Gerrymandered States
    The Nation, February 1, 1941, p. 127
  104. Our Promised Land (1938)
    7 Reviews, 4 Readable
  105. Outdoor Advertising: A Debate
    What Is America For?
    The Saturday Review, November 9, 1957, p. 10
  106. Outlook for November
    III. Stand-off in the Northwest
    The Nation, October 14, 1950, pp. 334-335
  107. [+]
    Pacific Northwest (Review)
    Farthest Reach, by Nancy Wilson Ross
    1. Farthest Reach by Nancy Wilson Ross
    The Saturday Review, November 1, 1941, p. 20
  108. The Pacific Northwest
    The Nation, November 2, 1946, pp. 496-497
  109. 'Partnership' vs. the Public Interest
    The Reporter, February 24, 1955, pp. 27-30
  110. Plutonium and Problems
    The Nation, July 30, 1949, pp. 104-105
  111. Political Notes from the Northwest
    The Nation, May 13, 1936, pp. 610-611
  112. Political Void in Oregon
    The Nation, November 15, 1947, p. 520
  113. A Politician Unafraid
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1936, pp. 540-550
  114. Politics and Fish
    The Nation, August 30, 1947, p. 199
  115. Power Dams and Politics
    The Nation, March 18, 1939, pp. 317-318
  116. Power Play
    More power in the Northwest; more power to whom?
    Collier's Weekly, October 22, 1938, pp. 12-13
  117. Power Struggle on the Canadian Border
    The Harpers Monthly, December 1957, pp. 42-49
  118. The President Comes to Our Town
    The New Republic, August 22, 1934, p. 44
  119. The Professional Touch
    The New Republic, May 9, 1955, p. 12
  120. Purity League
    The West Coast cleans up its football
    Collier's Weekly, November 9, 1940, p. 18
  121. Putt and Take
    Bud Ward, Amateur champ
    Collier's Weekly, March 23, 1940, pp. 75-85
  122. Reading in the Backwoods
    The Saturday Review, March 8, 1947, pp. 10-11
  123. Resources
    Funds For Fish Ladders
    The New Republic, January 17, 1955, pp. 14-15
  124. Reveille in the Northwest
    The Nation, December 20, 1941, pp. 637-639
  125. [+]
    Rocky Mountain Boy (Review)
    A Solo in Tom-Toms, by Gene Fowler
    1. A Solo in Tom-Toms by Gene Fowler
    The Saturday Review, April 27, 1946, p. 10
  126. The Royal Canadian Mounties
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1946, pp. 90-96
  127. Save the Public Domain!
    The Nation, December 20, 1947, pp. 673-674
  128. [+]
    Seal Saga (Review)
    The Hunting of the Silver Fleece, by Fredericka I. Martin
    1. The Hunting of the Silver Fleece by Fredericka I. Martin
    The Saturday Review, February 15, 1947, p. 31
  129. Secretary McKay Looks In the Wrong Dam Places
    The Reporter, October 13, 1953, pp. 21-22
  130. Seeing the Northwest
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1942, pp. 533-544
  131. Senate Struggle in the West
    The New Republic, August 11, 1952, pp. 12-13
  132. [+]
    A Senator Surveys the Land of the Braves (Review)
    Indians and Other Americans, by Harold E. Fey and D'Arcy McNickle
    1. Indians and Other Americans by Harold E. Fey and D'Arcy McNickle
    The Saturday Review, May 9, 1959, pp. 14-15
  133. Should a Public Man Write?
    The Saturday Review, April 9, 1960, pp. 24-25
  134. Should Government Own Our Utilities? A Debate
    I---Power Belongs to the People
    The Forum, December 1939, pp. 268-269
  135. Slow-Bell Campaign in the Northwest
    The Nation, October 16, 1948, pp. 421-423
  136. The "Solid West"
    The Nation, October 8, 1949, p. 346
  137. Some Like Roosevelt
    The Nation, July 2, 1938, p. 7
  138. Sons of the Wild Jackass---1946
    The Nation, March 16, 1946, pp. 309-310
  139. Sprague---Conscience of Oregon
    The Nation, January 26, 1952, pp. 82-84
  140. [+]
    A Squire from the West (Review)
    Adlai Stevenson of Illinois, by Noel F. Busch
    1. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois by Noel F. Busch
    The Saturday Review, July 19, 1952, p. 11
  141. Stassen vs. Dewey---2d Round
    The Nation, May 22, 1948, pp. 567-568
  142. [+]
    Storied Frontier (Review)
    Land of Promise, by Walter Havighurst
    1. Land of Promise by Walter Havighurst
    The Saturday Review, February 8, 1947, p. 13
  143. [+]
    The Story of "Spring" (Review)
    Return to the River, by Roderick L. Haig-Brown
    1. Return to the River by Roderick L. Haig-Brown
    The Saturday Review, November 29, 1941, p. 19
  144. Strictly Personal
    The Saturday Review, May 25, 1946, pp. 16-17
  145. [+]
    Surviving Frontier (2 Reviews)
    Westward How! Through the Scenic West, by Fred Bond
    1. Westward How! Through the Scenic West by Fred Bond
    2. Pacific Crest Trails: From Alaska to Cape Horn by Joseph T. Hazard
    The Saturday Review, October 4, 1947, pp. 35-37
  146. The Telegraph Trail
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1946, pp. 363-369
  147. [+]
    Testament of a Plain Man (Review)
    Fighting Liberal, by George W. Norris
    1. Fighting Liberal by George W. Norris
    The Saturday Review, May 19, 1945, p. 11
  148. Their Brothers' Keepers
    The Saturday Review, August 10, 1946, pp. 5-6
  149. They Love Roosevelt
    The Forum, January 1939, pp. 11-15
  150. They Never Go Back to Pocatello (1988)
  151. Articles
    Third House of Congress
    Coronet Magazine, August 1956, pp. 27-32
  152. The Townsend Plan Exposed
    The Nation, October 30, 1935, pp. 505-506
  153. Townsend Racket: New Phase
    The Nation, September 17, 1938, p. 259
  154. Tribal Town
    The Nation, July 19, 1947, p. 66
  155. Tribulations of a State Legislator
    The daily life of an Oregon state senator
    The Reporter, January 31, 1950, pp. 31-32
  156. Two-Fisted Champions
    Why aggressive basketball wins
    Collier's Weekly, February 24, 1940, pp. 58-69
  157. Unfinished Business Outdoors
    The New Republic, March 9, 1959, pp. 15-16
  158. [+]
    Unfruitful Acres (Review)
    Why Not Survive?, by Michael W. Straus
    1. Why Not Survive? by Michael W. Straus
    The Saturday Review, March 5, 1955, p. 16
  159. Unhappy Fishing Ground
    Lo, the poor starving Indians
    Collier's Weekly, October 21, 1939, p. 19
  160. [+]
    Upper Left-Hand Corner of the Nation (2 Reviews)
    The Great Northwest, by Oscar Osburn Winther
    1. The Great Northwest by Oscar Osburn Winther
    2. Stern-Wheelers Up Columbia by Randall Vause Mills
    The Saturday Review, May 15, 1948, p. 31
  161. War and Publish Power
    The Nation, May 23, 1942, p. 600
  162. Washington's "Dry Run" Primary
    The Nation, April 8, 1950, pp. 321-322
  163. Water Gals
    These kids will swim anybody under
    Collier's Weekly, December 20, 1941, p. 21
  164. Wayne Morse
    Republican Gadfly
    The American Mercury, July 1947, pp. 16-24
  165. The Week
    When Rule XXII Swallowed Itelf
    The New Republic, January 14, 1957, p. 5
  166. The West---Eyes on Korea
    The New Republic, November 17, 1952, p. 7
  167. Westerner Against the West
    The New Republic, December 7, 1953, pp. 11-12
  168. What Do the People Think of Truman?
    The Nation, January 19, 1946, pp. 63-64
  169. What Labor Unions Forget
    The Nation, December 23, 1950, pp. 674-675
  170. What the Home Folks Say About Events Abroad
    The Harpers Monthly, September 1939, pp. 407-412
  171. Wheeler Faces the Music
    The Nation, August 28, 1937, pp. 217-218
  172. Wheeler of Montana
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1940, pp. 609-618
  173. When I Learned I Had Cancer
    The Harpers Monthly, June 1959, pp. 42-45
  174. Articles
    When MacArthur Remained Silent
    The Nation, November 24, 1951, p. 436
  175. Where McNary Heads the Ticket
    The Nation, September 28, 1940, pp. 268-269
  176. [+]
    Whirlpools & Gold (Review)
    The Fraser, by Bruce Hutchison
    1. The Fraser by Bruce Hutchison
    The Saturday Review, March 3, 1951, p. 20
  177. Who Shall Pay for Our Roads?
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1952, pp. 86-90
  178. Who Wrecked Bonneville?
    The Nation, September 27, 1947, pp. 303-304
  179. Why People Are Moving to Town
    The Survey, March 1, 1951, pp. 119-122
  180. [+]
    Wild & Wandering (Review)
    John Colter, by Burton Harris
    1. John Colter by Burton Harris
    The Saturday Review, September 13, 1952, p. 27
  181. Wilderness Battleground
    The New Republic, June 23, 1941, pp. 855-856
  182. Willkie Sets in the West
    The Nation, October 26, 1940, pp. 384-385
  183. [+]
    Wiring the Farms (Review)
    The Farmer Takes a Hand, by Marquis W. Childs
    1. The Farmer Takes a Hand by Marquis W. Childs
    The Nation, June 14, 1952, p. 586
  184. The Woodmen and the Trees
    The Nation, October 5, 1946, pp. 378-379
  185. Zioncheck: An American Tragedy
    The Nation, August 22, 1936, pp. 207-208
  186. No Items Found